

Saucers from walnut, domestic

2009-06-30 17:34:40 | Weblog
Conchita, as I said in the Spanish como se dice I went along
to a new shop with whom I can deal with my products.
I left some of my sample products there.

I will be helping her with the interior design for
free of charge. She is muy simpatica!

Anyway, most, or almost all of this afternoon was spent on
turning two saucers from domestic walnut. I was anxious that
I complete this work soonest. Other things are in the pipeline

and I cannot afford to waste my time, before setting out
for my house building work.

Today's first photo here is the starter. It is domestic.
Thickness is at 37mm, an industry standard, but I could do with
somewhat thicker materials, but they are hard to come by...

Now, above, the thing is set on the the lathe before turning.
See that it is far from a true circular? I used to use
my bandsaw to make these as circular as possible.

However, these days, I no longer bother. I just make these
true circular starting from this stage.

After a few minutes, I have a true circular, as you see above.

After how long? 10 minutes? I have above.

Now, this is the back of the piece, having been secured to the
lathe with a simple metal piece called "face plate". It is
screwed to the work. The side of the work is already done.

Above is showing you a typical grabber. This one, I mail-
ordered from US, and in fact it alone is more expensive than my
Taiwan made lathe system itself!

Now, having done the concave surface you need to work on the bottom side
of the saucer. This is another grabber I mail-ordered from US.

The earlier grabber is called Talon, and is mighty powerful
in gabbing things. However, this one is only for light work.
Because, grabbing is by these 8 dark plastic discs.

One slight problem with this grabber is that its mas is
large, and once rotating it acquires a staggering amount
of angular momentum. That is to say it does not want to
come to a halt in a short period of time.

This is a pain in the neck, but something I have to live with...

These are the final products. Each selling for something like
JPY 2500, or 3000. Mind you, these will also be coated
10 times!

Coating continued, but there are no photos. Tommorrow will
be spent on a one piece milk pitcher. I am actually
excited about it. I have never done it before, excpet

a larger mug which I presented to somebody I know.

I know that I will have to use all of my skills
and instruments and machines, and tools and bits!

パエ-リャ 284

2009-06-30 17:34:19 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Bien?
Creo que si!

Hoy en dia, hice un trato con otra tienda para
mis productos. Es solo una peque-nya tienda,
especializada en productos ecologicos.

Sin embargo, el titular es una mujer de mi edad
y ella parecia estar haciendo un buen negocio.
Tengo una sensacion de que mis productos podria

vender bien en su tienda. OK, vamos?

Como hago para que mi gato vuelva a tener apetito?

Contestame rapido por que se me muere mi gato!

los machos y las hembras

de forma aleatoria

fuera de tempporada estival

dounokouno, siendo estos factores favorables para NANINANI

a partir de la plena madurez sexual

Conchi, desde aqui nosotros vamos ingles!

That is the shape of things to come!

down came the rain

I stand to be challenged!

She challenged me to go on!

She grabbed the papers from my hand!

Hold the cat on its back!


It set me to thinking, and was still bothering me a lot
after breakfast!

Conchita, enough for now? Creo que si and take care!
Vaya con Dios!