

Bringing 2X4s to the roof height

2009-06-18 22:36:12 | Weblog
Coating continued today. No photo here. Just suffice to
say that it took all morning.

Then, I worked on roof window frames and Chinese spoons
alternately, taking into account the Joule heating of my
milling machine.

These Chinese spoons will be will be worked on some more
tommorrow re outline and then concaved. That will give me time to
groove another windwon frame.

Today, I made 4 members like this for a full window frame.

Above is my workshop here, small, very, probably the smallest workshop
in the world at 1.7m x 2.7m. The house I am working on
is at 4m x 6m and I do intend to expand it later.

Now, even with this small structure I had to do things
rather unconventionally. I did, though, start with the foundation.
With the current larger one, I had to work on the foundation

only after the skeleton had been erected. Normally, you would
expect to work on the roof next. Well, I could not do it
with this small workshop.

In order to compensate for the small area I wanted to go higher,
and that meant that my ladder was insufficient to work
on the roof top. So, I had to start with the flooring.

How ridicuouls it is, I do know...

With the larger house I have lots and lots of other problems.
I am the only carpenter, the only mason, and all other
job handlers.

What can be done in 10 minutes if I had another helper
would take me one hour easily. My immediate task would be to
bring 2x4, 2x6 materials up to the hiehgt of 4m.

Added to their sheer mass I need to think how I might
just do that. Roping comes first to my mind. Rope around them
and pull them up?

More of an acute problem is the plywoods. They are
eqaully heavy and much more difficult to handle.
How the hell am I going to lift them to that height

so that I can fix them in place. Who is going to hold
them for me while I am fixing them? The plywood for the
ceiling base will be constantly trying for fall!

Roping again?, my current gut feeling is that in
addition to roping I will have use auxilliary metal pipes
for secure holding.

All this, I will be doing in the heat of the summer!

パエ-リャ 275

2009-06-18 17:10:38 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Bien?

Aqui, el pronostico para hoy era de lluvia, pero
no a todos la lluvia! En lugar de ello, ha sido
muy calido y soleado.

Creo que estamos teniendo una temporada de lluvias
muy seco. Yo lo celebro. No quiero ser lloviado
en mi taller, ya que sera demasiado humedo.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

si bien la decision final

como ultimo recurso

en una rueda de prensa

en el campo de la fisica

el aceto Balsamico

el aceite de oliva

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles!

Pirahna?, as in fish?

Tell us which way leads out of the wood?

It is enough to drive one crazy!

The gear is a bit sticky!

the wasy things are going, dounokouno

To meet again would only cause distress!

That is OK with me!

I can hardly wait until it is my turn!

I love you just the way you are now!

Conchita, I think it is enough for today.
Take care!

Cross table failed to move!

2009-06-18 17:04:52 | Weblog
Morning went OK, as photos show, all coating, but
two different kinds simultaneously, adding to the
time it takes to complete.

I can still live with it, though.

I was shattered early in the afternoon. I just thought that
before embarking on the chinese spoons I might get a glimpse
into the roow window framing.

Since the grooving length is something like 30cm, I
loosened the table stopper and rotated the table davance
handle on and on, and it all happened suddenly!

Above schematic is showing you what happened.
The long feeder bolt slipped out of its female counterpart!
Naturally, I tried to push it back in, but no...

That was the start of my daymare. I had to phone up the
manufacturer for frequent advice. In the end I ended up
unscrewing parts of the assembly to fix it!

Above photo is showing you the aftermath. Complete
recalibration of my vice on the table. Including this and
phoning and dis-assembling work all of my afternoon today

simply dissipated! recalibration is abosolutely
neccessary for my window grooving and it is just a matter of
trial and error. It takes time!

Actually, there is noe more thing I will have to do.
Remove the vice again so that I can fiddle with the
jig for the table motion. At the moment table movement is

a little too stif. In order to reduce it I will need to
fiddle with 4 screws and nuts. The vice is in the way!

Above photo is showing you roofing by shingles. It is difficult
to see, but there are metal pieces aling the side of the slant.
Nothing at the bottom of it. So, this is a typical example

of roofing done by professionals.

I have done some research into roofing issues and above schematic
seems to be the best solution.

However, in reality, I do not seem to have seen those metal
pieces available at any of the DIY shops I have been to.

They do store simpler metal jigs as shown as A here. What do I
do with them? B is a tentative solution. I am sure that
this will do just as nicely, but, but, but...

In practice it may not matter, as my intention is to use
polyester resin rather extensively all around the places
where rain might sneak into.

My current guestimate of the costs is something like
JPY 500,000. This nicely compares with similar cases
seen on the web.