

Air circulation below the flooring

2009-06-24 17:48:20 | Weblog
It was raining very hard this morning and my coating work
was rained off. I will be working on them this evening
in preparation for tommorrow's.

The girl from K's called on me yesterday, with requests.
One of them included an ashtray! There was no agreed
price on that work, so I decided to make one from wood.

Quite why I should be asked to make an ashtray, I really
do not know. However, I do make things if I can and if they sell
at reasonable prices.

It is not yet complete. I will have to make a small brass
netting to fill in the space.

This one above is the bottom. Once coated, this will, hopefully,
be the last ashtray I have ever made! My selling price?
JPY 2000, minimum!

These above, just retrieved from the coating shed. I will be
removing polyps this evening. Those outside the chopsticks
holder are pickers.

My guess is that I should sell each for JPY 200, minimum.
After all, they will have had 10 coatings when ready
for sale. It is no mean task! 10 times on these tiny pieces!

Most of my time today was spent on these, 5 of the 8
rice spatulas. They are coating ready.

The flat spoon like object is not the profile for
eventual spoons. K's girl is asking if I can replicate this
with walnut.

This is so thin, and the idea, apparently, is to use
these spoons with the pizzas that her friend sells.
Previously, these were disposables, and now they

want reusables. Do they know how much that might cost them?
K's girl is asking also if I could make a thicker version.
All this remains to be seen. As far as I am concered

I must get a fair return on these silly looking spoons.

Anyway, today's main topic is about the airing of the
space below the floor. I do intend to have openings
for natural air circulation, 5 of them in all.

However, I suspect that they are not good enough. My
current gut-feeling is that perhaps I should remove
one of the fans installed with my mini workshop.

One of them, or for that matter, all of them are
hardly used in reality. I simply installed them
after fashion. One big one, that can be removed

and used for the new house I am building. That
is for forced circulation with a service window,
I think.

I will need a timer for this fan. I do not want it
fanning out air through the ventillation openings
all day!

Tommorrow, I think I will go out and buy the panes
for my roof windows, and see how well they fit before
fixing them with polyester resin.

I now think that I will be making two more structures
in the very near future, one as my workshop, and the
other as my coating room.

Oh yes, I will have to build a washing machine room
for my mother, too! God bless me!

パエ-リャ 279

2009-06-24 17:47:03 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hoy ha sido un dia extra-nyo. Estaba lloviendo
duro por la manya-na y por eso me abandono a mi trabajo
de revestimiento.

A continuacion, y luego se convirtio nublado y soleado
por la tarde. Manya-na se espera que este nublado,
por lo que me estoy preparando para mi trabajo de

revestimiento de esta noche. Entonces, vamos?

Son desde luego menos de 30!

se desccubiro provenian de irlanda

estaba investigando si aluguno de los productos

fue distribuiod en Reino Unido

por septimo a-nyo consecutivo

la crisis financiera

la caida mas fuerte

en busca de NANINANI

la mujer atrapada por un alude de nieve

a las 17.00 horas de ayer

Conchi, vamos ingles, no?

an angle poised light

a dash of paint

Some people managed to make ti as fars as DOKOSOKO

We think it went down rather well!

scaling and polishing of your teeth

It makes your mouth water!

Take a deep breath!

I wonder where he is off to!

Conchita, let us leave it there for today, shall we?