


2009-06-25 18:31:39 | Weblog
Conchita, I just could not do much today. There was an escorting job
in the morning and so on.

Coating continued, and chopstics will be ready for going mat,
at least by noon the day after tommorrow. That suits me,
because other things are waiting in the queue for the

drying bed. The first photo below is in relation to the
pizza house? Why pizza and why stupid spoons?

Below, at K's request I made the stem thicker. She called on
me this afternoon and she did not like it. So, back to the
drawing board!

I now really feel that I should be building up a database
for all these artefacts, with detailed comments. Otherwise,
I will not be able to reproduce any of these pieces!

I could not go and buy the panes. I might be able to that
tommorrow. There are other minor things I must do. It is all
making me busy!

Things I notice everyday is that they need to be recorded somehow
for posterity. After all, I have been doing all this logging
just exactly for that...

Am I low today? Yes, I might be... it is just that that unless
K's girl comes back with denitive answers I just cannot
proceed with the work!

Beside, my mother wants to do things and I need to check them
up on the net. I really am having a busy time!

パエ-リャ 280

2009-06-25 18:31:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hoy comenzo nublado, pero despues de unas horas
tuvimos un buen dia soleado. Me hace saber
si debo estar aqui ahora mismo.

No debo estar aqui, quiero continuar con el trabajo
de construccion! I Quisiera regresar tan pronto
como sea posible!

Bueno, entonces vamos?

el numero ha ido aumentando a lo largo del dia

dos perros de busqueda y rescarte


las tareas de rescarte

a la primera hora de la manya-na

una persona desaparecida en la vaguada

al final de las pistas de esqui

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui?

Let us have a good stretch!

Stretch up as tall as you can!

What have you got around your neck!?

a consolation prize

Nobody has ever done that!

What ever is that!?

Yes, it is thereabout!

Conchita, I stop here. Take care!