

Unconventional anchor bolting

2009-06-17 17:06:05 | Weblog
Conchita, today's photos are somehow in reverse order.
They at Goo must have done something stupid for this to happen.

Anyway, coating continued and there is no photo for that.
Most of this afternoon was spent on the bean curd disolvers.
You will see them dwon below. They will be coated

for the first of penetration sessions tommorrow.

Today, I made two discoveries, the first for the water shedder metals
(more about it later) used in roofing works and the second
about anchor bolting (or its equivalent).

Here, I have rearranged the photo order so that waht I say
makes sense. Up until last night my idea for the bolting
of upper structures to the foundation had been rather

unconventional.It should have worked, though. However,
I now have a better solution. Rfer to the first schematic.

This is the cross-section of the foundation area. My original
idea of foundation was simply to fill the gaps in green
with concrete, so that those 2X6 structures can sit

on top of the foundation happily, in dead contact. And, I
was to find other ways of anchor bolting independent of
this process.

In this first schematic, the spaces behind the pipes are void.
I was not going to fill these voids with concrete. However,
I now realise that I should, not all the way down the length

of these 2X6s.

What I can do is to raise the concrete level at some intervals
to the top of these 2X6s so that I can bolt through the concrete.
No vertical anchor bolts as in conventional bolting.

In my case horizontal bolts will act as the anchor bolts!
here, between the pipes I have a raised concrete section
through which bolting will be made.

It is the section contoured by green lines.

This schematic below is showing you the side view of what
I am talking about. Five blue dots are the horizontal bolt heads.
I think I am a genious, I really do!

Now, you may ask why anchor bolting? It is meant for the upper
structures from seperating from the concrete foundation in an

However, this is silly, because, as I remember, the vertical
acceleration during Kobe was a little more than 1g. That is to
say, the whole structure including the concrete foundation

could have lifted off the surface of the earth!

So, what I will have to do is to prevent that. By adding
additional concrete perimeters at the foot of the existing
concrete foundation and securing the whole thing with

additional (and a lot more of) metal bars struck deeper
into the ground with stoppers. You can see some of these
stoppers as the black lines depicted horizontally in these

schematics at the bottom of the pipes. I will be creating
a lot, lot more of these after the rainy season.

Here, lillies in my garden. I want more of these here and at the
mountain cottage in the very near future. Are they no lovely!?

Here below, bean curd things. Tommorrow on, I will be working
on Chinese spoons.

These bean curd things, they make me think. They continue to sell
well. Why!?

I am intrigued as to the reason. My immediate thought is that they are
not being used as such, for something else I did not think of.
That gives me a clue, as to what else I can create.

Things with slits, that is. I will try!

パエ-リャ 273

2009-06-17 17:05:37 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Comiendo bien
con tu familia? Creo que si!

Aqui, a pesar de las previsiones ha sido muy calido
y soleado día de hoy. Parece que vamos a tener una temporada
de lluvias en seco este a-nyo.

Es bueno, porque alguna vez el proximo mes podria
volver a la caba-nya de monta-nya para entregar
a partir de aqui algunos materiales, tales como paneles de ventana.

Cuando se establece la temporada de lluvias mi auto se llena de otras cosas! Bueno, Conchita, vamos?

una puntuacion alta

Tu fuiste calificado como feliz!

las personas con mas conexiones sociales

cada persona feliz adicional te hace mas feliz!

un amigo de un amigo

el oso mide 2 metros y medio!

en los proximos meses

hace apenas dos meses

la fiesta del pasado diciembre

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles.

turning it twice over rather than turning it alternately

Did I hear you say it?

out with the old, in with the new

The match was rained off!

You must change the gears at the correct time always!.

You must stop at a red trafic signal!

Put your gear-lever into neutral and take your foot off the clutch!

Conchita, I think these will suffice for today!
Take care and vaya con Dios!