Coating continued. Chopstics were taken away from the drying
cradle, waiting for mat coating.
Rice spatulas are here. The first time penetration coating.
There wil be those without the slits, that is at the request of K's.

Chinese spoons got coated, that is protective coating
for the first time.

Pickers, too, undergoing protective coating. All these,
including pre-coating job, took up all morning.

In terms of new fabrication, yes, I made slices for
my propellers. Actually, I am very impressed at the
quality of these slices. At K's she calls these ice spoons.

All thanks to this machine here. This allows me to cut 25mm
maximum thickness, but if you invert the material being cut
you can go double that. And, not many materials come
thicker than 50mm. This is probably one of the most valuable
machines I have purchased.

Yes, today, I had my panes cut for the frames. It set me back
by JPY 6300, but it is worth it. Actually, I will have to
purchase two commercially available windows, far larger
than these and their price tag is at something like JPY 25000.
It makes me think...

Anyway, I will have to fix these panes with glass-fibres
and polyester resin and that will set me back by another
JPY 5000, I think. Building a house is a costly business!
However, it is a lot of fun! More interesting than
making cutleries!

cradle, waiting for mat coating.
Rice spatulas are here. The first time penetration coating.
There wil be those without the slits, that is at the request of K's.

Chinese spoons got coated, that is protective coating
for the first time.

Pickers, too, undergoing protective coating. All these,
including pre-coating job, took up all morning.

In terms of new fabrication, yes, I made slices for
my propellers. Actually, I am very impressed at the
quality of these slices. At K's she calls these ice spoons.

All thanks to this machine here. This allows me to cut 25mm
maximum thickness, but if you invert the material being cut
you can go double that. And, not many materials come
thicker than 50mm. This is probably one of the most valuable
machines I have purchased.

Yes, today, I had my panes cut for the frames. It set me back
by JPY 6300, but it is worth it. Actually, I will have to
purchase two commercially available windows, far larger
than these and their price tag is at something like JPY 25000.
It makes me think...

Anyway, I will have to fix these panes with glass-fibres
and polyester resin and that will set me back by another
JPY 5000, I think. Building a house is a costly business!
However, it is a lot of fun! More interesting than
making cutleries!