

ボホ-ル紀行 (35)

2016-07-11 05:55:13 | Weblog




















がない。 クサヤの干物ではないし、臭ければ食べなければいいだけの話で、大抵は、そもそも食べたことがないか、単に大げさなのだと思っている。








仕方ないので、結局、タクシ-を捕まえて大渋滞の中、SM Lanangという、2月に泊まったホテルの隣にある巨大モ-ルに戻ってお昼を食べることになってしまった。地下鉄が出来れば大分楽になるのだろうが。


Where rivers meet - The Moon Light Sonata

2016-07-11 05:51:58 | Weblog

I should have set my clock back, perhaps
by 300 years if merely to pay due respect
to this ancient capital with centuries of
outlandish and yet deadly and callous history
behind it.

As we made our final approach to the runway
I began seeing, through gaps of lower winter
clouds, its aerial facet for the first time
in my life.

I had dreamt about it!!!

The town appeared spiky with all those
Gothic buildings, bristling with towers and spires and
minalets, with the Danube running majestically
across the entire area.

The Danube is known to history as one of the
long standing frontiers of the Roman Empire,
the river flowing through and forming a part

of the borders of countries like Austria,
Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria,
Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine.

The air crisp and the temperature sub-zero
and trees lining the autobahn were quite a
contrast to what I had seen earlier during
my, by now, a month long business trip

elsewhere in Europe. Gladly, it was over.
I was into my own long cherrished days of

I hate autobuses, no matter where I find
myself in the world. I was in a taxi, speeding
to the town centre on what I believed to be
an autobahn.

And as I looked out for road signs there were
Bratislava XXX km, Budapest YYY km, and a host
of other capitals that still scintillate in

It was therefore no wonder that through
these corridors of land the Romans had ventured
out and pagans struck back in return,

from as far away as the the present day Iran
and part of areas surrounding the Black Sea,
let alone the present day Turkey.

After all, those capitals in the corridors
had been established largely by the Romans.
I was there in the dense history of it all.

I quickly checked in at the Mariott and went out
immediately and bumped into Saint Stephen's
Cathedral with horse drawn carts standing by
for tourists.

I was convinced that I was in Germany. Look at that
bloody big bird up there Where else, I wondered,
one might find one like that!

I went in there, and became a tourist for the
next one hour or so. Yes, I made it up to
the top and all the rest of it.

As I then moved away from it all and turned
a corner into the main street I saw that
it was teemed with musicians of all

With the Plague Column standing prominently
in the middle of it all it reminded me of
the deadly desease that must have terrified
the residents of this town in the long and
distant past.

After all I was right in the middle of the
European history and the Romans! and
above all else immensely liking it.

I turned away from the thicket of musicians
and started in the direction of my hotel.
Then something reached my ears, something

so vaguely familiar to me. I could not make
it out immediately. So, I trod back to
its source, which I located just off
the main street in a small sideway.

There was this very tall fellow with an
accoustic guitar. I knew what he was playing
by the time I got closer to him.

Off course it was the Moonlight Sonata,
but then how? It was intriguing to see
how on our planet it could be played on
an accoustic guitar at all.

He wore jeans cut off high and you could see
sandals! with tire tread soles in the middlle
of the winter!!!

I was also staggered that the sound he was
making was so deafeningly loud, reverberating
all around, bouncing off cobble stones,

off shops and flats made of bricks
and stones that must have been there for centuries.

I was dead sure that winter's wilted air and its clarity must
have added to its effect.

Yet another harsh mid European winter was arriving
in earnest and you could see that people
were still happily wearing their T-shirts.

I remained particulary interested in
that sequence of the score which I had
hated so much at home.

Beethoven, there, must have somehow lost
his concentration and standing idle before
he came up with an idea to move on.

As I listened he was fast approaching that
part of the score and hell! it was a relevation!
That is how you might play it!

Beethoven was being resurrected and even
the way he swung his guitar around was something
very pleasing to watch.

Swaying, swaying , swaying, to and fro,
up and down and on went the melanchoric
sound of his accoustic guitar, rising ever so
slowly into the by now semidark sky of this

aristocratic town , mingling so elegantly
with its background of eternity and
above all my own presence therein.