

パエ-リャ 20

2008-06-10 16:24:45 | Weblog
Conchita, here we go again!

あの人達、大丈夫見たいね! (汎用)
They look in good shape!

It just slipped out of my fingers!

It is very tempting to say that dounokouno...

That is a good thing to start off with.

Here, my overall impression of this kind of
expressions is that a lot of people cannot
add "with" at the end...

Water is leaking!

That bears out the point I was making earlier!

They are going to be around for many years to come!

It just turned out that way!

We have got off to a good start!

That is not to be!

That was a popular thought in those days!

一ヶ月の間に (副詞句)
in the course of a month

Our ideas fused together!

Conchita, this is the lot for now. Take care!

Milk pitchers, picker knives, wooden cutlery

2008-06-09 18:30:24 | Weblog
Today really started with the current lot going mat,
but before that I had to take my wife to Kamakura.

Following two pics show the result.

With the second image you see that one of my chopsticks pairing jig
is used to hold SPs, indicating that ultra fine chopsticks
are still in my coating shed.

This is because they are so fine and it was difficult to
make them mat. However, I did make them mat enough
in the end. Waiting for tommorrow, really.

I am happy with today's result. However, it was very time
consuming and I had not enough time for anything else.
Still, a slow progress is being made and what follows

is telling you that all of the next lot have been
finely convexed, with the belt sander.Tormorrow,
rough concaves will be formed on most of them.

Actually, some more concaves were formed today, but
singling them out for imaging is a messy business,
as they are covered with dusts.

Probably, half a dozen of them are buried somewhere
in this plastic bag.

I am inclined to think that my next experiment will be
centering around these two objects seen in the
following image.

The black thing is a picker knife and the other white one
is a milk pitcher, tiny, made of china. My intention is to
reproduce them with broad leaves.

I have enough left overs from my earlier operations for
the picker knives. With the pitchers, I will have to
be careful.

I could turn them, inside only, or alternatively,
I could use my milling machine to make bores.
Outside?, I should imagine I will be using my

SPIKY for the initial formig process, followed by
flappers and other bits.

Needlss to say that tommorrow I will be spending
a lot of time, removing polyps and blipps from
today's matting.

I expect tommorrow will be another busy day, really...

パエ-リャ 19

2008-06-09 18:30:07 | Weblog
Conchita, we go again.

I note that the notebook from which I am extracting
my expressionsis dated August 1979. Time flies!

Let us have it just for a change!

Do not let the dog off the leash!

Let us put up the tent!

The tents were not up yet...

It is more B perhaps than A!

He has a faith in God!

That is one of the things I learnt!

When the time came I was not there at all!

彼らが決めてくれるわ! (衣装とか)
They will make the decisions for you!

The boat took a pounding on the rock!

The train was hurled off the rails!

The boat was sighted off the coast...

We started seeing each other!

It is only at the top of this road!

Conchita, this should suffice for now.
Take care!

wooden tongs, magnetic tongs, salad servers

2008-06-08 17:30:34 | Weblog
OK, let us get started.

What follows is the outcome of coatings. They will go mat,
tommorrow, if the weather holds. Rain was predicted for today
and tommorrow. It did not rain today, so tommorrow will

be just fine?

What follows is just showing you that convex surfaces
were formed today on all of the artefatcs I had created

In fact, there are more of these, more refined by my
belt sander, but that will be not very interesting!

I have formed a few concave surfaces and in what follows,
at the bottom right, you may see characteristic coarse scurs,
running down the surface.

Scurs are pararell to the stem and are easy to remove with my
flapper, which will leave gentler scurs, parpendicular to the
stem direction.

OK, today's main topic has to be this. Take a look at the following pic.

You may wonder what these are. They are my boots holders,
portable, because I have much larger holders for home use.

These are meant to be taken to your friend's house or
to drinking places, so that you can hold your boots
neatly, without looking like withered plants!

However, for the purpose of my argument?, they are
tongs! Can you not see that they are tongs,
to all intents and purposes? Then, what am I leading you up to?

Well, I am leading you on to salad servers.

I have made my salad servers, yes, after a fashion、and given them away.
Lots and lots of them, but, they were simple spoons and folks,
separate entities!

From my own experience, tongs are much easier to use and you must
know that there are colourful tongs on the market, plastics and
metals. What I have in mind are cube shugars and salads.

However, I have not seen properly functioning wooden tongs.
I did buy one of those at a 100 yen shop, but, that was
terrible, not opening properly, not closing properly.

This is because of the fact that with wood of any kind
there is not an inherent property easily associated with
opening and closing mechanisms.

Now, take a look at my chopsticks container with
ferrite magnets.

I was wondering if I might have to use, instead, rare earth
magnets for my purpose, in order to keep the folk (hand?) and the
spoon apart, of my eventual tongs.

Rare earth magnets are expensive, so I tried the following.

This is very much illuminating. One end of my magnetic
holder is lightly bound by a rubber band. You see that the other end
is slightly ajar, just because of the 0.15 kgf magnetic repulsion.

Needless to say that the rubber banded end is also repulsive, but,
that repulsive force is over-ridden by the rubber band. Eventually,
pivoting mechanism will replace this forced contact.

I think I can use cheaper magnets for my tongs. The only remaining
factor is the design of the pivoting mechanism.

On the other hand, more straight forward wood only design
based on my boots holder is also attractive. With boots holders
I use coniffers for the holding pieces, but, if I work with

broad leaves, I might get even better responses, and of course, I need to
think about the shape of the spacer, but it may be worth the effort!

パエ-リャ 18

2008-06-08 17:30:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I am back now and here we go!

Is that it!? Yes, that is what it is!

Traffic builds up as early as 7 a.m.!

There is no catch in it!

What part of Germany do you come from?

Where are you callig from!?

Oh!, no!, not another one of those!

You should not live in a fool's paradise!

He complained on just about everything!

When do you go back to school?

In fact, I like this inmmensely!
So simple an expression and yet it does its job!

He started ou as a trainee (nurse)!

I do not know what God has in store for me!

Let us not be negative!

Do not let the dog off the lead!

Actually, this reminds me of something else.

I was walking in a park somewhere in Paris, long
time ago, that is...

Now, arriving from London, I had been used to watching
people walking dogs on leash.

There in the park in Paris, I saw a woman walking a cat on
a leash! It was a bit of culture schock,
that still lingers to this day!

Anyway, I go now, Conchita. Take care!

Salt spoons, looms, wooden cutlery, ISS Alpha

2008-06-06 17:25:41 | Weblog
Coating continues and within the next few days
they will go mat.

What follows are parts of my looms.

They are made of brass, showing you the skills I learnt
at Imperial College, London, are still kept in tact in
my own workshop! If you go postgrad as I did you must

fabricate virtually everything you need for your experiments,
thereby contributing to the world knowledge, which is the
condition for being granted your degree!

My interest in looms has since waned and I do not know when
I might pick it up!

My wife found this for me. It has been ransucked from
another house we own in Tokyo. This will be very useful
at our mountain cottage.

One day, I and my mother came back from an outing and
we found the garden completely pitch dark! This will be very handy!

In terms of real activities of today, what follows is

These are not too deep, not too shallow cavity spoons,
for distribution amongst friends and the like.

I love this particular spoon, small enough and low pressure
on ECO and all that are implied!

As a result I could not work on those I created yesterday,
but with today's combined they should gve me enough time
to kill.

Having said that, all tommorrow I and my wife will be out
in Tokyo, morning in Setagaya, and afternoon at our house
in Musashino.

Maitaining multiple number of houses across Japan is
time and money consuming. There will not be logging
for tommorrow as we will be coming home late.

On a seperate issue I am wondering if plastics can
be employed to fabricate the chopstick containers.
My biggest concern is the scurs that may be left

on machining. How can they be smoothed out? I do not
really know. I have never workd with them before.
If I am successful they will be a colourful addition

to my holders!

What else? I think that is about it for now!

パエ-リャ 17

2008-06-06 17:25:17 | Weblog
Conchita, here we go!

We will stick to that right the way through!

gradually corrosion worked its way through the metal!

風食作用 wind errosion

Road improvements are in progress along M1

The cat came limping back!

a makeshift hut

She is dead set against it!

It was an act of defiane on my part!

She is clinging to Mark like a limpet!

That kind of thing is not to be!

Somebody saying that you cannot do something always
makes you want to do it more than ever!

The fish was washed up on the shore!

He is a con man!

There is no love lost betwen them!

You often find them washed up on the shore!

You cannot really be surprised if dounokouno!

It had me near tears!

good for you!

I tried everywhere!

I enjoyed every moment of it!

I somehow doubt f dounokouno!

Conchita, that is it! Take care!

Bean curd smasher, oak artefatcs, jigging

2008-06-05 16:53:35 | Weblog
Coating continues. As usual on Thursdays I took my wife
to her regular gathering in Kamakura. So, again, my time
was limited.

Nonetheless, there are some outputs from today's
work. Take a look at the following.

A very deep concave surface has been formed, the roughing of
it taking something like 15 minutes, followed by
milder sanding, of course.

What follows is a piece of oak. Most of my afternoon was
spent on transforming this into 7 oak spoons. I will show
intermeddiate pictures, as well.

This one is showing one of my side templates attached
by a cramp to the side of the spoon-to be, for marking.

This was taken at an angle, so, I will show you the top view,
as per bellow.

Until very recently, the side profile of the template
was trascribed on both side of the spoon-to be and
held there by my fingers.

Wth the cramp, the whole thing is easier, and by
choosing the proper side of reference during the
mass removal with the disk sander,

I can now get away with transcription only on one side!

The end result for today as shown bellow, concave
surfaces will be formed tommorrow!

Here is my aditional output for today.

You may ask what these are. This time, I know the answer,
at least what I mean them to be. They are curd smashers.
Edges are not yet rounded, I will do that tommorrow.

What are they useful for? Well, I am a cutlery artist,
so I should imagine that you can use one of these for pressing
anything that does not want to diffuse easily in your cooking.

A typical example being bean curd made easy into your soup!

Your bean curd will be pressed out through these 3 gaps,
becoming easier to dissolve in your liquid!

So much for now.

パエ-リャ 16

2008-06-05 16:53:23 | Weblog
Conchita, I am happier now! Here we go!

He will not make it!

What follows is a little problematic, because I cannot
easily come up with its counterpart in Japanese.

For instance, you may be talking to your friend about
something somebody else suffered, perhaps, swindling, fatal desease
daignosed, something like that and he may say

I am afraid he had it!

Take another example, I was repairng an electron microscope
as my second year project with one of my classmates at Imperial College, London.

Outgassing, diffusion pumps, and all that. The electron gun
was activated and I thought, OK, we are not going million volts,
but what about the stray X-ray photons out in the statistical

end of the distribution?

There was a Geiger Muller tube in the room and I do not know why it was
there. I took it up anyway and held it very close to the top of the
electron microscope, where the electron gun is installed.

The beep I heard immediately was horrifying! We had been working
with our eyeballs all the time close to right there!

My immediate thought was, and of course, as now, I was thinking in
English constantly, that "I had it". I imagined that I will
die from exposure. ”もうお終いだ”?

However, I thrived on! Because the tube response was very non-linear!

That pales into insiginificance compared with dounokouo!

I am not sure what it is!

The popular term for this is DOUNOKOUNO

Can I remind you that dounokouno!

While it is correct, dounokouno...

The yacht turned over, but it righted itself!

It righted itself!

Conchita, this is the lot for now. Take care!

The concave knife and what it brought wit it

2008-06-04 16:46:27 | Weblog
Coating continues.

Today, after the coating, I spent some time on
my paperwork, which is now complete, and should
bring in the fruit of it in time...

By the way, I am expecting a series of BBQ parties,
from the end of this month to most of July. To that end,
I have identified a few places from where I can get

the ingredients for the Thai currey! My wife wants me to
stay at home during her Abashiri trip. So, I am obliged
to do that. No further stay at my mountain cottage,

not probably until after the rainy season...

Anyhow, today's highlight has to be this!

I am extremely pleased about this all! As I mentioned yesterday,
there was a ridge along the backbone of the curved part
of this instrument used by dentists.

I removed it and made the whole curved end flat and sharp at
the edges. I used this with two objects as seen. One is a deep
cavity and the other is a shallow concave.

The effects were spectacular! There were two clear blipps
at the deep end of the concave with the deep cavity, and
there were 3 white blipps on the other.

White bippps were the result of chemical reaction when this
object was made mat. None of them are no longer there!

I call this new acquisition "Concave knife". I am free to coin
anything I want as I am immersed in my own world of artistic

Naturally, with a new thing like this it takes some time
to find how best you can use it, such as an angle of application,
whether you slide it across the surface, or scratch the blipps,

etc, etc, and, I think I know how to use it!

What is shown below is one object I started working on
today. This is again one of those deep cavity things,
as deep as perhaps 15mm at the bottom.

You may ask what this might be usefull for. My answer is
"I do not know!" How the hell would I know! Somebbody
must come up with a solution...

Two further images to follow.

The first one is really continuation from yesterday's, showing
you the final shape I decided on.

The last one, I also talked about it, yesterday. Chopsticks
are fixed in the two bores I created in this piece of wood.
you notice that they are pararell enough, but not neatly

arranged length to length. This is actually showing one aspect of
my chopsticks fabrication. I will not go into the details now.