

Self-standing butter knives, boots holders

2008-10-26 16:39:42 | Weblog
I could not get much done today...

For a start, I had a late night before and woke up
late, then, I had to take my son to the airport.

Coating continued, though. They are looking lovelier.
What is seen below is all I could in terms of fabrication.

These are the handle wedges with trenches cut in them, into
which what is seen below will dig.

Looking just like what is seen below. Now, even these have
problems, which I will need to address, separetely. One of the
issues is the fine gaps left between the wedge pieces

and the knife pieces.

How would I address this imperfaction? Simple, rub in some
fine wooden powders (sanded powders) with a bit of glue and
wait for the whole thing to solidify.

These schematics above show more of the fundamental problems.

Should I stick with the current configuration as depicted in A?
The problem with this is that the front end doops too much
to my liking.

Dotted areas indicate buttered areas, adding to the shift of the
centre of gravity towards the tip. Do I like this square piece
sitting at the front end?

The whole thing tends to droop. What if I changed the configuration to
B, so that I now have a conventional shape of the knife blade?
It may be better, in the end.

The only reason I have a square area with the knife end
(front end) is that I have, without thinking too much about it,
inherited the shape, orginally meant as a flat and square

spoon, into my current self-standing knife configuration...

I am suffering from it now, I think. I could reshape the
square(rish) area into something rounder, but, with
so many of them having been shaped into the current

design, I would rather not...

My intuitive thinking is that all these will have to be
given away, as gifts. Another reason for doing just that is that
I have found that it is awfully difficult to control the

draping angle, that is the angular separation with respect to
the table top. As a matter of fact this is bound to
constitute the biggest problem...

I am feeling alone..., but,

パエ-リャ 121

2008-10-26 16:39:19 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? No se estas aburriendo, no?

Lo unico con lo que se le puedes pasar el aburrimiento
sera cocinar, pienso yo...

El tiempo aqui? Esta nublado... Ahora, vamos?

Otra vez
No se te ocurra decirle a tu madre!

Se lo prometi a mi mama!

Se marcho por la puerta grande!

Tomo aire para empezar!

Al rato llego mi madre!

despues de decir esa frase...

Ella empezo a recoger los trozos del jarron!

Me traes frito!

Asi que, ella se ponia a frotar la lampara!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no? Vamos ingles!

When do I go?

It is all mambo-jumbo!

He sends his regards to you!

I cannot take it any more!

Can you manage that bag for me?

Let us get the records straight!

that girl walking towards us

in their native haitat

He warned her not to!

He was born deaf and mute!

Conchita, I go now...
Take care! and vaya con Dios!

self-standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-10-25 17:07:54 | Weblog
First thing in the morning I drove to the department
store to deliver my boots holders. My gain was so much
in JPY...

They expect another 50 odd holders from me, fine.
On return I did somcoating, as you see below. These
are overdue, by a few weeks.

In the last above you see propellar like objects.
They are to be given away free of charge to a
friend of mine... I am not paricularly keen on them.

Most of m attention this afternoon had to go to
self-standing butter knives and what follows are
the handles to be, fabricated using my milling machine.

I did manage to make some near final versions, as seen below.

I also was conscious of the mass ? production of my
boots holders,

and in order to do that with due economy I need a shear
free constraining device, and what follows is an embryonic

I will have to see if this works, and on the butter knife side
I still am confonted with issues, that is, design issues. See

With these schematics A is the current idea, and yet something like
B is also attractive... Question here is this. I could let them crane
as deicted here, but then sideways stability problems sneak in.

How am I to go about them, I still do not know...
On first sight they may be looking too much like
electric tooth brushes on the cradle...

パエ-リャ 120

2008-10-25 17:07:33 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Aqui ahora hace mal tiempo. No hace viento, sin embargo...
Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena? Creo que si!

Ahora, vamos!

Pues, no te la voy a dar!

Tienes que declarase!

Asi que, al dia siguiente, la invite a mi casa

Bueno..., yo te queria decir...

Eso es lo nico que me salio!

Ella no me hace caso!

Ponte en mi caso!

Que harias en un caso asi!?

Es un caso aparte!

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
Vamos ingles!

Pass it on!

one of the famous sites in Europe!

Get out and see the world!

(Well, I have seen the world, rather enough of it by now...)

That will not be in your interest!

That would be for your own benefit!

They exchanged artillery fires

He was killed in a friendly fire!

It is old and faded!

That is something you are never going to find out!

It is a preserve of all the people in this area!

Conchita, I go now...
Take care and spend a bit of your time on that, too!

Boots holders, self-standing butter knives

2008-10-24 16:43:57 | Weblog
Today started in a strange way, in that I was forced out of
my bed, effectively by our Mrs neighbour.

Apparently, she needed to shut down her main water valve,
for which she wanted my assistance, ..., granted, yes, of course...

The rest of the morning was spent on brushing up on
the boots holders, no photo. I then meant to dliver them
to the department sotore, but the person in charge

was going to go out. Lucky! in view of the heavy rainfall!

So, I worked on bean curd smashers, as shown below.

I then went back to my earlier project, that is,
the self-standing butter knives. You see a few below.

Some are in a more advanced stage of being bonded.

All afternoon, though, there were two sticking issues,
which may be understood by the following schematics.

With any one of these the blue stands for the knife
blade, seen from above in D and E, and dead-on in A, B, and C.

A is an ideal case with the blade standing perpendicular to
the planer surface of the handle. In reality, it is
difficult to ensure that, and sometimes you find your blade

sticking out of the parallelogrammish surface, as
depicted in B, and sometimes even the blade not
standing upright!

D is another ideal case of the knife end closing the
trench without any gaps. In reality, you have E!
It takes an awfully long time to correct for these...

Tommorrow, I will be working on the remaining 20
odd of these, plus, coating which I have been neglecting lately...
Oh, I will have to do the delivery, too!

It is going to be a busy day, tommorrow...

パエ-リャ 119

2008-10-24 16:43:38 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui ahora hace lluvia...
Quisiera que manya-na haceria buen tiempo!
Ahora vamos, no?

Ibamos hablando de eso de camino a casa

Lo pasamos bien

Huele a quemado!

Olia a tabaco!

La casa huele a cerrado

El uno para el otro!

grandes amigos

los dos con la cabeza en el mismo lado

Esto huele a enga-nyo!

Me huele qu ese hombre esta detrans de esto!

Conchita, basta con esto para ahora, y vamos ingles!

Conchita, I, of course, realise that I have ended up
in quasi-teaching of the Spanish language for your
Machupichu trip. So be it! All this should help!

Get on with it!

How is your work?

I should have known better!

That can wait!

They did not quite make it!

There used to be none of these!

I arrived back two weeks ago!

People come from all over!

inadvertantly, of course!

It sounds like a bargain to me!?

It is going to take a miracle!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Vaya con Dios!

Portable boots holders, butter knives

2008-10-23 16:42:15 | Weblog
All today, after taking my wife to her regular's I was
working flat out on the portable boots holders.

After all, the delivery is due tommorrow afternoon at
the department store. A little bit blurred what follows
is the outcome, all 12 of them.

You may think it is a monotonous job, but it isn't.
Yesterday's idea of square falt pieces stuck together
before external shapes are formed did work.

I went jigsaw with the first few pieces. Problems with
jigswaing them are a few holds. It is a slow process,
because you are trying to cut two pieces at the same time.

Added to it, you tend to leave jagged cut lines, which
you can sand down easily later, but so much the better
if you had smooth cut lines in the first place.

See below.

Those on the right had been jigsawn, and those on the
left bandsawn, see the difference? It is a small discovery, but I feel that these incremental discoveries will go a long way

towards increased productivity. You may laugh at the idea,
but even in a small business like mine it does count,
b- hell!

Shown below is one I borrowed from the department
store for reference. It is a commercially
available version nd will fetch something like

5 times of the price that I charge on deliery.
Can you top that!!!

Anyway, what is shown below is one of my ideas
put into semi-practice.

This is just one of my attempts to avoid shearing of
member pieces while solidification, with pieces
mechanically tightened with a screw.

In reality, I need a much wider bedand I am thinking
about it. One way of appying pressure might be
make use of gravity.

And, that led to the following schemetics.

Here, A is just one idea of achieving a sufficiently wide bed,
with long bolts. Stacking with gravity led naturally to B.

Here, you have two differently coloured flat pieces.
You stack them with gravity and cut the resultant along
the whit lines.

You will then have a slab like C. I think this is a brilliant idea,
because you will have pattern emerging, which is
difficult to vidualise.

What will emerge will depend on the cutting angles in B.
Will I ever do that? I am not sure...

パエ-リャ 118

2008-10-23 16:41:58 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy ahora hace lluvia ligera...
como si fuera hoy un dia en Septiembre


mientras ella hablaba

un hombre se colocaba a su lado

Ella se puso a llolar de repente

Me traes frito!

Me esperas ahi que salgo en seguida!

de una habitacion a otra

No se te ocurra decirle a tu madre que ha sido yo la que
lo he roto!

No le digas nada a tu madre!

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
No se te ocurra ir a esa tienda con poco dinero!
Ahora, desde aqui en ingles...

It is a polite way of getting what you want!

cutting back on (the use of) electricity

What kind of watch would you rather have!?

You have to cram everything into DK!

Talk in your natural voice!

Of course once in a while DK...

Ah, that reminds me that DK!

That settles, then!?

as the scene opens

Can you get that phone!?

Get on with it!

Conchita, that is it for now.
Take care!

Portable boots holders

2008-10-22 17:49:00 | Weblog
Today I failed completely in transferring images
to my hard disc! This happens from time to time.

Sometimes, it is due to the low battery power on the
part of the camera itself. Today, it was because
the hard disc had not been properly recognised.

Of course, I rebooted the whole thing to no

So, I have only one thing to show, which is

and, this might be just as well. All day, after all I was
working flat out on one thing, the portable boots holders.

The schematic A relates to my new idea of cementing
pieces together. Up until today, I had cut out the
external shape of the holder, and only then tried

to glue them with the spacer (shown shaded blue). Today's
insight was that it was likely to lead to shears.

Wy not have square pieces glued together, before
cutting out the exterl shape with a jigsaw? I am
dead certain that it will work, but it remains

to be seen...

Another idea is depcited as C. Up until today
(and today included) I have been using individual
clamps, as shown with B. This also contributes

a lot to sheared pieces. C is very likely to get rid of
problems associated with individual clampings, neater and
more space saving, as pieces can be stack together
during solidification process.

In order to do that, I will need to construct a jig,
and I will talk about it tommorrow.

パエ-リャ 117

2008-10-22 17:48:44 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

A veces oigo a la gente decir que Machupichu es bonita.
Pienso que asi sea... Quisiera ir alla contigo!

Ahora, vamos.

Acabo de ir al supermercado!

Acabe por viajar por avion!

Acabo comiendo la cena!

Ella acabo sus tareas escolares!

Lo sabiamos desde hacia una semana!

Poneos en fila que vamos al museo!

No te creas que es una sorpresa!?

Nos tiramos todos a la puerta como si

no hubieramos visto una puerta en nuestra vida!

las que estan alla

el que se portara mal

Conchita, vamos inmediatamente ingles!

You must go strictly by the rule!

Estimates range up to DK!

before the week is up

He was toying with a stick...

the cat played dead

Do not be left out!

It just dauned on me that DK!

It may not last much longer!

a prosecution witness

I have no comment to make on it!

Conchita, I go now. Take care!