

Shed repairing

2008-10-21 17:57:27 | Weblog
Things take time, and repairing my shed at our mountain cottage
was no exception. It has been more than two weeks...

First thing I did was to get all of the things out
into the open, removing roofing materials, and generally
getting rid of unrequired upper structures.

Only then I could introduce my ladder into the shed
and do further work. This is a very large shed, measuring
1.8 m deep by 2.7 m across.

What is seen below is part of the shed, seen aross the deck to the
left of the main house (behind the pillar), to which will be built a new annex, once all those tall pine trees are removed next month

I had two main objectives this time, one was the reparing of
the shed, and the other was something I had talked about
some time ago, and that is the outer most doors and

how to secure them to the main frames. As it turned out
this was an easy job. All I did was to make holes in the
door frames and drop pins into them.

Above?, although the whole task was gruelling to say the
least, there were moments of taking it easy. These nuts,
grown in the garden, were delights.

It was my daily task to remove spiky externals when I was rewinding myself on the deck from the day's work, with a minimum of means. While doing it I noticed something...

That is, they seem to come in, mostly in doublets, as you
see above, sometimes even in triplets. Quite how, I
do not know. Generally though, ripe singlets tend to

reveal ripe fruits...

Above is only part of my achievement and in the end
I ended up with more than 5kg of these nuts.

What is below is the shed very nearly completed. In stead of
its original sliding doors I made a new arrangement,
using lots of 2x4 connectors, as you see.

The shed is now complete!

On my way there I even dissected a large tin drum with
my cutting tool. I pride myself on this achievement!
It took me only 10 minutes or so. The remaining belt

structure was also cut into halves.

What is seen below? It is just a mountain on my way home...
It was a beautiful day, indeed, with the clear blue sky
beaming on us...all the way home.

All this, I realise is far removed from the main theme
of my usual loggings. My apology for that. I hasten to
add, though, that mine is really meant for posterity...

From tommorrow on I will be back in force.

パエ-リャ 116

2008-10-21 17:56:59 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Volvi a casa ayer. Hace mucho tiempo, no?
Un poco mas de dos semanas. Estaba en nuestra casa de
naturaleza con mi madre, y temia que me hubieras olvidado!

Ahora vamos?

Adondequiera que vayas, te seguire!

Traedmelo, dondequiera que este!

A comer!

Comprendi que habia cometido un grave error!

Debe de estar en aluguna parte!

aunque este en caualquier parte

Hay alguien!?

De algun modo tengo que explicarselo!

No me interesa nada la literatura!

una plaza donde habia un mercado

las manzanas muy lindas mostradas en un puesto

Conchita, para hoy basta con esto! Ahora aqui en la
otra lengua!

a little thing I should have said earlier...

If you grow up, if ever, ...

I have been working so hard at it!

and the likes of daredare...

He makes a hobby of doing it!

I will check it out with Daredare!

Come on!, leave!, get out of here!

I do not have time for that now!

Conchita, albeit being shorter than usual
I think this should suffice for now...

& take care!

Wooden cutlery, contact free butter knives

2008-10-06 16:48:16 | Weblog
I did not go anywhere today, just concentrating on the
immdeiate work I had. That does not mean I achieved a lot.

In terms of the volume I should think that I achieved less
than usual, mainly because it was all stop and go, with
thinkings in between.

See the first image below. It may be difficult to see
the details, but with this one the stem of the thing
is right through the stem cover.

Following schematics should help clarify things.

Until mid-afternoon my stem end configuration was just like
with A, the stem end stopping halfway down the stem cover

Is this right? That was my question. For a start you have to
round the end properly to fit into the trench shape.
Secondly, it does not look right, somehow...

So, I opted out for B and the image above reflects just that.
Naturally, once the stem end is firmly fixed in the trench
all kinds of shaping is conceivable, and C is just showing you

one of the possibilities, with the large blue dots indicating the
stem end.

What is immediately shown below in a bag is today's output.
Pitifully small in number, but there you are...

What then follow are those I will be taking to my mountain
cottage tommorrow for finalising the details. I will be
doing that only when it rains.

Otherwise, I will be making myself busy with other things.

Right now, I have distinct feeli that I may have to rethink
about the stem end configuration of my butter knives.
There may be better ideas... I am prepared...

パエ-リャ 115

2008-10-06 16:47:55 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Manya-na en esta hora yo estare en la casa de naturaleza
en la monta-nya...pensando de ti...
Hoy aqui hace lluvia ligera...

Vamos? Bueno...

Se me paso el dolor!

Ella acabo dejandome!

Ella siempre se pone de parte del que mas se rie!

A la hora y media se le paso la risa!

Nadie se ha reido nunca tanto de nadie como Conchita

de mi la otra tarde!

Yo siempre tengo que acabar haciendo lo que me dice cualquiera!

Ella se estaba aburriendo!

Lo unico con lo que se le podria pasar el aburrimiento fue DK...

Ella decia que era la princesa!

Entonces ella me echo en cara que DK!

Conchita, basta con esto ahora, no?
Dede aqui el la otra lengua...

Well, that does it?

It is nothing like you have ever seen!

I duplicated it, triplicated it, and yet ...

That is all in due time!

Louder, please! This connection is horrible!

I would not go through that for anything!

Do not bore me with details!

Only time will tell!

You are always on my mind!

something that is always on my mind

Conchita, this should sufice. I go now and take care!

Wooden cutlery, self-standing butter knives

2008-10-05 17:10:25 | Weblog
All yesterday was taken up by going to our another house
in Musashino-shi, for airing, and generally looking
after it. Our daughter may be living there in a few years' time...

I also trimmed a few trees in the garden. I will be going
our mountain cottage on Tuesday, so there will not be any logging
for some time to come.

In fact, for that reason alone I was desperately working out
my work schedule for the coming fortnight. I had to take my wife
to her regular, but otherwise I concentrated on the design.

There are things I need to do with the bootsholders, but I can
do that once settled in our mountain cottage, when it is rainy
to while away the time...

The first image below is a failure...

It is simply the matter of where the centre of gravity is...
Add-ons shown above were not heavy enough. The following schematics
might give you an idea. The CoG has to be somewhere along the

horizontal arrow. The best position being at the forward end of the
stem covering.

What I came up with eventually as satisfactory is shown
below, two images. You can see a stubby covering and that
was not heavy enough...

So, my intuitive view was to elongate the covering, as seen
here. It works alright...

The angular separation thus reached was more than a glancing
angle, just enough for confident handling of the butter knife...

This? This was originally the template for my yogart spoons,
but its concave area is not symmetrical, and my idea was
to tunr this into more pronouced unsymmetrical shape.

I did not have time..., perhaps I will do that while
staying at the cottage.

So, the rest of the time today was spent on quasi mass
production of butter knives.I will need to fabricate a lot more than these, of course.

Above? Redundancies, yet again, 18 of these thin pieces
out of 9 butter knife candidates. I will turn them into
heavy duty stics. I just cannot waste these precious

oak pieces.

I was happy today, trying out new things, trying to
step into the world beyond my normal horizon...

Next target? I have self-standing tea spoons and
nattou mixing chopstics, those which will not fall over
with their own weight while being stuck into the

container on the table...

パエ-リャ 114

2008-10-05 17:10:01 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Aqui hoy hace byen tiempo, no mucho calor, sin embargo...
Faltando un solo dia antes de que voy a la casa de
naturaleza en la montanya

Ahora, vamos...

Pongamos por caso ese proyecto!

Que harias en un caso asi!?

En el peor de los casos ire a pie!

Llegado el caso ire a Mexico!

Es un caso aparte, no!?

La verdad, yo le podria haber dicho algo mejor...

pero, tampoco era para que ella me diera esa respuesta...

yo que no, y ella que si...

Ponte los zapatos!

Nadie comio nada!

Nunca hice ninguna pregunta tampoco al maestro!

Conchita, basta con esto no?
Aqui ahora la lengua inglesa...

Sorry to disappoint you, but DK...

Will you tell us what you are driving at!?

Put it down and stand back!

I have not got the slightest clue!

We are all here for a purpose!

Hang on to this, please!

I will give you one minute look over the contents
of the bag!

That is why I am here to help you!

Find out for yourself!

DK, yes, certain aspects of it, yes, ...

I must be on my way now

What do you expect of me to do!?

It just vanished without a trace!

Conchita, I go now...

Take care!

Wooden cutlery, self standing butter knives

2008-10-03 16:45:58 | Weblog
Today, new items came into the coating stage.

They are chopstics, of wild cherry, and propellars
with concaves (not seen), and they are shown with
the next two images.

With what is shown above concaved surfaces are hidden
away from veiw (upside down). What beats me is that
they sell well (apparently... and not to my own taste...)

They were fabricated at the request of somebody I know.

You may say! "Not again!", but again I am very imnpressed
by the combination of a tong and a single plastic glove.
I have been using the same glove for more than 5, 6 times by now.

You think about this as follwos. 100 glocves cost me about
JPY 1,000, so each pair costs me JPY 20. And, most of the time
you have to throw them away, after one use.

For a particular lot to be coated I need wear them 10 time or more.
That will be JPY 200, and that is a lot of money as far s
I am concerned...

This afternoon, soon after lunch I had to break myself away from
my work and delivered a pair of chopstics to the gallery I am
dealing with. Coming back, I did what is shown above.

They are now nicely pointed at the handle ends, still a little
more to go before completion, but they are nearly there...

Above is showing you an increasing number of width jigs, and
those on the extreme right are the length jigs for the
chopstics, 21 cm and 23 cm. I am pleased about them.

You may wonder what these schematics are doing here.
This is my next project and the schematics are showing
you my current thinkings.

These are meant to be my self standing butter knives.
You put your butter on your bread, then what do you do
with your butter knife?

I have the same problem, and I should think all other people
at the breakfast tables will benefit from my

Will they?

Anyway, the dotted lines indicate the horizontal table top.
My current view is that I should go for something like B.
What would you say?

パエ-リャ 113

2008-10-03 16:45:40 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo. Iremos, es yo y mi madre,
iremos a nuestra casa de naturaleza en la monta-nya,
tal vez al fin de la semana.

Alla, hay mucho que hacer...

Ahora, vamos!

Te voy a contar una historia de amor!

asi que, al dia siguiente

No hagas caso de lo que dice ese hombre!

Tengo que declararme!

La invite a mi casa!

Cuando se acabo el cine

Bueno, ..., yo te queria decir...

Eso es lo unico que me salio!

Pues, no te la voy a dar!

Ponte en mi caso!

Beuno, Conchita, aqui van las en ingles!

Time never stands still, or does it?

I would rather be here than anywhere else
in the world!

There is still a spark left in him!

in a creepy sort of way...

There is nothing like a good old warm fireplace!

The ground is frozen, absolutely solid!

Let us measure our six steps!

It is as hard as a rock!

I saw something shiny!

I made a surprising discovery!

Do not let your imagination run away (with you)!

Conchita, I go now. Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, bootsholders, brush hungers

2008-10-02 17:18:41 | Weblog
Today was not my day at all, really...

I had to do two things outside my work, fistly
taking my wife to her regular gathering with friends,

and secondly I had to go to the department to deliver
bootsholders, taking up so much of my time. However,
I did the first of penetration coatings with the

few items, about ten of them.

Normally, I would not do that as it will be a lot of
matting material wasted in the end. However, I have
rather a lot of others from my earlier work,

just waiting for going mat. So, I am OK.

With above you see that the cramps are all sitting upright.
This is meant to reduce the amount of shearing during
solidification stage.

It worked alright with all but one, as you see below.

Can you see that the one nearest to you has a clear shear?
I will illustrate this with the next schematics.

With A, there is a shear between yellow and purple bars.
They are at an angle. Ideally, they should be paralell.
When this happens thuseful area is limited to that

surrounded by the dotted lines, with the whole thing becoming
pathetically narrow...jus as in B's red lines.

C is also showing the shear looking at the dead end of the stems.
With something like this you have two options. One, thow it away and
forget about it, or p@ut up with the narrow piece and give it away,
if somebody wants it.

At the department sotore I was reminded that the original shape
of the stem was something like the one at the bottom. They,
however, kindly accepted the blunted version.

I got, in return, JPY 7,000 for 10 of them, fine, for
my cigarettes and other smaller expenditures...

This is the brush hunger as of this morning and it is nearly
ready for delivering. This will fetch another JPY 2,000, and
that is fine, too...

The department store told me that with the new addition of a
shoes shop I will be expected to be very busy, making bootsholders
for them before and after Christmas, so be it. It might fetch me

a lot of money, it they are right.

Withint the next few days I will be moving to my mountain
cottage and reparing a shack, etc. I will be there for about
10 days, during which my logging will be suspended.

I have no PC at the cottage... and it is not my intention to
install one there. It will be too much of a fixed cost when
we stay there only for a month/year altogether...

パエ-リャ 112

2008-10-02 17:18:20 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Ya tienes todo preparado para tu familia?
Aqui ahora, no hace calor, no viento...
Esta agradable, yo creo.

Ahora, vamos!

Dice mi abuelo que no me preocupe!

Los atracadores nunca se levantan antes de las once
de la manya-na!

Traes cara de suenyo!

a ver si sacas buena nota!

a ver si le ha pasado algo...

a ver si me devuelves e libro...

No pongas esa cara!

Se te nota en la cara ue no te gusta este plato!

Con que cara se lo digo!?

Ella tiene cara de extranjero!

Conchita, basta con esto!
Aqui, la lengua inglesa!

It rang once only....

Let us not loose nerve!

Let us turn back!

There was a single gun shot and the girl fell back!

I cannot take it any more!

The report so far has been very sketchy!

Shall I hung up?

You are so mad as to do DK!

Bucket at it!

th course of action you will have to take

You must fumigate the termites!


when the thermometer hangs in the 30s

What I am skeptical about is DK

Conchita, I have shot past a day's limit!
Take care!