我が山荘のPub Highland でスコッチのシングルモルトウイスキーの棚を調べてみると、意外と空になりかけの瓶がある。在庫を補充する為に新たにシングルモルトを注文。ラフロイグ、アーッドペック、ブナハーブン、タリスカ、ラフロイグ、、
どれも美味しい酒だが、私の好みはラフロイグ、18 Year Old だ。
最近、NHK朝ドラで”マッサン”をやっているが、これでウイスキーブームが再来するか、、? 私はブームに左右されずに、好きなものは好き、、。
A couple was making their first doctors visit prior to the birth of their first child. After the exam, the doctor took a small stamp and stamped the wife’s stomach with indelible ink. The man and his wife were curious about what the stamp was for, so when they got home, the man took out his magnifying glass to try to see what is was. In very small letters, the stamp said, “When you can read this, come back and see me.”