Do These Unbelievably Horrifying Photos
Show the Miami Cannibal’s Victim?
These two really, unbelievably gruesome photos, allegedly of the Miami man whose face was partially eaten off over Memorial Day weekend, have been circulating around the internet, because the sight of rended flesh is a visceral reminder of the unbearably thin dividing line between life and death, and also because they're really fucking gross.
View the uncensored, very NSFW images after the jump.
Are they real? Probably: they match the photo that MediaTakeOut has ("DAYUMMMMMMMM!!! Do You Wanna See The WHATS LEFT OF DUDES FACE . . . After The South Beach Cannibal Finished EATING IT OFF!!"), and they haven't appeared on the internet before, based on Google and TinEye searches. The Miami Herald describes the face like this:
Much of his face was gone, the skin ripped away, the nose bitten and the eyes gouged.
What remained was his goatee and little else.
Which would seem to match up with the photos we have, more or less. (The guy in the photo has a full beard, not a goatee, but... how many different people have had the top halves of their faces eaten off?) The paper also seems to confirm that the other photo above ? showing the body of Rudy Eugene, whose "cocaine psychosis" led him to a highway off-ramp where he partially feasted on his still-unnamed victim's face ? is, in fact from the scene.
You can see the original photos below. [via Reddit]