ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

Ken_Gansyo_Honzon_Kaiji_syo No.0005-02

2019年02月11日 10時23分43秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)
Ken_Gansyo_Honzon_Kaiji_syo No.0005-02


四大神の力(The power of four big The God)

光の力(The power of the light):Its power makes meat.Its power creates the earth.(肉を作る。大地を創造する。)

闇の力(The power of night):Its power heals people.Its power is a source.Its power bears the life from nothing.(癒す。源。無から有を生む。)

焼の力(The power of the flame):Its power burns a bad seed.(因を燃やす。)

天照の力(Its power which lights up the ground):Its power brings up a creature(a plant).(その力は生き物を育てる。)

God defends you.But when there is no leave of God, you can't use the power of the God.You aren't God's understudy.

My religion makes the person who respects a world of other religions a crown.The reason is because I promised with your God.The contents "The power is being given to me, and it's corny. When doing that, I protect your host and your subjects.".


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