Preach the country.
Buddhism must be emphasized depending on the country.
Countries include "cold nations", "heat nations", "poor nations", "rich countries", "middle nations", "peace nations", "large nations", and "small nations".
Also,"Itukou_Cyutou_Koku"(Countries that prefer looting)・"Itukou_Setusyo_Koku"(A country that prefers slaughter)・"Itukou_Fukou_Koku"(A country that doesn't feel righteousness or fortune)・Etc.
Apply the Bodhisattva and the country written on the principal.The larger country is Shakyamuni Buddha.A small country is "Tenou_Nyorai"(A country that will take the future).f the people of that country pray to this principal, natural disasters will disappear.The country escapes the path of killing. Escape the country that repeats the six hardship stages.
"or,"Ituko_Syojyo_no_Koku"(Small Buddhist country)・"Ituko_Daijyo_no_Koku"(Big Buddhist country)・"Dai_Syo_Kengaku_no_Koku"(Countries with people who study both large and small Buddhist law).There are these countries.Properly you should consider whether Japan is a country of small vehicles, a country of big vehicles, or both.".
There is a Christian country. There is a Islamic country. This heart is the land of God's road, the culmination to spread to all nations.
There is more.No0011.