体重:86.2kg 増。
読書:Hit Refresh(ヒット リフレッシュ) マイクロソフト再興とテクノロジーの未来
My classmates appeared to "Ehime marathon", so I went for support of the Ehime marathon this year too.
I attach gloves, just the same I have a pain in a finger-tip that is so cold. But everyone at the runner ran cheerfully.
The friend who updated a personal record, the friend who was not able to update the personal record(but he achieved a limit for three hours), the friend who broke through aim thyme.
I got a motivation to see them.
I will try a bicycle hard, too!
Weight: 86.2kg Gain weight.
Exercise: I walked to support marathon.
Reading: I read a continuance of Hit Refresh
体重:86.2kg 増。
読書:Hit Refresh(ヒット リフレッシュ) マイクロソフト再興とテクノロジーの未来
My classmates appeared to "Ehime marathon", so I went for support of the Ehime marathon this year too.
I attach gloves, just the same I have a pain in a finger-tip that is so cold. But everyone at the runner ran cheerfully.
The friend who updated a personal record, the friend who was not able to update the personal record(but he achieved a limit for three hours), the friend who broke through aim thyme.
I got a motivation to see them.
I will try a bicycle hard, too!
Weight: 86.2kg Gain weight.
Exercise: I walked to support marathon.
Reading: I read a continuance of Hit Refresh