Now I'm planning to make English version of " Travel sketch of the Heaven ".
It's very important for the people of all over the world.
But my English is pretty poor, and I don't have enough time ,so I try to start to make from abridged translation.
Maybe it takes a long time to complete this translation.
I'll translate bit by bit.
This book originally came from Taiwan.
In the temple of Taoism, people receive the message from deity by automatic writing.
Those original Chinese scripts can be obtained at Long Shan Temple in Taipei in Taiwan. ( 龍山寺、台北、台湾 )
天堂遊記 ( 抄訳 )
活佛は身は「降龍尊者」であられ、金身羅漢の化身でもあられ、三昧に深く通じ、仏法を透徹して理解し、「万法は唯心から現れる」との旨を契り、仏法を直に修め、道具を飾らず故に「 心を修め、口を修めず、自在佛になる。」とおっしゃられました。
Travel sketch of the Heaven ( abridged translation )
Biography of Ji Gong Living Buddha
Ji Gong Living Buddha was a man of Tiantai era of Song Dynasty .
The family name was Li, the name was Xiu Yuan .
He cut off the hair at the Yun Yin Temple near Xi lake in Hangzhou.
He was named Dao Ji.
He behaved insane intentionally in order to save the world.
So people of the world called him insane Ji.
Living Buddha's body was "Dragon descended noble person", and also the incarnation of golden body Arhat.
And was well-desciplined in samadhi and understood Buddhist dharma throughout.
Observed the principle of " Every dharma emerge from the mind ".
He mastered Buddhism straight but did not decorate himself with ornaments .
Then he told that " I do practice my mind, but dare not practice my mouth ,therefore I can become flexible Buddha.".
And he blamed monks and nuns at that time who practiced only mouths but would not practice the mind.
Living Buddha's dharmatic powers were vast and saved people of the world.
And had chivalry encouraged mind, helped people who fell into the peril,trifle a bad fellow of hypocrisy off all together.
And urged bad people to realize the evil,and beat the fellows steeped into evil who don't reflect, and gained cheers of the people.
Therefore it was not suspicious that people referred and respected Living Buddha as a holy monk.
When living Buddha lived at Jing Ci temple,the temple had met with fire.
When people rebuilt Jing Ci temple with wood,the Living Buddha went to Yan Ling.
Living Buddha covered the mountains with stole and the woods of mountain were all taken out.
And Living Buddha transported woods upon the river to Hangzhou.
When Living Buddha said "Woods are in the Xiang Zhi well.", people of the temple found that woods were in the well.
Such eccentric feats have been told a lot in the world.
「 六十年間に亘り、狼藉を働き、東壁が西壁を打倒し、今ようやく拾い集めて帰らむ。(中略)水が連なり、天が青き事は昔と変わらず。」
Living Buddha left the world in Jia Ding era and was buried in Hu Bao tower, at the time of dying, he made the following poetry.
"Over the sixty years,I have been working the escapade ,the east wall had overthrew the west wall,now finally collected them and go back .
( ellipsis )
Contiguous water and blue heaven are the same as before."
Living Buddha is over a lifetime,had been continuing to save the world of people.
And Living Buddha had played between the people .
And Living Buddha had never worried about things .
「 頭陀行 」を修め、「菩薩道」を行い、一着の破けた袈裟をはおり、軽妙自在に落ち着いていました。二足の破けた草鞋を履き、泥水を引きずろうが一向に気にも留めませんでした。
Living Buddha had practiced "Tou Tuo practice",and performed "bodhisattva path".
Living Buddha worn a torn robe,and settled down in witty freely.
Living Buddha wear two pairs of torn straw sandals and had not cared about dragging muddy water at all.
His hands took a fan and did not fear social status.
His head was skin head so could not be impeded in the rain nor the wind.
Did he need bamboo hat?
Though his foots were bare,neither colds nor heats could not affect.
Did he heed covers?
( 中略 )
( ellipsis )
Humor had brought laughter and he had connected good relationships around the society.
Without having avoided dusty world, he saved the people who were suffering, and people respected him as if competing, and has sown the seeds of Buddha in million units of homes.
Miracles and holy performances were unattainable by ascetics secluded in the mountains.
Posterity of Buddha's gate stayed conceited, and avoided to reffer to the Living Buddha,so holy virtue of Living Buddha was buried .
But fortunately because of deep compassion of Buddha , we won't blame about this.
活佛の行跡は妙趣が突然現れ、言行による教えが至る所に現れるので、佛法は喜悦に満ちていた故、広く「 禅師 」の名を得ました。
Traces of Living Buddha appeared suddenly within exquisite interests , because teaching by words and deeds appears everywhere and Buddha's dharma was filled with joy,so got the name of "Zen master" widely .
Living Buddha was with a great spirit of the world out, diligently to make a merit to enter actively in the world, it is rough really model for those who cultivate learn Buddhism in modern.
Therefore he is such that there late also was made won the holy name of "Living Buddha" in the world.
Now is the world of the end of Buddhist dharma , people's desires are so much strong and a lot of people fell into the sea of sufferings.
Living Buddha have been bothering about the feelings to save the world, and in order to manifest fine currents of former phantasmagoria dharmatic powers , and the had appeared as human body.
Living Buddha advented to the hall of saints and sages, in cooperation with the Spirit of Mr.Yang, traveled the netherworld, collected the cases and warn the world .
And Living Buddha made the deep secret of Yin Cao hell publish to the world.
In order to save sentient beings,Living Buddha navigated in the sea of compassion.
Fortunately people can take the shower of dharma, and can avoid the path of evil permanently.
It is so grateful.
After this work will be completed, this will become the model for thousands of ages and recorded especially deep thick virtue.
麻姑元君 降臨
聖示・・・ 今夜は吾は神御自ら奉り、無極老母の命を帯び、ヨク旨を宣読したてまつります。
Ma Gu Yuan Jun Advent
Holy instruction...
Tonight I received the command from the God himself, and received the command of polarless aged mother, wish to read the purport and dedicate.
Gods and people please fell down.
Polarless aged mother told as such.
Go back to the original state of Heng, one of original Qi( original creative power ) changes into the three elements.
And those three elements had changed into western golden mother, central yellow old, southern fire spirit, northern water spirit, five wax already made,heavenly path,wooden person, two of qi of gold mother changes silently, and went distributed to 96 original spirits spreaded around the world.
And the time reach to today, and the way of the world is no longer naive, humanity moral collapsed without traces and make the mother lament!
The hall of sages and saints in Tai Zhong, the Festival of the life, and open the hall and to preach the teachings, leading me the people who are lost the way, various people are devoted heart force, no gap in Sincerity, those of enough Dao Qi is about to penetrate even the fighting bull.
"Travel sketch of the Hell" was published and distributed into the world.
was edification the brothers of four seas, widely prevalent and the world by storm, people are not countless persons by, for reading and converted it went towards to the road and fighting.
Pious merits which saved original spirits widely were uncountable !
Mother can not be able to endure when own baby fell in the vulgar world licking the suffering of wind and frost, and I think you to the bad things.
Therefore the first day of may in Tian Yun Yi Mo year, we opened San Cao attendance holy meeting in front of the non-polar palace.
The feat which leaked true circumstances of the hell was an extraordinary excellence.
People are able to cut off the road to hell,it can be a ladder to climb up to the heaven.
Therefore again sole mixed original Qi is unity returns to heaven the world and leaked original spirit of the scene of heaven now, there is a need to enjoy the fun of heavenly ethics.
旨が到着する日は、自動書記(フーチ)の日毎に済公活佛が聖筆楊生を連れて天国を霊遊し、万古流伝の宝典、書名曰く「 天堂遊記 」を著す。
Mother specially distribute the greed effect now, he was appointed the writings of office of scriptures.
The day that purport to arrive, it is visit heaven to daily automatic writing (Fu Ji) Ji Gong Living Buddha brought St. brush Mr.Yang, treasury scripture which have been handed down perpetually, title of the book was named "Travel sketch of the Heaven".
And, in each barrier of three worlds, if like to welcome this by open gate After student comes, I ordered different to life like.
People will be punished severely all together if disobey providence.
If sages swear aspirations and loyalty,and make effort diligently to obey mission from beginning to end, on the day the book was completed, in view of the success,we'll lead them to higher position.
Respectfully despised by it will not be.
Shalt be grateful for your kindness by lowering the head.
The first fifth day of May ,Tian Yun Yi Mo yea
金que内相 降臨
聖示・・・ 今夜吾は命を承り、旨を帯び、宣読します。
The holy purport
Jin Que Nei Xiang Advent
Holy instruction
... tonight I, is tinged with breast and proclaim .
Gods and people ,fell down.
Respectfully .
玉皇大天尊 玄霊高上帝いわく
First person pronoun is to stay in the spirit world, the mind has Thoughts about the way of the world.
As it were overlooking, and the world of the road leaves collapse without a trace, ethics common sense crashed, hell can not be and still accommodate to extension, heaven will not come guests also newly built.
Currently we are just coming at a time when three Cao is saved Amaneku.
Heaven of road is made into the world, that to promote the humanity sounded the world horn by Taichung the hall of sages and saints the automatic writing of the southern sky under the direct control, to issue the scriptures, good manual is taking to widely save Gong a Mayoeru people.
「 地獄遊記 」発刊以来、これに学ぶ者は天下に広く満ち、慈悲の航海は広く衆生を救い、教化を受け、悪を棄て善に従う求道修真者は数えるのも難しい程です。
After "Travel sketch of the Hell" had published , whold has been filled with those who learned this book.
Voyage of mercy saved the sentient beings widely , in response to the edification, investigators cenobites who abandon evil and follow good are difficult to count.
First person pronoun is great joy in this, it was the world leaked a hell of information form.
Why heavenly border will not be filled with people?
First day of May, when San Cao opened the meeting and various saints and Bodhisattvas took part in.
The plan was propesed that to manifest the scene and circumstances of the heaven immediately under the command of San Cao and construct the world of Datong ( everyone live a life of same level or one world ) in order to save sentient beings throughout.
そこで、その霊通の任務の遂行に耐え、支障の無い人物を探してみると、聖筆以外には見当たりませんでした。故に「 天堂遊記 」の著作の任務を聖賢堂に命じました。
「 天堂遊記 」は、自動書記の日毎に著作し、完成するまでとします。同時に三界の各関所には、遊生が来たら、開門してこれを迎え、著作に協力する様に命じておきます。
Therefore, we stand for the performance of the mission of the Spirit communication, and try to find there is no person in trouble, it was not found in other than St. brush.
Therefore I have ordered the writings of mission of "Travel sketch of the Heaven " to the hall of saints and sages.
That effect has reached day, a guidance you of Ji Gong Living Buddha, heaven is allowed to visit to holy brush Mr.Yang, plenty to look the scenery, and issued a warning to the world visited the road, it will be completed early in the scriptures, the sentient beings of the world " suffering of hell, is allowed to geologic heaven of fun "and people walking into the devoutness, climbing the Tenhashigo, was directly directed to the sanctuary of Sean, I ordered it so that it becomes as both can enjoy the fun of ramble!
"Travel sketch of the Heaven" is to work on a daily basis of automatic writing, it wanted to be completed.
The three kingdoms at the same time each barrier of, you come is Mr.Yang , with the arrival of this by open gate, we have ordered as to cooperate in copyright.
If severely punished across the board if unobedient person in life, never to be forgiven.
If Tasukeae to put on Avenue both the various raw is the ever faithful sincere, also be put up a billion of thousands of meritorious, you can get from here.
On the day that book has been completed, let's commendation in view dividends. Kotonaki like God nor people differ in accordance with life-Ching tells.
太上無極混元教主 元始天尊 降臨
「 物には本来があり、事には初めと終わりがある。 先と後の順序を知れば、これすなわち近道なり! 」
It says ... in the book "originally on things there, and knowing the order and after.
Destination where there is a beginning and end to the thing, this ie become shortcut!"
Life is coming from somewhere on earth, either going towards where after he died?
Who has a virtue of sages and saints in all time is arranged heaven and earth, the road penetrates the ancient and modern, to know Measure the things of heaven and earth demon, therefore convey an alternative road to heaven, to solve the question, we have clarified the mystery of mankind life and death.
Religion and is located at the gate to circumvent the road dying came just born human is.
Therefore in the world where greed is flooding like a flood, other than religious education and to purify the psychic of humanity, truly revisit naively returns, with a clear description of the good does not have what you want to return to the original boundary.
ヨウ池老母と玉帝はこの事を鑑みて、特別にヨク旨を下し、玉旨は済公活佛が聖賢堂の聖筆である楊生にまず各地獄を見学させ、悪人が報いを受けている悲惨な様子を洩らし「 地獄遊記 」を著し、悪の流れをくい止める柱としました。
In addition, religious theory also passed from the death of Sheikh day, also once had scripture theory and interpretation , for those who value a modern demonstration, you will feel the wind is not elusive in the emptiness.
Therefore substance is filled, spirit In the emptiness of the world, the spirit of humanity has no more take place, also increasing naturally rapidly criminal act of luxury late.
Yao Chi aged mother and Ball emperor is in view of this thing, specially made a good effect, Tamamune is Ji Gong Living Buddha is to first visit each hell Mr.Yang is holy brush of the hall of sages and saints, villain receives a reward It is that it represents the leaked a miserable state "Travel sketch of the Hell", was with the flow of the evil to stem pillar.
太上(感応篇)に曰く、「 禍と福には門は無く、唯自ら招くものである。善と悪の報いは影の如く形につきまとう。 」
In order to encourage good deeds, it was climb a person who made Seondeok made a ladder to climb up to heaven and to heaven, freely outside of secular and Asobase, now is again complete the work of is allowed to errantry heaven "Travel sketch of the Heaven ", good heavens It will let tell freely and is modal amounts to.
It says to Futoshiue (sensitive Hen), "To Wazawai and Fu gates without, is one that leads only himself. Good and evil reward haunts form as in the shadow."
It is the most excellent depiction in two books of Travel Sketch !
People born from heaven, returned to die and heaven.
This is what will be in the flat righat path.
Come to an end soul is good in, if you want to receive the raw permanent and celebrated the return rest at an inn, it has no choice but to move forward on the road that is flat good as ever.
In addition to that we convey the beautiful sight of heaven in the book, various of the celestial, such as machine preaching in accordance with, such as a hermit, Tenge full bloom, as if KimuRen is gushing from the earth, and included no where Avenue Genki leave you are.
Sentient beings Fortunately, it was Meguriae in this book.
Is Ken読 with a quiet mind, and bathed the bathing of spirituality, I hope that you know where you devotion to.
There is a way to go to heaven, the way to go is truly of this road.
Sentient beings is the original come clearly and enlightenment, will be a wish what that climb both the non-polar.
元如天尊 降臨 Advent
謹序 Introduction
無極ヨウ池金母 降臨 Advent
序 Introduction
洪水が荒れた際、現世に降臨し、人の世を開拓し、最初は天性は純真で本来を忘れませんでした。 世に生まれ死すと天に帰りました。
Various of the original spirits who no poles gave birth.
When the flood was rough, and descended to this world, and pioneered the people of the world, at first I did not forget the inherent nature is an innocence.
And I went back to heaven when the world was born mortal.
There, it will be like stain on the trailed, it will become deeper every day, the brightness of the spirit also Yuki is gradually lost, and went to forget the original heavenly late Garden with long.
The hesitation to sink into the sea of lust, and we are sinking more and more is finally regarded as a paradise a Jindo, sin row Stack, so to form a body of guilt which was NeriMigaku purify, and to wait by providing a hell in order to recover the nature shall not I.
Once upon a time Mother appeared as Goddes of mercy or various saints in order to save those people who lose way widely.
Mother search the people who were in troubles and rescued from suffering, and had appeared according with karma.
Now is the world of science and technology and those arts or technologies are about to rob the heavens.
To be missed, morality again is not how to reduction in the old days, spirituality toward the day by day physical properties, charges of record Oyobi also ten thousand volumes, hell is there as far as really deplorable in the momentum of the full customer.
Mother all things emanating from the same source, to creatures of thousands is one, sentient beings have strayed from nature, it slips from the right path, further not be able to endure the things that are piled up sin, Sumioyakekatsuhotoke ask led Mr.Yang of the hall of saints and sages , collect case is Rei遊 the hell, sinful tighten known the world the like souls suffer in hell, to thwart the crime source of, and ordered that to purify the desire of humanityIt was.
今、再び「 天堂遊記 」を著すヨク旨を下し、楊生を連れて天界を霊遊させ、天国の美しい光景を人間界にも顕現させ、人心が善へと向かう様、霊性を昇華させる様、人格が高尚になる様、人々に依拠する所を知らしめ、身体を失った後霊性が無極天堂へ生まれ変わって自由自在になり、再び輪廻する事なき様にする事を願っているのです。
Now, beat well purport to represent the "Travel sketch of the Heaven " again, is allowed to visit the heavens and brought Mr.Yang, the beautiful sight of heaven is manifest in the human world, so that human nature is directed to the good, the spirituality as will sublimate, and such that the personality becomes lofty, tighten know the place you want to rely on people, spirituality is now freely reborn to apolar Blood Brothers after losing the body, I hope that in the way that squeak again reincarnation I.
More than one and a half years have passed, Mr.Yang to encounter various difficulties, footprints Tour of universally the heavens, and now finally the book become, mother of mind I was very relieved.
Ripe exactly iodine pond (insects + turn) is, Shoshi is reading the travel sketch, and encouraging the original enlightenment Shotoku, if you cultivate a great way to prosper the world in sorrow to live without, and return to the paradise heaven if Cisse, was so It is what it is to live without disobey the heart desired by the mother colors.
Take this as preface.
無極ヨウ池金母降臨 Advent
謹序 Introduction
観音大士 降臨 Advent
序 Introduction
Tathagata is provided with a teaching to have mercy, was opened wide Homon of immeasurable.
Gate of Fu Ji (automatic writing) is holding in the bosom of the royal affection, salvation Amaneku the sentient beings of the world, to make a different song to have the same approach, all in view of the actual situation of the region, and made a proper way, to save sentient beings We have made a proper law for.
We shall I must exhausted save sentient beings, and swear grand ambisions not to Buddhahood, and wanted that it exhausted save sentient beings, always using the éthéré of immeasurable, not just only ancient scriptures of fulfillment the place, new knowledge, with a new law, the age in response to the problems, finally after subjected to a prescription, it is possible to cut off the pathogenesis of modern sentient beings, and I was able to fit the results of all kinds of diseases recovery.
Since ancient times, but heaven and hell of the theory has been carved deeply in the hearts of people, even scripture described Unfortunately, private legend also everyone fragmented and was ambiguous, and insufficient in overlooking the whole picture if you are, the world horn is not Itala in the scriptures to save sentient beings sounded, it is not led in to the world of people occupied know it stops continue to constantly samsara without the three developing deities.
Various Tensen buddhas can view here, holy meeting of San Cao the world leaked the plight of Blood Brothers in, causing the heart to yearn to religious of people of the society, was observe the sun, that is allowed ascended to heaven is a sorrow Without freedom of the Pure Land that their wishes it was decided to match.
"If you want to exhausted using the utility of things, first ahead must be sharpened the vessel."
You called, it is not easy to choose the laity appropriate to visit the three kingdoms. It must have a Ching Ming spirituality and goodness of roots and wisdom in addition to grand ambisions to want salvation of the world.
If you try to find a person who can withstand this sacred and heavy duty, as a result tried to choose on the recommendation, and now to the conclusion that the most appropriate Mr.Yang is holy brush of the hall of saints and sages.
Therefore, I am led to Mr.Yang at fifth day of May , Yi Mo year in Ji Gong Living Buddha,
is allowed to visit the three kingdoms, and visited learned, the road is to monk of the Tang went to take the Buddhist scriptures traveled to India, law a is determined, it is indoctrination the posterity,
increasing treasury finally calligraphy save Amaneku the or one sentient beings in the finished world today bypass your rough seas, heavens is not the person who is forced to admired, deities is the good news reported that fighting the matching and joy, to open the Satoshi-ro in reincarnation of the street, and emit a Akira燈 to Bobo serving sea of sufferings, sentient beings through the three Aso Kamiko, today reached the edge, can you read this book, Sambo pond, the ConfucianIt becomes a road's become a saint hermit, to obtain a validation of interpretation who becomes the Buddha, celestial everyone greatly rejoicing, does not have to continue to honor the 已 no thing!
Travel sketch told the complete, three Cao is greatly emits lights, we have emerged emerged is universally gold lotus and Ganoderma lucidum on earth.
Heart of cracking increased voyage of delight and also one great mercy in Nanhai, grand ambisions that rescue sentient beings, you see that it is carried out in fulfillment day by day you are truly gratifying thing.
Treasury will soon engraved on the time plate.
It remains to describe a few words, praise sing the holy virtures !
南海観音大士降臨 Advent
謹序 Introduction