Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise

Now I'm planning to make English version of " Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise ".

It's very important for the people of all over the world.

But my English is pretty poor, and I don't have enough time ,so I try to start to make from abridged translation.

Maybe it takes a long time to complete this translation.

The teller of this story is a Buddhist monk of Fujian in China.

The story was arranged by one Buddhist live in the ordinary society.

Those original Chinese scripts can be obtained at Long Shan Temple in Taipei in Taiwan. ( 龍山寺、台北、台湾 )

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 1

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise

釈寛浄法師口述    劉世華居士整理

前人の未だに発見していない世界を発見。 古を震撼させ、現代を輝かせる自ら西方浄土を訪れた高僧の口述。


1、 かつて作った種種の罪過も、軽いものはたちまちにして消滅し、重いものは軽くなります。

2、 常に吉神の御加護を受け、一切の疫病、水火、盗賊、兵隊、牢獄などの災いを全て受けなくなります。

3、 過去に他人に与えた怨みを消し、佛法の益を全て受け、解脱が得られ、報復を受ける苦しみから逃れられます。

4、 夜叉悪鬼もあなたを侵す事ができず、毒蛇や飢えた虎も害する事ができません。

5、 心は慰安を得、危険な事も起こらず、夜には悪夢も見ません、顔の色は光沢を発し、気力は充実し旺盛となり、為す事は全て吉となり利益となります。

6、 真心を以って佛法を守るようになり、求めずとも自然に衣食は満ち足りる様になります。家庭は和睦し、福禄はいつまでも続きます。

7、 言う事、為す事、人も天も喜ばせるようになるでしょう。 どこへ行っても、人々は街をあげて歓迎し、恭しく敬い、礼拝してくれるようになるでしょう。

8、 愚かな者は知恵を持つようになり、病弱なものは健康になり、困ったものは順調になり、婦女は報謝の日にはすばやく男の身に変わります。

9、 悪道から永遠に離れ、善道に生を受けられる様になります。 容貌は端正になり、資質は人々を超越し、福禄は際立って勝る様になります。

10、 一切の人々の為に善業の種を植え付ける事ができます。人々の心を大きな福の田となし、無量の収穫を得る事ができるようになります。


 寛浄大法師 略歴

 1924年甲子7月7日10時 寛浄大法師は福建省蒲田県城関鎮東大道140号、佛教を信仰する在家信者であった、藩氏という名の家のもとに生まれました。











 しかしいわゆる「 天上界の一日は、人間界の数年に相当する。」という説がある通り、宇宙空間の違いにより、時間概念も又異なるのです。


 その当時、人間界では法師は「消息不明」で、寺挙げて全山(雲居山)の大なり小なりの百いくつの洞穴を全て探し尽くしましたが、いずれも法師の消息は見当たりませんでした。 更には捜索隊まで出動させて、付近の各所にある水庫や、池に落ちたのではないかと捜索させ、熱心な信徒は県城に帰って、泉州市、XIAMEN市、福州市、南平市各地を探しました。



 佛様の御加護によって身体は洞の中にあるまま、6_7年もの間見つからなかったのか、それともどこか他の場所( 異次元空間 )に隠れてしまっていたのか、この点については、その地の鄭秀堅居士等が証拠を提出する事ができます。







 ですから、法師の口述した西方極楽世界の自らの体験談は「 全くの真実 」であり、三界の神祇と天龍八部をもって証拠とする事ができます。




 1987年4月 シンガポール南海普陀山 講演

 法師の皆様、大徳の皆様、居士の皆様! こんにちは!

















「 私 」とは法師自身の事を指します。

 1、路上で奇縁に出くわす。( 観音様が聖境へと導いて下さる。 )


その日、私は夢斜岩寺( 法師はこの寺の住職 )の中で座禅を組んでいました。



私は内心自分が行く所は福建省の徳化県であるとわかっていました。( 夢斜岩寺から九仙山徳化までは、約200華里余りの距離 )



















( 7年後、法師のお言葉にしたがって各地を調査した結果、各世共に確かに実在した人々で、時間も地点も皆あっていました。全て和尚をしていた人です。








その洞窟の中には、一部屋程度の大きさしかなく、弥勒佛像が供養されていたので名を「 弥勒洞 」と呼ばれていました。















この時、私の心中に「 ここの和尚達の服装は今まで見た事がない。だが、ラマ僧に少し似ているな・・・」という思いが起こって来ました。

彼らは皆、微笑みを含んだ表情で「 ようこそおいで下さいました。歓迎します。」と言い、我々は招かれました。









円観老和尚に尋ねてみると「 中天羅漢 と書いてあります。 」とお答えになられました。


今私はその四つの文字の一つは「 十 の文字の上下左右に「 や 」がそれぞれ付けられた文字 」という形だった事だけ憶えています。









The story was told by Xi Kuan Jing, buddhist monk.

Arranged by Liu Shi Hua, Buddhist in the society

He discovered the world where had never been discovered by the predecessor.

The oral statement of the learned and virtuous priest who visited the Western Paradise by himself.

That shakes ancient days,and brightens the present era.

Ten great benefits of printing Buddhist sutras, and making stature of Buddha

8、 愚かな者は知恵を持つようになり、病弱なものは健康になり、困ったものは順調になり、婦女は報謝の日にはすばやく男の身に変わります。

9、 悪道から永遠に離れ、善道に生を受けられる様になります。 容貌は端正になり、資質は人々を超越し、福禄は際立って勝る様になります。

10、 一切の人々の為に善業の種を植え付ける事ができます。人々の心を大きな福の田となし、無量の収穫を得る事ができるようになります。


I, Those various sins you had ever commited ,the light ones will be wiped out at once , the heavy ones will be lightened.

2, You will be always proteced by auspicious god , and will never suffer all evils such as all epidemics,water or fire,thieves ,soldiers or prisons.

3, Those grudges which you had ever given to others will be deleted, and you will receive all the benefits of Buddhist dharmas, and will liverated and can escape from pains to receive retaliation.

4, Even demons cannot violate you, and poisonous snakes or starved tigers cannot harm you.

5, Your mind get consolation,and dangerous things will not happen ,and you will never see nightmares .

The color of your face will emit a gross , and the willpower will enhance and become strong.

And whatever you will do, it will become luck and profits.

6、 真心を以って佛法を守るようになり、求めずとも自然に衣食は満ち足りる様になります。家庭は和睦し、福禄はいつまでも続きます。

7、 言う事、為す事、人も天も喜ばせるようになるでしょう。 どこへ行っても、人々は街をあげて歓迎し、恭しく敬い、礼拝してくれるようになるでしょう。

6, You will come to follow Buddhist dharmas with sincere mind, and the food and clothing will come to be contented naturally when you demand it. The family makes peace,The God of welfare and longevity follows forever.

7, The sky will come to delight 7, saying, the doing thing, person, too. The people put up a town and welcome you and worship it respectfully, and do you come to worship everywhere?

8, the stupid person come to have wisdom, and the sickly thing becomes healthy, and the embarrassing thing becomes favorable, and the women change in the body of the man quickly on the day of the report apology.

9, The life comes to be caught in a detached room, the path of righteousness forever by 9, a bad road. The features become handsome,The nature transcends people, and the God of welfare and longevity comes to be superior remarkably.

10, I can plant the seed of the good deed for 10, all people. I accomplish the heart of people with a field of the big fortune and come to be able to get immeasurable gain.

Living places always look at Buddha and will come to be able to hear Buddhist dharma.

Three wisdoms opens widely promptly and becomes able to demonstrate six supernatural power by oneself and may become Buddha immediately.

Biography of Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest

1924 July 7th 10 o'clock , Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest was born in the family of Buddhist believers whose name is Pan.

The place was Fujian State, Putian prefecture, Chengguan Town, east big street no.140 .

In that day's evening the western heaven was brilliant in gold, and the earth also shined like gold .

Therefore he was named 藩金榮( Pan Gold Prosper).

He did not go to the school from childhood , but wisdom surpasses and become a priest at 7 years old in Jiao Zhong temple in Fujian and receive commandments for completeness at 15 years old Nan Hua temple in Guangdong.

And have met with Zheng Yan sutras of the Xu Yun old priest at Mt. Yun Ju in Jiangxi.

And succeeded a 48th successor of Dong Yun sect for handing down Buddhism to posterities.

And served as the chief priest of Keng Di Ping Temple , Shui Lian Temple, Xian Fo Temple, Neng Ren Temple,Dang Jia, Kai Ping Temple,Meng Xie Temple and San Hui Temple in Fujian .

When he served as the chief priest of San Hui Temple in Fujian Xianyou County in 1980, he started Zen meditation on December 23 and was soaked in state of meditation for six and a half days until 29th and gave the whole Xianyou County a shock.

Pupils who studied under a great Buddhist priest were more than 3,000 people in those days. When he stayed at a North American church once in New York in 1982 to propagate Buddhist Dharma for an itinerant monk,he was appointed as the honorary chief director.

And he was the learned and virtuous priest who attained enlightment of United States Buddhist society Nuo Na temple in San Francisco , temple of Goddess of Mercy in Los Angels and so on.


The main contents of this book are experiences of Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest who is Chinese Living Buddha. When he sat in contemplation in Mi Luo cave of Jiu Xian mountain in De Hua county,Fujian on October 25 in an agricultural calendar in 1967, Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest got "lost" by the guidance of the Goddess of Mercy suddenly.

In fact,the Buddhist priest was led to the world of western paradise those days and visited each states of nine articles of lotus flowers.

Though he felt it as just a day and night, but when he came back to the terrestrial world , that day was April 8 in an agricultural calendar in 1973.

In other words, more than six years and five months had passed.

You may feel such a phenomenon is beyond the range of human commonsense if you hear.

However, the time concept is different by differences of the outer spaces as the saying goes" One celestial day equal to several years of the terrestrial world .".

Such a story would be easily understood if you have a bit knowledge of Buddhist Dharma.

In the terrestrial world ,whole people of a temple looked for all the hundreds of big or small caves of Mt. Yun Ju exhaustively, but the news of the Buddhist priest was never heard .

Besides, they let searching party dispatch to search him whether he might fall into the storage of water and the ponds in every nearby place, and the earnest believers returned to the prefecture and looked for Quanzhou City, Xiamen City, Fuzhou City or Nanping City.

Besides they sent people to the neighboring towns such as Yong Thai,Yong Chun, De Hua or Fu Qing and let them investigate him, but there was no news at all for several years.

People thought that the Buddhist priest had left this world and grieved.

In fact the Buddhist priest had never go outside even a one step from Mi Luo cave from beginning to the end.

As for the fact that either he was not found 6 or 7 years with his body had been in the cave under the protection of Buddha, or hidden into the different dimension of space and time, Zheng Xiu Jian Buddhist in the ordinary society or others can submit evidences .

The process which the Buddhist priest had visited the world of western paradise by himself is different from mere dreams.

He is learned and virtuous priest who had attained enlightment, and never need to tell absurdity .

In addictions, the scenes which the Buddhist priest had seen were not that seen in the practice of Zen meditations.

If that was a scene which is seen in practice of Zen meditations,it will never be described.

Otherwise eight series of heavenly dragons and heavenly damons will come and will be mattered.

The Buddhist priest had received the command of A Mi Tuo Buddha and the Goddess of mercy.

And dare to show in public what he had seen and heard in each states of the world of western paradise.

All the people who learned Buddhism might to know, as for the person who tell absurdity will be put into the never ending hell and never can get out of it semipermanently.

Therefore circumstances of the world of western paradise which was experienced and dictated by Buddhist priest himself are" complete truth" and can be proved with evidence by deities of three worlds and eight series of heavenly dragons.

The land of western paradise other than the terrestrial world where we live in and the sutra of A Mi Tuo Buddha which is told by Buddha really exist .

Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest is a witness. The writer edit them based on the oral statement of the Buddhist priest and arrange and publish it to the world.

One purpose is to spread Buddhist Dharma, and another purpose is to make readers believe Buddhist Dharma,study sutras, perform good earnestly and ascend up to the world of westeran paradise together.

April,1987 Lecture in Mt. Nan Hai Pu Tuo in Singapole


Buddhist priests, those people who have moralities and Buddhists in the ordinary society !

Today we are able to gather with all of you according to the Buddhist connection .

As the results of Karma of previous lives born fruit, we are able to meet with all of you today at this meeting.

The story which I will tell you from now on is the experiences which I had visited the world of western paradise by myself.

I intend to report to all of you the scenes which I saw and heard in the world of western paradise .

The points which I will tell you are about next five points .

1. How did I go to the world of western paradise ?
What kind of fate had brought me to there ?

It was about 20 hours for my feeling when I had visited the world of western paradise , but actually the time had passed more than six years and five months when I came back to the terrestrial world.

2. The places where I had visited on the way to the world of western paradise,are Luo Han sinus,Dao Li heaven,Dou Lv heaven, and lower lotus flower, middle lotus flower and higher lotus flower (because each lotus flower have three grades which are divided as lower,middle and higher ,so there are nine lotus flower alltogether.).

I would like to talk about how is the scenes of the points of these three lotus flowers for all of you.   

3. Actually, how did people of nine articles make their days in the terrestrial world ?

Briefly,with what kind of good charity born from acetic practices performed by them, they were able to ascend up to some lotus flower of nine lotus flowers ?

4, Methods of ascetic practices performed by people in the world of western paradise.

Briefly, what kind of methods are practiced by the people living in there ?

From the bottom to the top one by one,until they accomplish Buddhist path.

5. Demands from the celestial people to say hello to the close people in terrestrial world when I come back to the terrestrial world.

The Buddhist priest start to talk about the progress when he was on the way to the world of western paradise as follows.

"I" refer to the Buddhist priest.

1. I happened to meet a strange coincidence on October 5, 1967 (the goddes of mercy lead me to the Saint boundary).

I was practicing Zen meditation in the Meng Xie Yan temple ( I was the chief priest of this temple) on that day.

At that moment,I heard the voice of the person who called me suddenly.

Besides,that person pushed me to walk foreward.

At that time I was at half in an ecstastic state,I left the temple without confirming who was pushing me to the front.

I knew in my mind the place I was going to was De Hua prefecture of Fujian.(It is about 200 li from the Meng Xie Yan temple to De hua of Mt. Jiu Xian).

I did not feel hardness or starvation while I was walking.

When I was thirsty, I scooped the water of the spring by hand some cups and quenched a throat.

I did not know how many days I walked, but took neither the rest nor the sleep.

But I remember that weathers were all fine.

Those days were just in the midst of the Cultural Revolution.

When I came to the place not so far from De Hua prefecture or Mt.Jiu Xian in Shang You , my feeling became lucid suddenly.

At that time, people passing by are talking " Today is 25th of October. People walk at night because now is the time of Cultural Revolution,and there were troubles in a local district.

I also was not exception.

I happened to meet with an old Buddhist priest (who was proved to be an incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy later) at 3:00 early in the morning on a way .

His appearance was a priest's robe same as me.

Originally we had no acquaintance, but we saluted each other naturally as comrades who are practicing same path.

 We mutually told the name, the old priest began the self-introduction.

"My Buddhist name is Yuan Guan. Today, we were able to get to know each other as a conection. If possible, let's go to the Mt. Jiu Xian together!"

I agreed because destination was same. And we talked each other while walking.

On the road he seemed to perspect a lot of things about my past at details.

He told about the causal relationship about my past lives what time, where I was born and at any point like a myth.

Strangely I remember firmly what he had told to me.

Seven years later, I researched the county according to the words of priest.

Those people of each generation did exist certainly.

The era and places were exactly right.

All of them were the person who had been a priest.

One generation before, I was a Buddhist of householder.

That person was a person of the Kanxi era at Qing Dynasty.

And his living place was Shang you fang gui ge village.

His name was Zheng Yuan Si and born six boys and two girls.

One of his son passed the Ke Ju examination in ancient China.

The address, time and a graveyard did really existed.

Now his offsprings are 121 houses and about 450 people.

When we were talking on the way, we had arrived at Mt.Jiu Xian (the highest mountain at Fujian-province)

There was a big cave on the mountain, and it's name was called a Miluo ( Maitreya ) cave.

It was the our original destination.

There was a space only about one room's wide in the cave.

And Maitreya stature was worshipped.

So people call this place "Maitreya cave".

But when we arrived Mt.Jiu Xian and climbed about half of the mountain,suddenly strange view appeared right in front of us.

The road we were walking changed immidiately.

It was not the original road of Mt. Jiu Xian, but the piled road of cut stone.

The road on the way where not the original way to Mt. Jiu Xian was shining faintly , but nine stone was cut and piled up.

That was really strange.

When we arrived at a ridge and glimpsed, the scene was not an original Maitreya cave, but different scene had appeared !

The scene which appeared in front of us was the grand temple which I have never seen before and was magnificent.

Even if it was compared with the old palace in Beijing, it was much grander and magnificent view.

Two Buddhist towers were also built in both sides of a minster.

When we walked for a while, we arrived at a gate of the temple.

The gate of the temple made by piled white stone was grand, magnificent and dignified appearance.

There was a big amount on the big gate which was carved with gold ,and it was shining in gold.

 Several characters were carved with gold on the surface, but I didn't understand at all.

There were four monks in front of the temple gate, and they worn a red long robe.

They put on gold belts, and had a solemn expression.

When they noticed two of us had arrived, welcomed us.

We also responded hastily.

A thought occured to my mind at that time.

" I have never seen robes of those monks. But these looks like that of Lama a little bit...."

They said "Thank you for coming. We are welcome your coming." with an expression including a smile, and we were invited.

After we entered the Mount gate, we passed through several palaces.

Strangelly every architectures were emitting light in this place.

Every palaces were magnificent view.

When we entered in, just saw a very long hallway.

And both side of the hallway were planted various rare flowers and trees with different colors which I don't know names.

When we saw outside of the window, we can see the architectures of Buddhist towers or palaces.

After a while, we reached at the first palace.

Four big gold letters were brilliant upon the palace.

Neither Chinese character nor English, so I couldn't understand.

When I asked Yuan Guan old buddhist monk about the meaning ,he answered "It was written as a mid heaven arhat."

If it was called an arhat, I thought that this world was the state where reached as the result of arhat ascetic practices.

After we arrive there, I slightly have begun to notice that this place is no longer the human world I lived.

Now I remember only that one of its four characters was the shape as (「 and 」in left, right, up or down of the character of + ).

I can't remember other three characters.

It was about alpenglow in 3:00 early in the morning, when I met with Yuan Guan old buddhist monk.

I just saw a lot of people were walking in and out at the palace.

There were various races such as yellow, white, brown and black, but majority was yellow-skinned race.

There were men and women of all ages. Their costume was strange and everyone was flashing.

They gathered as three or five people.

Some people were practicing martial arts, some people were dancing in fun, some person were playing oriental chess strenuously and some person were

They were in funny atmosphere.

When they noticed our arrival, everyone wagged his head with kindly atmosphere, and smiled and expressed intention of a welcome, but they did'nt speak to us.

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 2

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise

 大殿の中に入ると、四つの大きな字が見えました。円観老法師は私に「 あれは大雄宝殿と書かれているのですよ。」と教えて下さいました。




I was able to see four big Chinese characters when entered the grand palace.

Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest tell me that "It is written that Grand treasure palace.".

Two old monks welcomed us.

One of them was the person who had white and very long mustache, and another one had no mustache.

When they noticed the arrival of Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest they performed a Grand Ceremony of Accession of the throwing away of the whole body on the ground immediately.

中天羅漢が円観老和尚をこれほど礼拝するという事は、円観老和尚はただの人ではないな・・・ と私は思いました。

I thought that the Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest is not just anybody because middle sky arhat worshiped him as such a degree.



While they guided us to the guest room, I looked around every direction of the Grand palace.

Smoke of the incense drifted and thrust a nose.

A white stone shining faintly is spread all over the ground, but I felt strange that there is no Buddha statue in the palace, but there were a lot of offering.






Bright flowers were put together and sticks out like a basketball.

There were all kinds of glittering decorations,and their kinds of colors were many and various.

The old monk had two cups of water which a child brought to him when we entered the guest room.

The child bundled up two hair dressing at head.

The Taoist child wore green cloth and tied up a golden belt around a waist,and the cloth of the child of were very beautiful.





The water of a cup was white, cool and sweet.

I drank half and a bit of a cup. Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest also drank.

After drank ,my mind became two times refresher than before , and a whole body was relaxing and did not feel fatigue at all.

Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest talked with old monk whisperingly and the old monk ordered a child to let me go to wash a body.






I saw one white copper tray, and it was filled with clean water to the full.

I entered in the bath and washed a face, rubbed a body and wore clean gray buddhist cloth which was prepared especially for me.

My mind and body became two times more comfortable than before after I finished washing a body.

At that time, I thought that I could surely enter into the Saint ward today.

My mind was filled with joy, and was not able to express it by the words .


 そして教えを乞いました。 佛教の将来はどのようなものでしょうかと。




When I came back to the guest room, I kneeled in front of the old monk immediately and worshiped three times.

And I asked for teaching how about the future of Buddhism ?

The old monk did not answer. But he wrote eight chinese characters on a paper.


The old monk handed me the paper.



I received it respectfully with both hands.

Another old monk descripted me the meaning of eight Chinese characters while I was wondering about those meaning.

 「 この八つの文字は横から縦、縦から横、左から右、右から左、上から下、下から上などに分割すると、36句に分割できます。


 もし、この36句を演繹して840句にすれば、全世界の佛教の将来における発展の状況を佛教が滅ぶ時まで知る事ができます。 」


 佛自心作 教由魔作 教自由心 心魔作主 作主佛教 作自由魔
 魔作佛教 佛由魔作 佛由魔教 心自作魔 教自由作 教作自主
 主作佛教 作佛自主 作主佛教 主作佛心 教自由佛 心自由教


"These eight Chinese characters can be devided as 36 phrases,according to vertical or horizontal.

We can know the situation of the next 100 years of Buddhism with them.

We can know the situation of the development of the Buddhism's future of the whole world until the time when Buddhism's downfall, if we deduce these 36 phrases to 840phrases."

The Buddhist monk proclaimed that when the time will be ripened in the future, these 840 phrases will be promulgated.

18 phrases of them were promulgated as follows.

佛自心作 教由魔作 教自由心 心魔作主 作主佛教 作自由魔 魔作佛教 佛由魔作 佛由魔教 心自作魔 教自由作 教作自主 主作佛教 作佛自主 作主佛教 主作佛心 教自由佛 心自由教

When the old monk let me take a rest in a room after having had a talk for a while, and a child took me in a room, there was no the bed, and there were only some witty chairs.





These surfaces were covered with very tender silk, and I try to sat on a big chair one of these.

My body had became very comfortable when I sat down,I felt very comfortable and I feel I lost my weight as if did not know to where I put my hip.

After a while, I heard the voice of Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest that call me . I went down immediately on the ground and left the room.

Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest said to me.

 「 今、私はあなたを兜率天に連れていって、弥勒菩薩とあなたの師父である虚雲老和尚を拝見させます。」

 私は「 それは光栄です。 御面倒をおかけ致します。 どうもありがとうございます。」と答えました。


 円観老法師はそれでもきっぱりと「 その必要はありません。時間は多くはありませんから。」とおっしゃいました。

 その時、我々の行く目的地は「 兜率天 」でした。

"Now, I'll take you to the Dou Lv heaven and let you meet with the Maitreya-bodhisattva and your master Xu Yun old monk. "

I answered "That's honorable. I apologize for the trouble. Thank you very much."

When we leave the grand palace,I said goodbye to the two old monks .

Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest still said outright " No need. We have not enough time. ".

At that time,the destination we were going to was " the Dou Lv heaven " .

 二、 兜率天で虚雲老和尚と出会う


 しかし、円観老法師は私に「 時間は多くありません。」と言って、急ぐ様に促しました。( 後に分かった事ですが、上界の時間は人間界と違って長く留まりすぎてはならないのです。さもないと人間界に戻って来た時には、数百年あるいは数千年経っている事もありえます。)

 2、I have met with Xu Yun old monk in the Dou Lv heaven

I saw that many magnificent golden palaces or tresure towers were emitting lights and fascinated people's eyes and never let eyes leave on the street.

However, Yuan Guan old Buddhist monk told me "We have not enough time."and urged me to hurry up .

( I founded later that the time on the celestial world is different from the time on the terrestrial world.

So we should not stay long time. Otherwise there are possibilities to already passed several hundred years or several thousand years when you came back to the terrestrial world. )


The road we walked was made by cut white stones and emitted light faintly .

The strange flowers on the mountain sends a clean fragrance on the wind and attaches the nose and make people's minds relaxed and happy .


After we turned some curves, there is the road of approximately one Li( degree of distance ) and a big bridge appeared.

However, strangely only the middle part of the bridge was floating on the air and didn't have the former part and back part, so we could not pass it .

It was the abyss without the bottom when I looked into the bottom !

 「 この橋はどの様にしたら渡る事ができるのだろう?」私はブツブツ独り言をつぶやいていました。

 「 あなたが普段唱えているお経は何ですか? 」

 私は「普段は妙法蓮華経、 ろ厳呪です。」 と答えると
 老法師は「 そうですか。 それならそのお経を唱えてみて下さい。」


I was murmuring that " How can I pass this bridge ? ".

Just at the time I was hesitating, Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest asked me like this .

" What is the sutra which you usually advocate ? "

I answered " I usually advocate Lotus Sutra of the wonderful law, Luo Yan incantation ."

The old Buddhist priest told me that " Is it so ? Then please advocate that incantation. "

So I advocated the Luo Yan incantation in a mouth .

The Luo Yan incantation have more than 3,000 characters all together , but scenery in front of me suddenly changed when I read only 20 _ 30 characters of incantation .



The former part and back part of the big bridge grew towards land and connected with the land and emitted gold color.

And it became seven treasure constitution and became as if the vivid rainbow of the prismatic colors.

It became like hanging over the air and glorious incomparable.

Lanterns emitted lights of various colors on the railing of the bridge.

 橋の頭部には5つの大きな文字が書いてありました。大殿の上の字形と同じもので、私はあの文字の意味はきっと「 中天羅漢橋 」であろうと推測しました。


「 何故、最初は見えなかった橋の先と後の部分が、呪文を唱えると見えるようになったのですか ? 」

Five big letters were written on the head of the bridge.

The font was same as the Grand palace.

I supposed that the meaning of that letter to be "The middle sky Luo Han Bridge".

We took a short break at a rest place in the middle of the bridge while we crossed the bridge.

Finally at that time, I asked Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest .

" Why the former and back part of the bridge which couldn't be seen first time ,can be seen after I advocated the incantation in a mouth ? "

 「 呪文を唱える前は、あなたの本性( 本来の自分の姿)は自分自身の業に周囲を固く囲まれていて視界が遮られていたので、聖境が見えなかったのです。

The Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest answered.

" You could not see holy parts because your true nature ( your true figure ) was surrounded firmly with your karma and your sight was shut off.

However after you chanted incantation,obstacles of karma was dispersed so your true nature became clear. So all the holy parts which existed from the first time,could be seen.

It is so called " If there are no clouds at all in ten thousants Li( degree of distance ), you can see heaven in ten thousants Li. "




We started to walk again after finished a break and walked a while with chanting an incantation.

Then lotus flower came out from under a foot suddenly.

Every one valve emitted blue light like crystal.

The leafs also emitted various lights .



We soared up into the sky when we stepped on the lotus flower and flew on the sky .

We flew straight towards the front.

I only heard a sound of the wind with ears.

But, the body did not feel that big wind had been blowing.

 The speed was faster than an airplane.

Various scenes around us had passed our bodies from the front to back and we only watched them.



My body became gradually hotter in a few minutes.
There appeared something looks like Tian An Men(Ancient Grand Palace ) of Beijing a little at that time.

However,it was more magnificent gorgeousness and wider than Ancient Grand Palace in Beijing.

All the dragons or phenixes on the stone pillar emitted lights .

The roof was very magnificent with the style of the Hu( Inferior race neibouring China )palace.


 一種類目は漢字で「 南天門 」と書かれていました。

( 南天門 は四大天王の居場所です。 )
 「 南天門 」 の中は沢山の天界の人々が立っていました。


When we arrived at this silver castle, there was a signboard written by five kinds of letters on the castle gate.

The first kind was written as "the south heaven gate" in Chinese character.
( The south heaven gate is a residence of the four major Princes.)

The people of many heavens stood in "the south heaven gate ".
The clothes of the person who seemed to be the civil officer resembled the official outfit of the Qing dynasty era a little bit.

The outfitting was very splendid, and all the clothes emitted light.
The person who wore clothes like the military officer was like the military commander of the old drama played on the stage, and the decoration of the armor emitted light and gave off influence very much.




All of them stood in lines at both sides of the castle gate mouth and pressd hands and gave a bow at their eyes and welcomed our entry into a fortress.

But nobody was going to talk to us.

There was a big mirror when I entered into castle gates ten steps.
This mirror light up one's original soul and can distinguish good or evil.

I saw innumerable strange scenery and things on the way when I entered in a castle gate.

 「 これは四大天王のもう一つ上の層でDAO利天( 欲界天の中の第二天 )で、玉皇大帝の住処で、四方三十二天を管理なされております。」

For example, rainbow, ball, flower or something like electric light passed our bodies.

It was not to constant distance and saw innumerable bower stands and lofty buildings and spires subtly in the layer of the Scotch mist.

I introduced me, and there was the outlook on Japanese yen old Buddhist priest.
"It is management, as for this, every direction 32 God is done in the range of in the other four major princes at a residence of Yu Huang Emperor in Dao Li heaven." (the second sky in the world of lust sky)

 円観老法師は私に「 兜率天に着きましたよ。」とおっしゃいました。
( 兜率天 は欲界天の中の第六天です。 )あっという間に殿閣山門前に着きました。

We did not have enough time to observe it, and climbed several levels straight the top.

Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest told me that "arrived at the The fourth of the six heavens in the world of desire.".

(Dou Lv heaven is the 6th heaven in the world of desire.)

We had arrived in front of the gate of Mt. Dian Ge at once.





20 people over have kindly come to meet us.

One of them is none other than, it was me you hail in the teacher who kindly bestowed tuition imaginary Xu Yun old Buddhist priest (per person of modern China three major high priest).

The other two people were people who knew me too.

Contact one of Myohasu priest, in the other FukuSakae Daishi, wearing a robe of red silk to watch, and it was a very gorgeous beautiful.

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 3

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise


 「 心の調子状況はいかかがな? まだ喜びや悲しみはありますか?
 ところで今日あなたと一緒にここにいらしたあのお方が誰であるかご存知かな? 」

 私は「 円観老法師という名前のお方です。」と答えました。

 「 あのお方こそはあなた方が毎日祈っている慈悲深く苦難から救われる観世音菩薩でおられるのですよ。」


When I looked at Xu Yun old Buddhist priest who was my master ,I kneeled on the ground immediately and worshiped.

I was at the place where I would almost burst into tears with deep emotion .

The master asked me that " How is your mental condition ?   

Do you still have a joy or sorrow ?   

By the way,do you know who is the person you come with today ? ".

I answered that " He is the person whose name is Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest.".

Then the master told me a surprising thing .

" That person is the Goddess of Mercy you pray every day and who save from the hardship mercifully ."

When I heard it, I was surprised and kneeled to Goddess of Mercy and worshiped many times.

 これこそまさしく「 目がありながら、泰山がわからず。」という事ではありませんか! 私はしばらくの間、何をどの様に話せばよいのやら見当もつきませんでした。

「 兜率天 」の人々は身長は5~6尺程度ある我々娑婆世界とは違って、身長は約三丈余りしかありません。

 しかし円観老法師( 観音様の化身)が私をここに連れてくると、私の体も自然に変化して、彼らと同じ位の三丈余りになりました。


 そこでは、私は沢山の人を見かけました。 老若男女皆居ました。 彼らの服装は明朝時代の衣裳に似ていました。

Is this not just like " You can't recognize Mt.Tai though you have eyes. " ?!

I had no idea how I should speak about what.

As for the people of "Dou Lv heaven", the height had approximately just three Jiang length unlike a certain 5-6 Chi length in this world.

However, when an outlook on Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest ( incarnation of the Goddes of mercy ) brought me to here , my body also had changed naturally and became three Chi length as same as them.

The master told me that I must keep on ascetic practices in this world, the obstacle of the karma will be removed gradually through a trial and we should repair the temple at every generation .

I saw many people there.

They were people of every age of male and female.

Their clothes somewhere resembled the apparel of the times of Ming dynasty.


 その後、我々は一緒に「 兜率天 」の内院へと進み、弥勒菩薩を礼拝しに行きました。



 中国語で書かれている文字は「 兜率天 」でした。ここでは、私は自分の目で弥勒菩薩を拝見しました。

 弥勒菩薩の様子は我々が娑婆世界で礼拝している腹が出っ張って笑っておられる「 大腹笑佛 」の様ではありません。



3. The disclosure of the Maitreya-Bodhisattva

After that, we advance to the inner room of " Dou Lv heaven " together and went to worship Maitreya-bodhisattva.

When we advanced to the Maitreya palace , I was not able to describe the magnificent grandeur of the grand palace with a brush and ink.

Everywhere emitted gold lights , and three big dazzling letters of golden light were written by five kinds of letters in front of the gate of palace .

The letters written in Chinese character was " Dou Lv heaven ".
And I saw Maitreya-bodhisattva with my own eyes.

The appearance of Maitreya-bodhisattva is not like " Laughing Buddha of big stomach " whom we worship in terrestrial world .

The look was solemn, and the Maitreya-bodhisattva had an aspect of 80 kinds and 32 phazes, and the features were excellent superior.

A lot of Bodhisattvas stood on both sides of the gland palace, lined up and wore various Taoist clothes, but many people wore the red shoulder-worn robe which could give off light and everyone have lotus sitting .



「 私は将来( 六十億万年後 )に下界に生まれます。娑婆世界に降臨しますが、その時には地球上には高い山は一つもなくなり、地上は手のひらの様に平らになります。




 ( その後も一しきりの法話を開示して下さいましたが、私ははっきり記憶しておりません。)


I asked Maitreya-Bodhisattva that please disclose the sermons while I was watching Maitreya-Bodhisattva.

The Maitreya-Bodhisattva disclosed the sermon a while.

The Bodhisattva told to me.

"I will born into the terrestrial world in the future(6 billion years later), and I descend into the terrestrial world, but at that times no mountains will be found, and the ground will be flat like a palm.

And terrestrial world will change into human world paradise and becomes friendly to each other between your religious sects.

And religious sects will come to encourage each other.

Religious sects should not blame each other.

Buddhist sects must not blame each other, and should rectify each other and must walk a right way."

( The Maitreya-Bodhisattva kept on disclose for a while, but I do not memorize the rests clearly. )

I expressed the will of thanks and worshiped.






After that my master, Xu Yun old Buddhist priest took me to the large lofty building.

There was military commander who wore the apparel similar to clothes of Ming dynasty in front of the lofty building, but he was not Wei Tuo Tian.

That person led us into the lofty building.

Then a fairy picked up a flower and gave me the cake which was made with honey and treated us.

When I took the piece of the cake my mouth became very refreshing for sweet taste without compare , my stomach became full and at the same time I felt that my spirit became two times stronger than before .


 「 天上界では、どこでも花蜜ジャムを食糧にしているのです。




Fu Rong master told to me.

" We make floral nectar jam as foods in anywhere of the celestial world.

Celestial beings and nymphs of the institute in front of us sent this.

And this was made with the honey of various flowers and tastes good.

If the person of the terrestrial world eats this floral nectar jam,ills will disappear and the life span will get longer.

And the aged person can return to the child.

Please eat much more. It is good for health.

Surely my body became younger than before and has not taken medicine afterwards up to the present.


 「 天界の人々は、安逸さばかり求め、修行を修めようとはしない。


 我々はここに於いて弥勒菩薩の説法を聴き、将来再び、人間界に降臨し、衆生を救います。 そうしてからやっと真の菩薩道に進み入る事ができ、生死を脱する事ができるのです・・・」



Fu Rong master told to me successively.

"People in the heaven will not to master ascetic practices, and being the same as the person of the house which is rich and noble of the terrestrial world, and being going to become a priest, and yet leaving the all parts of the world and do not know that I do not get away from the life and death.

They repeat samsara of the six kinds of the worlds to come for the people without wanting to be concerned only with the at hand enjoyment without the people of heavens demanding ease

We will descend to listen to sermon of the Maitreya-bodhisattva again in the future in the terrestrial world in here and save all creatures.

... that at last I advance to the true Bodhisattva way after doing so it and can enter and can escape from life and death"

At that time,Master Xu Yun old Buddhist priest also gave me disclosure.

He said as such.

 「 末法の時代にこそ、最も劣悪な環境の中で衆生を救い続けなければなりません。








"You must continue saving all creatures in the most inferior environment in the times of the degenerate age and must not covet only the enjoyment when it is favorable environment and must not escape at the time of adverse circumstances.

And you must make bad person realize evil and make them return to the goodness.

The good persons must keep on good life and must train yourself cleanly.

To walk a path of Hui Ming true Dharma of Buddha even in inferior environment is to walk true Bodhisattva path.

After having come back to the terrestrial world, you should respect religious precepts as a master and maintain it firmly same as before, especially monks practicing asceticisms walking the same way with you in place of me.

You must not change the Buddhist priest system.
Now some monks say that Luo Yan incantation is false, or we should change the lobe or don't believe law of cause and effect, or say egg is a vegetable and don't practice or don't lead people.

On the contrary, they confuse people by evil doctrine, and twist the Buddhist scriptures and hoax ,defraud the memorial service with a skillful story.







 この意味は今のあなたは分かりますか? 」

These are the things that the devil comes to the terrestrial world for picks a root of the wisdom of the Buddha, and the devil raises a head and hurt terrestrial
people freely.

Therefore you must inherit my will as much as possible by all means.

It is the proof to be my pupil indeed.

You will go abroad to all the countries of the world in the future and preach and civilize them.

In the very inferior environment, you should revive the temple which I founded when I was in the terrestrial world by all means.

That is why I named you Fu Xing ( revive ) when I preached Buddhist Dharma to you first time .

Now do you understand this meaning ? "


 「 青( 深 )松霜雪愈堅禿、海天一色遍三千。」





My master Xu Yun old Buddhist priest has begun to read a character loudly one by one suddenly .

"blue (深) 松霜雪愈堅禿, 海天一色遍三千."

We take a rest for a while, the Goddess of Mercy takes us out of the Grand palace and we went to the Former Institute and visited sky view.

Then bright light glistened brightly and heavenly animals or rare birds lined up and sang a song, and moved at the elegance of it unintentionally.

Harmonies of the music of clean heavens sounded from nearby or far away, and an elegant sound is played naturally.

Heavenly childs and fairies stand in line in the beautiful apparel of various colors and made in formation.




「 あの塔は太上老君( 老子 )の住処で、煉丹大塔と呼ばれています。」

 そちらを眺めてみると、極めて壮観な「 煉丹大塔 」が雲に覆われたり、見えたりしながら、一体何層あるのか分からない高さで立っています。


Heavenly flowers were in full glory in every direction and fascinates our eyes with luster.

The lofty buildings and pavilion of nearby and farway or various treasureous towers were hit lights.

These were just the superb view of the heaven, the terrestrial world does not deserve this a one-10,000th at all.

I was just admiring at the scene in front of me.

And the Goddess of Mercy was higher than Mt. Kun Lun.

My master pointed to the treasureous tower giving off the light of 100 kinds of colors.

And I was said that "That tower is an abode of 太上老君 (Laozi), and it was called Elixir Grand Tower " .

When I looked at the scene , there standed the " Elixir Grand Tower " which was covered with clowds .

It standed with height of I could'nt know how many layers it was.

I was as if standing in front of a high mountain.


「 この塔は上仙の居住する所です。周りには沢山の多霊元樹( 道家修練の原形 )と四時花果があります。」


 この時、観世音菩薩は催促しておっしゃいました。「 時間がありません。これからあなたを西方極楽世界へと連れて行きます。

We only peeped out from the outside and did not enter the tower.

The Goddess of Mercy was told again.

"There is four times fruits of floweres with original trees of many souls (the original form of the Daoist practice ) that it is the place where upper saint lives in, and there are many these towers around. "

When soul Motoki of heavens is beautiful, and flower coming out does not train itself according to the story well when the person who performs training of law of saints trains itself well, the flower seems to have possibilities to die without life.

The Goddess of Mercy demanded it then and said.

"I do not have time.I take you to the west Land of Happiness world from now on.

It is more beautiful than here.

There are totally no specifications of the comparison with this world. "

四、極楽世界を訪れる。 ー 阿弥陀佛と面会する。ー

 「 兜率天 」を出ると、私は再びろ厳経を唱え、脚上に蓮華座が現れ空に飛び出発しました。






4. I visit the Land of Happiness world. I meet you with ー A Mi Tuo Buddha ー

I advocated Luo Yan sutra again when I left "the The fourth of the six heavens in the world of desire" and lotus sitting appeared on the leg and I flew in the sky and left it.

A sound sounded with whistles by an ear, but, on the street, did not feel it that there was wind.

The speed of the speed does not have the specifications of the description again. Scenery of all elegant heavenly saint in the very front passed through its our personal life too much.

It was over behind in no time.

The ground under the lotus sitting is covered in sand of the money before I do it for 15 minutes, and height is dozens of length, branch made of the money and leaf made of balls, and there are a triangular thing, a five-cornered thing, the thing of the heptagon, and everybody gives off light, and, as for the big tree which lined up to one line of one line, the leaf flowers.




A body also emits light various beautiful birds, and some birds have two wings or many wings with two heads or many heads.

It flies freely, and they're singing St. number in the A Mi Tuo Buddha.

The environment is circled by the rail with the vivid all seven colors.

The Goddess of mercy told to me.

 「 仏経に述べられている、七重羅網、七重行樹というのはまさにこの境地の事です。」




 この様にしてまっすぐ行き、しばらくして( 大金山 )の前面に来ました。

 この大きな金色の山は、中国の峨( 山+眉 )山より、何倍の大きさかもわかりませんでした。

Seven layer silk gauze and seven layer trees is just this state which is described in a Buddhist sutra."

Voice of a lot of talks is being heard in case of an ear, but a word can't be caught perfectly.

I can listen A Mi Tuo Buddha which was told by The Goddess of mercy.

A lot of high mountains were seen on the road. It consisted of Shippo and everyone was issuing light light.

I have done one for straightness for a while in this way and have come to the front of (Mt. large sum of money).

I didn't also know how many times of size this big gold mountain was more than a Mt.E Mei ( Si Chuan state in west China ).

 疑う余地もなく、この山こそが「 西方極楽世界 」の中心でした。


「 着きましたよ。阿弥陀佛はあなたの前にいらっしゃいます。見えましたか? 」


「 どこですか? 私に見えるのは大きな石の壁が目の前に聳え立っているのが見えるだけですが。 」

This mountain was the center of "the western heaven world" without doubt.

Goddess of mercy told as follows with waving his hands.

"I have arrived. The A Mi Tuo Buddha is in front of you. Was it seen?"

I wondered and questioned.

"Where is it? The one I see just sees a wall of a big stone dominating immediateness."


「 今あなたは阿弥陀佛の脚元の前に立っているのですよ。 」

 私は「 阿弥陀佛の身体はこれほど大きいのに、何故私に見えるわけがありましょう? 」




Goddess of mercy's answer was unexpected.

"You stand just in front of the leg of the A Mi Tuo Buddha now."

I told that "Though the body of the A Mi Tuo Buddha is this much big, can I see?"

It was same as being impossible to be able to look the whole picture in a skyscraper around even if one ant was looking up at such view from the bottom in tens of story of American skyscraper at all indeed, and we assumed how you looked up.

The Merciful Goddess said as he kneeled immediately, and I might ask me divine protection of the A Mi Tuo Buddha so that you might lead to the western heaven world.

I kneeled, asked divine protection of the A Mi Tuo Buddha and hoped immediately.

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 4

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise


After a while, my body grew big suddenly and rose up to the navel area of A Mi Tuo Buddha.

After my body rose up to this height, I watch A Mi Tuo Buddha surely stood in front of me .



A Mi Tuo Buddha stood on the lotus frowers.

I did not know how many layers were piled up.

And the beautiful figures of the treasurous towers lined up on the petals and gave off the light of 10 millions of colors.

And the Buddha sat on amid of golden brightness.

At the same time,I could see golden grand palace and I looked around further, the whole picture of the western world of paradise appeared!




At that time, the figure of Yuan Guan old Buddhist priest had became that of the true Goddess of Mercy.

His whole body was transparent tinged with the gold from head to foot and the cloth emited thousands of colors.

And I could not distinguish whether male or female cleary .

At that time, the body of the old Buddhist priest was higher than me, and as same height as shoulders of A Mi Tuo Buddha.





I stood there and I looked at the admirable world and was enchanted.

If I wish to begin telling about all the stories one by one, maybe need to keep on talking seven days and nights.

As for A Mi Tuo Buddha's solemn aspect which was without compare , if I try to descrive , the story will not end in a half day.

For example, the eyes of A Mi Tuo Buddha were as if extensive ocean.





If I will tell, nobody might believe, but the eyes of A Mi Tuo Buddha were big almost same as the ocean of the terrestrial world.

When there seems to be size like the Buddhist Heaven of 100,000 hundred million according to the Buddhist Scriptures in the country of the world of western paradise and calculates it in time, at last I seem to be able to arrive by time of 150 light-year.

In other words, I become absolutely impossible when I see it from human life.

However, I can arrive in no time if I want to live in the world of western paradise just to pray.





 「 観世音菩薩があなたをここに連れてきてこられたからには、行きなされるがよい。ただ、その後はあなたは必ず人間界に戻らなければなりませんよ。」


I am not to be able to arrive even if I hang time of the length as the earth generated and is ruined to go to the western Land of Happiness world by the action with the human body when I explain it from the standpoint of the material world.

Therefore the reason why we are able to arrive at the destination in no time is the wish of a person and protection of A Mi Tuo Buddha.

In addition to the wish of the person.

I worshipped A Mi Tuo Buddha and asked to protect me,to give me blessings and to be able to get out of life and death.

A Mi Tuo Buddha was said. "You are sent, it should be done, and but you must come back to the terrestrial world by all means afterwards since you were brought the Goddess of Mercy here."

I just admired the admirable world of the Land of Happiness country and thought the terrestrial world to be a place with much pain and did not think that I wanted to come back again.


 「 この極楽世界は余りに素晴らしいので私は人間界に戻りたくありません。阿弥陀佛様、何とか私にご慈悲をかけてこの世界に留めておいて頂けませんでしょうか? 」

Therefore I told to A Mi Tuo Buddha like begging.

"Because this Land of Happiness world is too splendid so I do not wish to come back to the terrestrial world.

A Mi Tuo Buddha,please give me mercy to keep me in this world?"


「 駄目ですよ。私があなたを留まらせたくないのではありません。 あなたは戻らなければならないのです。 あなたは二劫前においてかつてここに住んで居られた頃、父母及び親属共に九品蓮華に戻れる様に衆生を救いたいと発願したではありませんか!」



 「 あなたは彼をいろいろな所に連れて行き、参観させて下さい。」


A Mi Tuo Buddha told to me.

"It was no use, and I wanted to let you remain, and you must come back, and you did pray a wish when you lived here once in in front of two kalpa when you wanted to save all creatures to be able to come back to the lotus plinth lotus flower to parents and the pro-genus!"

I shook a whole body as soon as Buddha emitted these words and remembered a scene in the days of in front of two kalpa.

A Mi Tuo Buddha told to the Goddess of Mercy.

"You take him to the various places with you, and let me visit it."

I bowed to A Mi Tuo Buddha many times and expressed the will of thanks and passed through sermon stand huge gate with the Goddess of Mercy.


 もっとも奇妙な事は、これらの一見「 形のあるもの 」が皆透明で妨げが無く、通り抜ける事ができる事です。

 大門の上には四つの大きな金色の文字があり、両脇に対聯( 門の両脇に飾る紙 )がありましたが、私には読めませんでした。

 観世音菩薩は説明なされました。「 中国語で解読すると『 大雄宝殿 』という意味ですが、『 無量寿佛 』とも解釈する事もできます。」

As for me, all big gate, corridors, by a pond, railings, mountains and ground were formed then in seven treasures and saw the state that I gave off light, and it was like a light electric article.

Everybody is transparent, and there is not obstruction, and, as for the strangest thing, these seeing "things with the form" are what can go through it.

There were four big golden letters on big gate, and there was a couplet (paper to display on both sides of the gate) on both sides, but did not understand it to me.

The Goddess of Mercy explained it. "Grand tresure palace" "means, but can understand that I decode it in Chinese." with " Uncountable aged Buddha"




 「 では、あなたを下品下生から、中品中生を経て、上品上生まで連れていって参観させましょう。」



「 何故 、身体が縮小していくという事があるのですか? 」

The father of the nobility winning the gold and jasper compares it; of the thing is magnificent so that there is not it,There are tens of thousands of people inside and many Bodhisattvas stand at the same time and sit down and are in the inside and the outside of palace, and all the bodies are transparence tinged with the golds, and the height of the Bodhisattva is low a little from Buddha.

Among various Bodhisattvas, the God of War such as large Bodhisattva of wisdom or the diligence Bodhisattva that it was usual was seen.

The Goddess of Mercy was told. From "and you vulgarity underbrush to life in the average of superior grade life let's let took it, and visit it", and our figure gradually reduced it when walked the way.

Notice this strange phenomenon,I asked the Goddess of Mercy.

"why may it be said that a body reduced?".


 「極楽世界における各品の衆生は、境界の違いによって体型の高さ大きさが異なります。 我々は現在( 阿弥陀佛の居場所)上品から下品へと向かっていきます。




 これこそ境界に合わせるという事なのです。 」

The Goddess of Mercy answered

"All creatures of each article in the world of western paradise vary in height of the figure size by a boundary difference, and we leave from of higher state for the lower state now (place to stay of A Mi Tuo Buddha), and a person of the of higher state is bigger than a person of the middle state in the lotus plinth lotus flower, and a person of the middle state is bigger than a person of the lower state.

Because we go to the lower state from now on,According to the height of people of the lower state, a body gradually reduces.

Even if the human body is high, there cannot be the thing more than the long length, but the God's will and human affairs of heavens are more than enough law in the terrestrial world.

It is to match this with the border. "








5, The lower state lotus flower

While we talked so, we arrived at the lower state lotus flower pond.

It is flat, and ground is spread all over the ground in gold like a palm when I look around it and emits faint light.

In addition, it is transparent.

An open space with enough area appears in front in a few minutes and,There were a lot of girls about age 13-14 years old in the open space.

These girls stabbed two ornamental hairpins on the head and it stung a purple flower and was very beautiful.

They wore a pink skirt in light green clothes and bound a waist with a golden obi, and everybody did the same appearance, and the appearance was the completely same.



 「 佛経によりますと、極楽世界においては、男女の区別はないとされておりますが、何故ここには女の子達が居るのですか?」


「 そうです。  ここに於いては、男女の区別はありません。自分の姿を見てごらんなさい!」


Is there female in the world of western paradise?

I asked the goddes of mercy a question in wonder.

The Goddess of Mercy told "why would it become like this?".

When it "is, and the sponsorship of the Bodhisattva changes to a man here, it is to an all man, and do it if it is to an all woman when I change to a woman, and it is to a man, and do it if it is to a woman, and the body consisting of blood relatives does not exist in one of a lotus flower.

Because the body is transparent from head to foot, and it becomes like a doll such as the glass with crystal of the white, actually, in the top, the distinction of the man and woman disappears. "

Will a woman be in the world of western paradise?


 「 何故、こんな風になってしまったのでしょうか?」


 「 ここには菩薩の主宰がおられます。男に変る時は全て男になり、女に変るときは全て女になります。男になるにしろ、女になるにしろ、蓮華の中では、血肉からなる身体は存在しません。






I was surprised and asked to the Goddess of Mercy.

According to "Buddhist scriptures, it is said that there is not the distinction of the man and woman in the Land of Happiness world, but,Why are there girls here? "

As for the Goddess of Mercy, it was answered.

"It is so, and there are none, and the distinction of the man and woman see one's figure in here!"

When I was said to him in this way and noticed, oneself original became the girl from 13 to around 14 years old, and both the appearance and the features became identical to them.

When I looked at one's body, the skin and the meat and the nail and the bone were the crystal that white was transparent without blood as it was surely told the Goddess of Mercy.

All the people born in lowest state are birth, the people who came here with the work.

After having been created to a lotus flower together, it is in the features of the 13-14-year-old child, and the aged person is hatched to a child, too, and everybody is kind, and any people regardless of age or sex becomes pretty and becomes beautiful at all.

There is the distinction of the man and woman by the appearance, but there is no distinction of the man and woman on the fact.


 「 何故、ここに生まれてきた人々は、同じ容貌と同じ歳頃になってしまうのでしょうか?」


「 それは、佛性というものが、平等であるからです。阿弥陀佛の佛力によって彼女達をこの蓮華に生まれる様に導いたので、皆平等な待遇を受けるのです。



I asked the Goddess of Mercy a question.

"Why are people born here that it is in a year same as the same features?"

As for the Goddess of Mercy, it was answered.After "it is because what's called Buddhist nature is equal, and everybody receives equal treatment, and you have been laid to a lotus flower in the terrestrial world for the middle age by dharmatic power of A Mi Tuo Buddha because I led them to be born to this lotus flower even if it is grandmother even if it is grandfather even if it was the person in a prime of life, it is in the features of ten around several years old likewise and has been laid.

The physical size is about the same like a baby is born in the terrestrial world by this principle."





After having been created to a lower lotus flower, at 6:00, I pass through a scheme by the sponsorship of the God of War every day, and a meeting is held in the lotus flower.

When I pass through a scheme, and it is の time, a law bell resounds, and all the person in the lotus flower pond or the people living in a lofty building change in the same features of a girl or the boy uniformly.

As for their features and all the clothes, it is controlled dharmatic power 或 by a Bodhisattva being.

It is to a woman if I think to change it to the woman to a man if dharmatic power intends to change it into a man.




The clothes are the same again, too.

It is all in red if I intend to make one color of red,It becomes all in yellow if I think to do it in green one item, yellow one item if I think to make one color of green.

The all creatures of these lowest state leave the lotus flower in the daytime and play and sing and I dance it and worship and advocate a prayer to Buddha and chant sutra and I play a game and carry out other activities.





At the time of the rest, people return to their own lotus flowers.

In other words, a flower opens in the daytime and closes the flower in evening.

A certain person advocated a prayer to Buddha in a lotus flower, and, at the time of rest, a certain person had various strange dreams.

(because they born with karma, karmas of past lives are projected as .)


 「 では、これからあなたを蓮華広場まで連れていって参観させましょう。」



The Goddess of Mercy said.

"I will let you take you from now on to the lotus flower open space and visit it and."

At first I could see ten people, the girls approximately 20, and dozens of, hundreds, several thousand, tens of thousands of girls were seen following it immediately when I arrived there.

Girls of the equality saw these features and clothes in all in the father of the nobility size tower.





They were gathered into one and made us visit. These things are a very easy thing for them.

Since we put it in the human world, thousands of, tens of thousands of people, making an effort sound when it's gathered, and when spending long time and not preparing, it'll be that it isn't possible.

When we'll arrive at a spoon pond and see water in pond when it's done for a while, it's very strange.

We're different from liquid water from outside world and are the same feeling as air.

 「 行って体を洗っていらっしゃい! 」

 「 服が濡れたらどうするのですか? 」

 「 濡れませんよ。 娑婆世界の池とは違って、水を浴びても濡れないのです。」

The Merciful Goddess said it.
"Please go and wash a body!"

I said.
"I suggest clothes get wet, is it done?"
"I don't get wet. It's different from a pond in the outside world, and even if I'm bathed in water, I don't get wet."





I came down to a pond and was bathed in water while trembling as it was said.

Then clothes weren't really wet and more strange things couldn't swim me, so I was anxious that I sink under the surface of the water, but when I purify myself in the spoon pond, the will can also control left and right perfectly at the top and the bottom by its will.

I'm the feeling which is slightly slightly very better when it's swum around, in the pond.

When a bite will try water from curiosity, I'm very clear and superficial, and I think, much has been accepted fully.






 蓮華池の中の水は、阿弥陀佛経で説かれている「 八功徳水 」 でした。

Then as I drank, the feeling that spirit is doubling did more, and the whole body seemed to be being light and be flying.

When I touched the clothes worn for the body, it wasn't wet at all.

When arriving at the center of the spoon pond, I saw a lot of beautiful spoons blooming showily.

The person who has that sat down on the flower and chanted a prayer to Buddha, and was. But something to fade, nearly lose the vigor, turn and have that surely was dead, and some spoons were nearly dead.

Water in spoon pond was eight "acts of charity water" explained in the Amitabha hotokekei.

 六、 下品下生に生まれた者の業の妄想の反映

 下品下生に生まれてきた者は、我々娑婆世界の中で、浄土に生まれる事を求め、一心に念仏を唱え「 業を帯びて生まれてきた」衆生です。

 「 業を帯びて生まれてきた 」とはどういう事なのでしょう?





6. Reflection of a delusion of an art of the person born in lowest state

We ask the pure land to be born in the outside world, and the person born in vulgar inferior chants a prayer to Buddha and is the living thing who is entrusted with a trade and has been born "" wholeheartedly.

"I'm entrusted with a trade and have been born.", what kind of thing is it?

These living things were violating various sins in the outside world formerly.

For example the lasciviousness which kills, steals it, commits a fraud, slanders, entraps duplicity and a person and gives harm.

When talking on these person's welldoing, it isn't possible to be born to the original western heaven world.

But they have a relation in the knowledge goodness becomes on the eve when I die, encounter, learn nenbutsukei and raise a name of the It was full of questions, and I asked the Goddess of Mercy.

According to "Buddhist scriptures, it is said that there is not the distinction of the man and woman in the world of western paradise, A Mi Tuo Buddha with single devotion, and it's led by divine protection by wish power to the heaven world, and vulgarity has been born in an inferior spoon.

( 一心不乱な人は善の根を植え付ける事ができます。 )




(A whole hearted person can plant the nature of the goodness.)

But time of 12 karpa is needed to come to highest lotus flower most by study from lowest lotus flower.

You can spend time of 201,576,000 years and attain nirvana finally to train oneself until the person born in vulgar inferior comes to the adnexed of upper special items most because 1 karpa is 16,798,000 years.

But when we make up the mind by the world in the world and apply ourselves to study, they're middling grade and the one you can reach elegantly in time of thirty-five years.

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 5

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise







Or we have even possibility to complete the path of religious practice during this life.

Therefore we must value " the life as human body " by all means and must practice religious path earnestly .

If you will be able to attain the goal of religious path,you will go to highest state directry and bloom , and you have even the possibility to meet with Buddha.

Yin Guang Buddhist priest and Heng Yi Buddhist priest are those living examples.

I'll explain this point in detail later.

However, I will return a story back, all the creatures in this world have many pains and we cannot avoid them .



 なぜならば、ここは「 極楽世界 」だからです。

 「 楽 」だけがあり、「 苦 」はないのです。

For example, inevitable four sufferings of human being( born,get old,disease and death ), pains of not satisfied, pains of grudge or hatred, pain to apart from beloved and pains of five shades will prosper.

However, there are no pains which I told before definitely even in the lowest state in the world of paradise .

Because here is "the world of paradise" .

There are only "comfort" and there never are" pains".



 しかも全ての修行の過程は、始めから終わりまで「 極楽 」の状態の中で過ごすのです。



Even the creatures of the lowest state, the promotion to the higher state is guaranteed by ascetic practices of long time of 12 kalpa.

You will be able to bloom and meet with Buddha.

There are definitely no worry to fall down to the path of three evil nor four evil deeds on the way to the higher state.

Besides, we spend the process of all ascetic practices in a state of " delight " from beginning to the end.

The lotus flower of the lowest state have size of one or three Li distance unlike a lotus flower of we terrestrial world.

and all the lotus flowers emit light by the height like three or four floors.

When a person born here causes various delusions in a lotus flower, the luster of the lotus flower is gloomy and does not give off light.



 「 衆生は輪廻転生を繰り返して以来、様々な違った業をなしてきています。それゆえ業を帯びて生まれて来た後、業妄の反映も又異なります。


On the contrary, the lotus flower gives off bright luster as I fascinate it if there is not a delusion, and heart is clean.

It is two real examples as follows.

... that the Goddess of Mercy was told after

"doing various work different, and that is why having been born on the work since the all creatures repeated transmigration, the reflection of absurd karma is different again, too.

A person of lowest lotus flower has relatively many evil effects of karma, and there is the difference of the importance.




Therefore there are divided as three lank of higher,midle and lower in a lower lotus frower .

There is many it, and benevolence in the terrestrial world is unforgettable, and greed to parents, brothers, sisters, a friend and material property has been reflected all one by one.

It is like the dream in the terrestrial world. Let's show the real situation that absurd karma is reflected now by you! "





When it showed one lotus flower of the dusky luster when I turned at some ways and I approached it and saw it, it was like the high-rise building, and the room was more luxurious than the Imperial Palace, and the flower garden was fantastic very much, too.

With the thing which antique treasured articles form a line among them, and is very precious,By very tasteful arrangement, it was like the mansion of the minister of the terrestrial world.

There was dozens of any people regardless of age or sex, and the clothes were the same as a human being among them.

It was very gorgeous. People appeared and, with 入 ったりでとてもにぎやかな state, seemed to be held what it was.


 「 何故、極楽世界の中にも人間界の家庭の様な生活方式があるのでしょうか? 」

 「 この人は臨終の時は、清浄な状態で、業を帯びたまま生まれましたが、習慣の累積による妄想がとても多いので、俗気が抜けていないのです。

I asked a question.

"why is it that there was a life method such as the home of the terrestrial world in the world of western paradise ?".

Goddes of mercy answered.

"This person was born at the time of end with being charged with the work in a clean state,Because there are very many delusions by the accumulation of the custom, worldliness does not fall out.






His parents, child and wife, lover during the lifetime are brother, and all dozens of people whom there is here are sister and, in the spouse of the child, relatives, are not left the feeling of the benevolence.

So I always remember environment with these people when he comes back in a lotus flower and takes a rest.

Those delusions become one and manifest it.

Even if there is the comfort in the world of western paradise, there is no pain.

Parents appear if I think of parents,child and wife appear if I think of child and wife, and a luxurious building appears if I think of a luxurious building, and edible wild plant sea foods appear if I think an edible wild plant and sea foods to be it.





The appearing scene is the same as time when all creatures have a dream in this world, and a feeling same as what I experience really does it.

But nothing is left when I woke.

This is reflection of absurd karma and is a kind of false aspect, and close people living in the terrestrial world do not really know it. "

I was made to think about the story of the Goddess of Mercy.

Actually, is it not something like long dream including the life in the terrestrial world?



 「 実際、業を帯びてここに生まれてきた者の妄想は、人間界における欲望よりもっと多いものです。
 何故かといいますと、娑婆世界は物質より成り立っているので、妨げも多いものですので、往々にして「 求めても得られない苦しみ 」に対する嘆きがあります。

When a soul leaves the body, I cannot take all which I owned in the terrestrial world. It is not your thing anymore.

In a thing same as what dream of the illusion, I empty till the last from the beginning.

The Goddess of Mercy explained it again.

"Actually, when I am it there are more delusions of the person born on the work here than greed in the terrestrial world, and why it is,Because this world is managed than a material, there is often the sadness for "pains not to be provided even if I demand it" because there is much obstruction.







But it is different in the world of western paradise.

I appear in front if I need something for a delusion because the materialness does not exist.

Besides, I do not run out even if I use it no matter how much.

The world of western paradise property belongs to the thin air and satisfies reality widely.

The heavens belong to quality of God, and there is five kinds of supernatural power, but is angry at the phenomenon not to be provided even if I sometimes demand it.

Because the terrestrial world is the material world, the thing which a lot of obstruction buys is not readily provided. "


 「 妄境( 夢 )と如来の清浄な実境は区別はあるのですか? 」

 「 実境は常に存在し、不滅です。永遠に各種の光を発します。妄境は常なるものではなく、どんな色の光も発する事はできません。


I asked the Goddess of Mercy again.

The Goddess of Mercy disclosed it "do absurd state (dream) and the clean true boundary of the Buddha have the distinction?".

"True boundaries always exist, and it is immortal and emits various forever light and, not the thing that absurd state is the way it goes, cannot give off the light of what kind of color, too, and that is why all disappears when I get from once one's absurd karma.





A mountain and a river and a person or a city, the high-rise building in the dream do not exist all like I have a dream when a human being sleeps when they get over eyes. All creatures of this world energy of the life vainglory spend all on fight, quarrelling desperately to profit, but can take nothing after having died.

The soul declines in transmigration in the six worlds and you are born by a relationship and die and must taste pains by the work exhaustively.That is why you must prepare immediately if I want to escape from the waves of passions.
I can arrive at the bank if I come back.





 彼は尋ねてきました。「 どこから来たのですか? 」 私は福建なまりで答えました。

The master of the house which I described earlier is にとの 事 that a language seems to know his and my hometown according to the story of the Goddess of Mercy in the people who have been laid on the work in Kamata of same Fujian and enters the house.

When we entered the building, a lot of seats of the liquor lined up, and edible wild plant sea foods were full, and the inside lined up on the table, and, in the place where 60-70 ate and drank very much, the place was lively at all.

There was an old man of around 70 years old of the atmosphere like the super-wealth of the terrestrial world of the inside and was like the master who held this party.

When the person noticed my arrival, I came over before me in the way that I was very kind and said hello.

He asked it. I answered with a Fu jian accent "where did you come from?".

 「 私は福建省の蒲田から来ました。 あなたと同じ故郷です。 」

 彼は「 同じ故郷 」という言葉を聞くと大層喜び、頭を上下にふりながら、「 おお! そうですか。 それはそれは・・・」と言い熱心に一緒に飲食する様に招き入れてくれました。

 私は尋ねました。「 あなた方はここで何の宴会を開いているのですか? 」


 「 あなたはどの様にしてここへいらしたのですか? 」


 「 観世音菩薩が私をここへ連れてきて下さったのです。ここへ来て参観し旅をして周っているのです。」

While when he who "I have come from Pu Tian of Fu jian, and is a hometown same as you.." hears the word "same hometown", being so pleased, and waving a head up and down,I invited it to say with "... very, very is that right?, and to eat and drink together eagerly".

I asked it. He asked it "what banquet do you hold here?" adversely with a laugh.

I pointed at an outlook on Yuan Guang old Buddhist priest made outside the gate "how did you come to here?" and answered it.

"The Goddess of Mercy brought me to here and comes to here and visits it and does a trip and goes."





A change happened for all scenes in front with this word suddenly!

This old man had a quiver to a body as soon as I heard the name called the Goddess of Mercy, and an expression to be ashamed of appeared in the face, and the lively scene of 60-70 people and all banquets that were in an in a few minutes building in front disappeared suddenly!

The old man became the features of 13-14 and sat down on the lotus flower and became very beautiful from head to foot with white transparence.

The sudden change of this scene is right that the Goddess of Mercy was told some time ago,Those scenes were caused by a delusion, and the scene disappears again if a delusion disappears.




Originally this person did a wealthy merchant when I lived in this world.

His various delusions during the lifetime piled up and became the custom and did not fall out.

Because there was it in an occasion, and the custom that liked sitting side by side, and inviting a visitor of the liquor appeared, a scene in a while ago appeared.


 「 私は福建省蒲田の( さんずいに函)江(口+多)頭村の者で、名前は林道一といいました。家は豊かで(口+多)頭村の名家でした。




After that he introduced himself.

"I was a person of Hang Jiang Duo Tou village of Pu Tian of Fu jian state.

My name was Lin Dao Yi.

My family was rich and prestigious family of Duo Tou village.

It is a person born here while instruction of the knowledge named the good being able to rotate at the time of end, and making a prayer to Buddha.

But the delusion by my ill effects of karma too resists a shameful thing and cannot remove it.

It is hard to abandon affection and is always absorbed in a delusion, and various absurd state appears. The Goddess of Mercy call for my name of the past, and is にと disclosure to straighten it; was done, but old habits always appear again, and cannot cure it!"

 別れる時、彼は私に娑婆世界に戻った後、シンガポールに住む阿( 日+王)という子供に、お父さんは中国で西方浄土に生まれたよと伝えておいて下さいと頼まれました。

 観世音菩薩はこういった業を帯びて生まれた人々を、沢山蓮華池に連れていって「 八功徳水 」の中で体を洗わせ、心の中の妄想を洗い流させ、自分の心性を徐々に回復させ清浄にさせます。

After he came back to this world to me when part, live in Singapore; when flattered it, and told a child called A Wan when father was born in the Western Paradise in China, was asked.

I let the Goddess of Mercy takes people born on such work to a lot of lotus flower ponds with him/her and wash a body in "eight success Tokusui" and let you wash away the delusion in the heart and let you gradually revive one's nature of mind and clean it.



 私はとても不思議に思いました。 極楽世界は楽だけあって、苦はないはずなので、何故ここでこの様に悲しんでいるのでしょうか?



I arrived at a steep expensive cliff as well as the Goddes of mercy.

I came across the strange view at the same time.

The girl who put on the same black clothes as about twenty-year-old man is crying in a loud voice under the cliff!

I wondered very much. There is only easiness, and there should be no pain, so why does the heaven world feel sad this here?

The Merciful Goddess told to do and ask my heart before maybe being seen through.

So I was called as I went near her, and might question.

 「 女菩薩様、何故あなたはこんなに悲しそうに泣いているのですか?」


「 私は妄想によって散り散りに舞い上がらされていたのです。」


"Why do you seem so sad, and is Mr. female bodhisattva crying?"
Then she raised her head and saw me. He

As well as a woman's not crying, I said to me while smiling.

"You were making me soar scatteringly by a delusion."

The language is polite and I'll sit down on the spoon in a spoon pond, and it changes to the aspect of thirteen-fourteen-year-old girl and is the whole body crystal, and a high cliff has also gone off at the same time!

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 6

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise


 「 私は福建省順昌の者です。 二十一歳です。







She began to introduce herself to me.

" I'm from Shun Chang of Fujian state. Now 21 years old.

I was a woman devoted to Buddhism. I had decided to leave the home in 1960.

But I received interference from neighbours,and had not been allowed, so at last I jumped off from cliff.

This was originally a death of 10 evil deeds、and I could not ascend up to the world of western paradise.

But the Goddess of mercy occured a heart of great mercy and understood my true mind and accept me born into the world of western paradise.

Because I'm not so long from born time in this world,so absurd karma occured from frightened mind is not removed and I cannot inhibit myself.

So absurd karmas occured from frightened mind are reflected within my mind.

As for such a phenomenon, dangerous scenes always emerge in a heart like a nightmare in the terrestrial world.

Even if I had given sermon of the Goddess of mercy, I still cannot remove it. "


 「 見てごらんなさい。私の傍らに立っている人が観世音菩薩ではありませんか! 」



 「 あなたはすぐ、蓮華池の中に行って、八功徳水でよくよく洗いなさい。そうすれば、それらの業による妨げは徐々に消えていくでしょう。」



 「 何故こういう事が起こるのでしょうか? 」

I taught her.

"Look this person. Is this person stands besides me not the Goddess of mercy? "

When she heard it, kneeled down under the Goddess of mercy immediately and worshiped.

The goddes of mercy told her.

"You go immediately in a lotus flower pond, and wash them with the water of eight charity carefully.

Then theose obstructions occured from those karmas will gradually disappear."

The phenomenon of various prosper and fall down are projected in a lotus flower pond.

I asked the Goddess of mercy.

"Why are such phenomenon happening ?".


 「 蓮華が枯れてしまったり、開花の機会を逃してしまったのは、ある人は仏教を信じ始めた時は、非常に敬虔で念仏にいそしみ、佛の根を植え付け、蓮華池の上で成長し、美しく咲き誇りますが、少しの間だけ努力すると、心が怠慢になり、信仰心が揺らぎ始め、念仏を唱えないばかりか十悪に染まり、蓮華が徐々に枯れていってしまったのです。






The Goddes of mercy answered.

When "you have begun to believe in Buddhism, you are very pious, and, as for a lotus flower dying, and having missed an opportunity of the flowering, a certain person works hard for a prayer to Buddha, and you grow up on plantation, one of a lotus flower pond and are in full glory beautifully, but a heart becomes negligent, and faith begins to shake when you make an effort while few and not only you do not advocate a prayer to Buddha, but also are dyed in the ten evils, and a lotus flower has gradually died, and see a root of Buddha.

I was converted to Buddha at the start, and that lotus flower which compromised, and had died advocated a prayer to Buddha,I became a public employee later and did not advocate the prayer to Buddha either and came to be stained with the ten evils, and the lotus flower has compromised with the government because I had received a death sentence.

Another lotus flower which had died was converted to a Buddhist priest in people of Yong Tai county, and sang a prayer to Buddha for three years and flowered very neatly.

But, I wanted to do a money profit afterwards and did not do a prayer to Buddha including business.

By unjust means, only get it; was going to profit, and have gone bankrupt finally.

Debt had become like mountain and loses a refuge and commits suicide,The lotus flower has died without being able to be born in the world of western paradise because I was stained with the ten evils. "


 「 常亮法師は現世に生きておられた頃、私に一句念仏を唱えれば、罪は減るとおっしゃっておられました。



 「 それは佛法をよく理解していない人の言う事です。



I asked the Goddess of mercy.

"Chang Liang priest said that if they could sing a haiku prayer to Buddha when the crimes decreased

for me when he/she lived for this world, and is there not the person in why act of charity though I advocated a prayer to Buddha for three years?".

The Goddes of mercy answered.

"The person who it was what the person who did not understand Buddhist dharma well said, and it was drained into the secular life according to the custom of the world, and did evil,The sin that accumulated in the infinitude of oneself becomes extinct when I advocate a haiku prayer to Buddha when I repent of former fault with true heart without reflecting immediately, and leaving for the good to hear revelation of the knowledge named the good later, and confessing it, and never committing a crime and I throw away evil and have begun to advocate a prayer to Buddha according to good earnestly.

I do not get out at all behind, and it is possible for become Buddha at last afterwards even if I am born in dead posterior pole comfort Jodo when I continue advocating a prayer to Buddha and am charged with the work.


 「 ですが、ある人々は口では念仏を唱えますが、心は毒蛇の如く、陰で人を害し、悪を為します。こういった人々も十悪に属する者で、浄土に生まれる事はできません。善の根をいくらか植え付けただけです。


Some Goddess of mercy were able to continue talking after they put it.

" I do it, but a certain people advocate a prayer to Buddha with the mouth, but the heart hurts its person in a shade like a poisonous snake, and I do evil, and such people cannot be born in Jodo in people belonging to the ten evils, too and only planted a root of the good some, and but if I confess it reflectively once and sing a prayer to Buddha because the root of the good of such people still remains and load a good deed, the flower of the lotus gets a flowering chance, and glory is beautifully again, and a flower can open and. "


According to what the Goddess of mercy told,If I work hard at a religious service, a prayer to Buddha with faith of the truth regardless of the people of poverty and wealth, the nobility and the commonalty, right and wrong, intellect folly, any people regardless of age or sex, various fields in the world and I stop evil and load a good deed and share a heart and a mouth and continue protecting them much more, a bud appears to the lotus flower of Jodo by all means and grows up and when a life runs out, I receive the guidance of A Mi Tuo Fo naturally and can be born to the lotus flower of the world of western paradise.





But even if I believe Buddha and advocate a prayer to Buddha, I heat it and cool down and do not become beautiful even if the flower opens when I work and am lazy.

I fall into the transmigration in the six worlds and cannot be born in the Land of Happiness country when I do a bad thing again and am dyed in the ten evils and die.

I saw that the nun of approximately 30 years old walked towards us suddenly when talked.

When I gazad at her, is she not Fa Ben woman master who was a chief priest of Yun Ju Shan Yun hermitage in Jiang Xi state ?


 「 あれっ! 寛浄師兄ではありませんか! ようこそおいで下さいました。 どうぞ、どうぞ。」


 「 1971年に、私は俗世間に戻るのが嫌で、ある所で入水自殺してしまったのです! 本来なら十悪に染まった罪で、この世界に生まれる事はできないはずですが、佛の御慈悲を頂いて、恩恵の門を開けていただき、私が一心に念仏を唱え、俗に少しも染まらなかった事を読み取って下さいまして、この世界へと導いて下さったのです。私はここに来てまだ間もないのですよ!」

The Rev. nun looked at me I raised a loud voice and said.

"Alas!, are you not Kuan Jing Buddhist priest ?! Welcome. "

I asked her.

"I hate being sent back to the world and in 1971, cannot be born in this world by the crime that has drowned itself in a certain place, and was originally dyed in the ten evils, but I have mercy of Buddha and have you open the gate of the benefit, and I sing a prayer to Buddha earnestly and read that I was not dyed at all commonly, and I led it to this world, and I come here, and the interval is still the one which there is not, too!"


 「 下品蓮華に生まれてきた人は、皆容貌は十いくつかの子供なのに、何故あなたは30幾つかの尼サンなのですか?」


 「 あなたがいらっしゃると聞いて、私はあなたが分かるように、妄想による反映でもともとの様子に戻ったのです。寛忠師兄様はお元気でしょうか? 娑婆の世界に戻って、見かける事が御座いましたら、しっかり修行に精進する様に、私は浄土に生まれたので安心する様にと伝えて下さい。」

I asked her.

"Are you that everybody is why in the features being some ten children as for the person born as a lower article lotus flower 30 years old nun ?"

She answered.

" please tell to be relieved because I was born in Jodo to be devoted to ascetic practices well if I hear that you come, and I came back to the state of the cause cause by the reflection by the delusion, and I come back to the world of the outside world to understand you whether Kuan Jing Buddhist priest is well and may see it."

「 浄観塔 」と「 言語陀羅尼 」



"Jing Guan tower" and "Tuo Luo Ni hall of languages"

I heard the sound of the bell suddenly, and it was said that time for sermon came to me as for the Goddess of Mercy.

Everybody was around 13-14 years old, and a boy (the girl saw nobody at this time.) of several thousand tens of thousands of put on an obi of the money to a waist in red clothes to a body, and I wound up two ornamental hairpins, and the clothes were unified and lined up in the line, and all the legs were crystal of the white transparence, and, as for their body, there were both the head and the hand to the hair then.

 彼らはピョンピョン飛び跳ねながら、蓮台の上下に集まっていました。 みんなはお互いにお辞儀をし、天界の音楽を演奏し始め、天上には各種の美しい鳥が飛び交い、念仏を唱えていました。


 観世音菩薩は私におっしゃいました。「 あの菩薩は大楽説菩薩であられます。今日は、値日説法をなされる予定で、十方佛聖へと参拝しに行く事となっております。


While, as for them, crowhop is over,The top and bottom of the litter attracted it. Everybody bowed each other and began to play the music of heavens, and various beautiful birds flew on the sky and advocated a prayer to Buddha.

The Bodhisattva who emitted the light of 1,100 kinds from a whole body successively appeared in front, and these scenes were admirable extremities.

The Goddess of Mercy said to me.

It "is had in large-scale musical performance theory Bodhisattvas that Bodhisattva, and sermon is going to be done on a value day today and will go to go and worship at Buddha and saints of 10 directions.

A flower and various strange things which were various beautiful colors then from the heavens fell like rain, and boys wrapped them in clothes.

The heavens released the light of the ten thousand color like thunder following it and were a very beautiful scene!

 下品下生の中には「 語言陀羅尼堂 」という所がありました。 語言陀羅尼とは、菩薩が説かれた一句の法が全ての衆生が聞き取れる所です。


 通訳を通じなくても直接聞き取れるのが「 語言陀羅尼 」の精妙な点なのです。

There was the place called "Tuo Luo Ni hall of languages" in the vulgarity underbrush.

The story mystic Buddhist formula is the place where the law of the haiku that a Bodhisattva was preached can hear all all creatures.

Even if you are from what country; even as for the person from Fujian, the Cantonese, the person from Hainan, the State of tide man, the upper fisher, the Sichuan person or,An American, a German, the French, the person who heard it can hear bolshie, a Japanese in a native language (former) when you say regardless of family registers even if you belong to any country what a Bodhisattva is.

It is the exquisite point of "Tuo Luo Ni hall of languages" to be able to hear through an interpreter directly even if there is not it.

 下品下生の中には、とてもとても高い塔があり、名前を「 浄観塔 」といいます。





In the vulgar world, there is a very very expensive tower and says the name with "Jing Guan tower".

That all creatures of this inside go to the highest layer of the tower and fall down from there,If I only move a heart and go up it if it is not necessary to go up and down on an elevator, and we want to get nervous like this world and want to fall down, I only move a heart and can fall down.

It is transparent, and their body does not have obstruction as spoke before and can just pass a wall or the wall even if I go where and may not be disturbed.

Even if several hundred, several thousand, tens of thousands of people gathered in one same space, I do not clash each other, and the phenomenon to be crowded comes out.

They do not have corporealness, materialness why it is, and this is because a body is transparent, and there is not obstruction.

 「 浄観塔 」はとても大きく、内部には何でも見る事ができます。十方世界のあらゆる境界を映し出す事ができます。





"Jing Guan tower" is very big and can see anything inside.

I can project every border of the whole world.

For example, there is only size of one grain of sand rank when I come here if I want to see the earth of we this world when I see it. The sun is only size of one sand rank equally, too.

However, if you want to see a scene of the inside in detail,For example, I enlarge it accordingly in view if I want to look at Asia, and Asia is projected clearly.

Even one room of the inside, scene of the inside are projected in front clearly accordingly in view even if they want to see Fujian even if they want to see a long and extensive castle even if they want to see China.





When I was in vulgar world, in the people who always performed a good deed, I loaded origin of goodness happiness and prosperity, or a person born raw in the vulgarity is the person who did a prayer to Buddha memorial service to the Western Paradise.

Under the protection by the power of the Original vow of A Mi Tuo Buddha I was born in this border.

When was in this world, the person born as vulgarity underbrush defends and maintains the religious precepts of five eight, and perform a good deed positively.

 Travel sketch of the world of western Paradise 7

2015-01-17 | World of western Paradise

七、 中品蓮華 ( 凡聖共居処所 )





7, Middle lotus flower ( ordinary Saint codwelling place )

When we left the vulgarity lotus flower pond, it chanted an incantation like the past, and the body flew up as having boarded an airplane, and it was seen that the innumerable lofty buildings, spires which shined passed in front of us.

I felt that one's body gradually grew big suddenly then.

It is said why is; in the average when is a raw lotus flower pond, which size is as big as one of Chinese state, approximately 700-800 distance in the big thing of the lotus flower, and there are only 180 villages from our Singapore to be just to Kuala Lumpur.

In other words, I quite lead to it by the central part of Thailand when it is approximately seven or eight a hundred miles.





A lotus flower is a so huge thing, and size of the bodies of the people born here is reasonable size.

I am directly proportional with the increase of the lotus flower.

I n addition, needless to say, this palace house grows big accordingly, too, and all creatures here are accepted.

The Goddess of Mercy said to me.

 「 中品中生においては、多数は凡聖が同居していて、様々な人々がいます。






"The life in the average a lot ordinary Saint が and I live together there are various people.priest monk and nun,Farmhouse man and woman deceased man's Buddhist names.

The people born here win more in comparison with the all creatures of the vulgarity lotus flower.

When I was in this world, they trained themselves with a feeling to leave the all parts of the world by nature carefully and, in addition, were engaged in Buddhism business positively.

When I performed mercy, charity to print large-scale engineering works business, temple architecture or a sutra in large quantities, and to advertise French jurisprudence widely, and to protect a good deed offering to a priest, religious precepts closely again and finished a life, I received the guidance of the west Three Great Calligraphers and have been laid in average in the raw lotus flower pond.

But, there is the distinction that is light if deep in their ascetic practices and is divided into the third prize below in the top. "


 あ! 中品蓮華池は、下品の蓮華池に比べて、どれ程荘厳で殊勝な事かわかりません。


The Goddess of Mercy took me with him/her immediately in a few minutes after our arriving at the mansion for the nobility, and going and worshiping for various Bodhisattvas, and having worshiped to let you visit a lotus flower pond.

Oh! It is a solemn, admirable thing how long in comparison with a lotus flower pond of the vulgarity or does not know the average lotus flower pond.

All the people sharpen seven treasures and are in love, and the flower pattern of the lotus flower in the pond gives off the light of, besides, various colors in an extremity of elegance and,I can become more attractive each other and it is totally fascinating and fascinates it beautifully, and there are no specifications of the description.





 「 何故、ここの全てのものは光を発しているのですか? 何の色なのですか? 何の光を放っているのですか? 私の身体も変化が起こり、彼らと同じになりました。」

As for the lotus flower in the pond, a petal is laudable, and many layers know particularly strange one, and there are the bower level and a lofty building or a treasure tower every layer and gives off the-colored light of ten many kinds and it is minute and extremely impresses a person beautifully.

The body presents gold crimson tinged with the transparence, and the person living on the lotus flower hits light.

The child and the old man did not find all their clothes at around 20 years old in the same year.

Then,When I had a look at oneself, I did not notice a strange thing when you changed, but he/she agreed with them, and only the Goddess of mercy kept the aspect of the cause cause.

I asked the Goddess of mercy.

"My body had a change what light you gave off why everything here beamed what color it was and agreed with them."


「 これら全ては、阿弥陀佛の佛力のなせる所なのです。






As for the Goddess of mercy, it was answered.

"All these are the places that dharmatic power of A Mi Tuo Buddha can make.

So I reflect anything and can beam.

Because A Mi Tuo Buddha releases the immeasurable light and I am reflected and come to here, I turn into such a state.

Change on your body is the change that dharmatic power of A Mi Tuo Buddha caused in the same thing again, too.

All borders in the lotus flower pond, all the clothes are the same.

All is unified unless there is power of Toru God by oneself and can turn into various aspects. "

 又、観世音菩薩は私にこうおっしゃられました。 「 中品蓮華池 」にも、暗淡とした色調の光を発さない楼閣があります。






In addition, the Goddess of Mercy was told in this way by me.

There is the lofty building which does not emit 暗淡 and the light of the color that I did in "the middle lotus flower pond".

However, this is a border of the dreams and phantasms mutability of the delusion of the born person. "

When I talked so, I saw the lofty building which did not emit light in front.

There was a large flower garden in every direction and was in full glory all at once, and I competed, and a bird danced elegance, beauty on one of a tree, and I sang a song, and such scene was a state same as the luxurious residence which was rich and noble in the terrestrial world.

In this one room, three treasures are presented to a large bower,Parents, child and wife, brothers, the pro-genus including sisters gathered in the cathedral and did prayer to Buddha ascetic practices.


 「 この一家の人々は、御布施を楽しみ、善を好み、慈悲と喜捨をし、ある者は中品中生の中に生まれましたが、相変わらず恩愛が断ち難く、人間界での事柄を常に思っています。


 「 九品蓮華において、一品ごとに下から上へと上がっていきます。下品でよく修行すれば、中品蓮華池の中に移植されます。この情景は、参禅と同じです。初禅の後二禅に、二禅の後三禅に、三禅の後四禅に進むというのと同じ事なのです。」

More than 20 any people regardless of age or sex was the Buddhism believers that everybody was pious.

The Goddess of Mercy was told then by me.

"I enjoyed an offering to a priest, and the people of this home donated good with preference, mercy, and a certain person was born in life in average, but it was hard to cut off benevolence as ever, and I always thought matters in the terrestrial world to be it, and all the living conditions of they family have been reflected here there. "

The Goddess of Mercy was told.

"I go from the bottom on the top every one article and am vulgar and, in nine articles of lotus flowers, am well a thing same as what is transplanted in an average lotus flower pond, and this scene is the same as practice Zen meditations, and advance to four Zen after three Zen in three Zen after two Zen in two Zen after the first Zen if I train myself.





 「 今日は、大勢至菩薩と常精進菩薩が、法華経について講和をなされます。 あなたは聞いていきますか?」

I heard that a bell sounded in the thin air suddenly, and this lofty building became non-existent.

Everybody has turned into a young man of around 20 years old. With a copper-colored body tinged with the transparence, the clothes are all the completely same,The number of people increased steadily and could not count it and has become one enormous meeting places.

The Goddess of mercy was told.

"You make peace with, and, large Bodhisattva of wisdom and the diligence Bodhisattva that it is usual, do you hear a Lotus Sutra today?"


 「 私は妙法蓮華経を最も好んで読んでいます。一緒に聞きにいってもらえませんか?」




I answered.

While "will it be said that I read a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law most willingly and hear it together?"

and talks, we leave for the scheme level of the meeting place, and every direction is covered with a net on the scheme level,Like a red ball, the light of 1,100 kinds emitted it to every direction, and seven lines of big tree was put on both underarms and rose in the sky, and there was a bower level lofty building in the tree and the Bodhisattva that there was many it concentrated on the top surface and heard a sutra.

It was solemn at all without the scheme stand being comprised of Shippo gold and silver, and knowing how high it was.

After the Goddess of mercy lets a stand go up with me, and I worshiped the Bodhisattva of two ways, they let me sit down on an outside seat, and Bodhisattva of wisdom is sponsorship in the president level very much; was done.




Then,Smoke of the incense rose in a spiral and smelled very clean, and wavering and beautiful sky comfort began to be played on the sky and while innumerable beautiful birds called in music in total, they danced and flew.

After having worshiped, large Bodhisattva of wisdom stood up, and everybody declared a start of the lecture society.

After the diligence Bodhisattva that it was the way it goes going on the Buddhist priest seat successively, and having worshiped towards everybody, it was said successively.

 「 妙法蓮華経は、華蔵世界の諸仏の根源であって、成仏の根本であり、成仏を望む者は、必ずこの経典を学ばねばなりません。


 妙法蓮華経とは無量の宝であるというテーマでした。 今日は第二節で妙法蓮華経の作用とは・・・」


"The person who the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law is the root of various incarnations of the Buddha of the sinter storehouse world and is the origin of the entering Nirvana, and expects entering Nirvana,You must learn this sacred book by all means.

What is a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law in Section 1 in the last time?

The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law was a theme to be immeasurable treasure.

It was talked with the action of the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law today in Section 2 for ... around one hour.

After having heard a text of a sutra, I had one question in a heart.




It is that it is different from a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law and the phrase of a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law and the text of a sutra read in the terrestrial world spoken in here.

Therefore I asked the Goddess of mercy for teaching for this question.

 「 人間界において読まれている妙法蓮華経は、経文は比較的浅く、ここで話されていうる経文は比較的奥が深いものです。


 この様に言う事ができます。 羅漢には菩薩の境界が理解できず、菩薩には佛の境界が理解できないものです。



The Goddess of mercy commented.

As for "the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law read in the terrestrial world, the text of a sutra is relatively slight, and the text of a sutra which can be talked about here is relatively profound, and but there is difference in the deepness and lightness, but the significance is the same, and it may be said in this way. Luo Han cannot understand the border of the Bodhisattva, and a Bodhisattva cannot understand a border of Buddha.

As for you, a Bodhisattva hears one talked about of the sutra, but I only utter one kind of sound and become the language of 1,100 kinds and,I can hear it as a language of the person asking.

This is the splendid place of the Tuo Luo Ni of languages. "








When the diligence Bodhisattva that it was the way it goes finished a talk, a mysterious strangeness boundary appeared in front.

Many celestial flower treasures were scattered from the best and fell.

With a spherical thing, a triangular thing, various colors, various states.

As well as it, as for 10,000, golden lights poured.

The audience under the stand stretched out a hand, and receipt, I wrapped it in clothes.

Sky comfort begins to sound all at once then,saintly musics did not know where wavering and the sound rose from, but was solemn at all.

Then when the man young man in the innumerable red clothes under the stand shook the body suddenly, they changed completely, and all the members changed to the woman who wore green apparel.




Put on a golden band on the pink skirt, and dance aimlessly all at once; of the match for was pleasure so that there was not it.

They turned into a spherical lotus flower again, and each gave off different beautiful colors and gave off-colored light of each in every direction, and the alone shadow of a person lost the eyesight in a few minutes.

On a lotus flower, the figure which a Bodhisattva sat down on properly again appeared suddenly followed by changed on the innumerable Jinta silver towers and gave off light in every direction, and a description was elegant so that it was difficult, and scenery of every direction changed solemnly.


 あたかも空気を突き抜けるのと同じ様でした。 少しも妨げが見られません。

 私はとても驚き、観世音菩薩にこれはどの様な現象なのですか? と尋ねました。

When I was able to see God world, the girls who wore hundreds of green clothes in the thin air suddenly fell at speed fast at all all at once from the air and went through a father of the nobility and a wall and a wall.

It was a state same as going through air.

Obstruction is not seen at all.

I am very surprising,What kind of phenomenon is this for the Goddess of mercy?

I asked と.


 「 極楽世界は阿弥陀佛の願力によって形成されていて、その性質は物質ではないのです。


 信じられないのなら、一度試してご覧なさい! 」

As for the Goddess of mercy, it was answered.

"The world of western paradise is formed by the power of the Original vow of A Mi Tuo Buddha, and the property is not a material, and that is why everybody is transparent, and there is not materialness, and therefore even the hills and rivers can go through even the flower grass tree without obstruction in the bower level freely at all in the treasure tower in the palace at the lofty building. Try it if you can not believe! "


I go according to words of the Goddess of mercy besides the wall around the father of the nobility and,In addition, I went on a large pillar, railing and clashed with each other for trial.







Entered proceed, out, it does not have a completely obstructed again.

But when I touched by hand, but there is the feeling that is similar to the presence of the real thing, I thing that disturbed is not.

These phenomena are, a little similar to the idea to explore the water.

We can sense that there is certainly things and try to put your hands, but you can pass through at will.

Then,Goddes of mercy was kindly allowed to visit and took me to two of the odd boundary.

It is 8 big mountains and Hua Zang World Exhibition Center.





Who was born in the lower class of middle lotus flower are generally obsession is relatively small, also will be home who no obsession.

Their appearance is all, between the sixteenth twenty years old, clothes there is no distinction between men and women the same.

Their actions also in the collective action, and memorial service the hundreds of thousands of Buddha every day.

Bottom of the lotus the layer is relatively large, a variety of color is not emit everyone light, it was a further admirable than vulgarity of lotus.

 ここには「 八大景山 」がありまして、八大景とは、我々の八識つまり、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意、那末識、阿頼耶識それらを合わせて八識心田といいます。

 阿弥陀佛がこの情景を設立したのは、ここに生まれてきた人に、自分の八識心田を全て「 空 」にするまで修めさせる事が目的だったのです。

 第一景山は「 光明景山 」といい、我々の「 眼識 」を代表し、この山の中では、十方世界全てが全て眼によって見る事ができます。


Here is if there are "Eight big mountains",

The Eight big Jing is our eight consciousnesses in other words, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind, Na Mo consciousness and A Rai Ya consciousness mental field of eight consciousnesses to suit them you.

The A Mi Tuo Buddha, which was established this scene is, the person who was born here, I can to let cultivate up to all his mental field of eight consciousnesses "empty" was the purpose.

First mountain is referred to as the "Sight mountain", you of the representative of the "insight", in this mountain, you can all 10 directions world is seen by all eye.

For example, what are sentient beings with a corrupt world the world is such that any and his previous life the past world of the scene.


 第二景山は「 声聞景山 」といい、我々の「 耳識 」を代表し、この山に到れば、耳は十方世界の全ての音を全て聞き取る事ができます。



In a previous life of sentient beings pig, the previous raw is a slave, in the house of the previous raw wealth, etc. Raw before that time was emperor and generals, everyone can see one by one , and even I know and even obvious scene of other Buddha soil.

The second mountain referred to as the "Mt.hear the sound", we of the representative of the "Ear consciousness ", if you arrived at this mountain, ear you can hear all of the all of the sound of 10 directions world.

If impassable ear any sound will be like can be distinguished.

B e Buddha is chanting any scriptures, you can hear.

 第三景山は「 味芳景山 」といい、我々の「 鼻識 」を代表し、この山の中では十方世界のあらゆる匂いをかぐ事ができます。

 匂いが鼻を通ると、その中の「 内容 」を判別する事ができるのです。


 第四景山は「 音声景山 」といい、我々の「 舌識 」を代表し、十方世界の口から発せられたどんな音でも、上は佛界から下は地獄の音でも、全て聞き取れる事ができます。

The third mountain referred to as the "smell mountain", we of the representative of the "nose consciousness ", in this mountain you can smell any smell of 10 directions of the world.

When the smell through the nose, you can determine the "content" in it.

If shade the smell of the pregnant woman, the fetus is found to whether a girl or a boy, if shade the smell of metal, whether it is that of whether the iron in the whether is is for or silver gold you can see.

Fourth mountain is referred to as the "voice mountain", we of the representative of the "tongue consciousness", any sound emitted from the mouth of the Jippo world, above even under from Foshan world hell of sound, be audible all I can do it.

 第五景山は「 金身景山 」といい、我々の「 身識 」を代表し、この山の中では触覚がとりつき、一切の事物を識別できます。


 第六景山は「 意識景山 」といい、我々の「 意識 」を代表し、この山の中では無数の諸佛を見る事ができます。



Fifth mountain is referred to as the "body mountain", you of the representative of the "touching consciousness", tactile in this mountain trims, you can identify any of the things.

All of gold only Jippo countries corrupt world world, Sanjuniso, you can also see how only phase.

Sixth mountain is referred to as the "consciousness mountain", you of the representative of the "consciousness", in this mountain you can see a myriad of various buddhas.

They can be represented in all meaning the practice in all previous life.

Hundreds of his birth and the world, you can project a thousands of the scene in front of the eye.

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 第七景山は「 済明景山 」といい、我々の第七識「那末識」を代表し、これは一つのとても殊勝な境界で、先に述べた六景を同時に集中させたもので、この景においては見たいもの、聞きたいもの、嗅ぎたいもの、味わいたいもの、触れたいもの、法りたいものなどが全て併せて顕現してくる所なのです。

 第八景山は「 無辺景山 」といい、我々の第八識「阿頼耶識」を代表し、この境界は全て虚空のもので、過去、現在、未来の三世と十方法界の中の全ての全てが皆映し出されるのです。

The seventh mountain says "Ji Ming mountain" and represents our 7th consciousness "Na Mo consciousness", and this centralized six views that stated earlier on one border admirable at all at the same time, and is a thing to want to see in this view, a thing wanting to hear it, the thing which wants to smell it, the thing which I want to taste, the place that I touch it, and the things which I want to conform to of the sea bream manifest all in addition.

The eighth mountain says "boundlessness mountain" and represents our 8th consciousness "A Rai Ya consciousness", and all these borders are things of the thin air, and future 3 generations and everything of everything in the every direction reality are that everybody is projected now in the past.

「 華蔵世界展覧館 」





 中品下生よりも大きいです。 故に部屋も塔もそれ相応に高く大きいのです。

"Hua Zang world exhibit building"

When they were in this world as for the person who has been produced by life in the average during the lifetime, recognition and ascetic practices to Buddhist dharma are people thick considerably deeply.

In addition, they make an effort at the same time so as not to leave surplus energy in a good deed and the area of the offering to a priest either and are people whom I gave considerably big result to.

That is why the raw people in the average surpass all the protection of religious precepts in the accumulation of the act of charity in comparison with people of the average underbrush in the ascetic practices because they accomplished big origin of goodness.

The raw border in the average,There are many rooms and towers, and the figure of all creatures here is big needless to speak it.

It is bigger than average underbrush. Thus, the tower is reasonable, too, and the room is big highly, too.




All creatures here are wide with the flower which fell from the best every day in the life in the average every day; gather you, and hold a service for hundred thousands of Buddhas.

These flowers are very admirable and are very beautiful, and do not amount to a one-10,000th including the flower of this world either.

The music played at the same time from the heaven is very, very beautiful, and is a thing describing it with a writing brush and a sumi very much.








According to the theory of Buddhist sutra

"the emperor of the world has the music of 10,000 kinds, but do not amount to beauty of the Buddhist preaching in music of King Chakravarti holy King, and is beauty of large number Manbai, and the music of the King Chakravarti holy king does not amount to beauty of the Buddhist preaching in music of Dao Li heaven too.

It is beauty of large number Manbai.

The music of Dao Li heaven does not extend to the beauty of the Buddhist preaching in the music of the sixth Four Devas, too either. It is beauty of large number Manbai.

The music of the sixth Four Devas does not extend to the beauty of the Buddhist preaching of the Shippo tree in the A Mi Tuo Buddha temple, too either.

It is beauty of large number Manbai. "








 中品中生の中には「 華蔵世界展覧館 」という建物があり、この展覧館の中では、佛菩薩の各種各方式の修行方法を見る事ができ、森羅万象を含んでいるという事ができます。

 「 華蔵世界展覧館 」の中には、一層一層が有り、各層にはある佛が成仏成道する全ての過程が展示されております。

The raw all creatures in the average can hit light from a body, and the body is colored copper, and transparence takes, and there is no obstruction.

I go to the の Buddhist temple during a moment and hold a service for hundred thousands of Buddhas and can come back to the original ground during a moment.

The person that there was not a big act of charity cannot become all creatures here during the lifetime.

The delusion decreases or the all creatures who led to 中品中生果位 quit the person without the delusion.

The food which they need decreases.

I do not assume a floral nectar cake the need like average underbrush.

They rise on ascetic practices and the protection of religious precepts steadily and lead to it so as not to do these things with the need at all.

There is a building called "sinter storehouse world exhibit building" in the life in the average and can consider various all quarters-type ascetic practices method of 佛菩薩 in one of this exhibit building, and it may be said that I include all things in nature.

In "sinter storehouse world exhibit building," there is the one layer still more, and all processes when Buddha which there is in each layer does 成仏成道 are displayed.

 例えば、阿弥陀佛については、前世はどんな人( 法蔵比丘 )で、師父は誰( 世自在王如来 )で彼は何の法を修めていたか、どんな願を発したか、その前の世ではどんな人で、成仏していなかった頃の百世は、千世前の全ての情景が全て余すところなく一覧する事ができます。


 釈迦ムニ佛、薬師佛、普賢菩薩、文殊師利菩薩などの人について生まれと世ごとの修行過程が、この「 華蔵展覧館 」の中で見る事ができます。


For example, I gave off what kind of wish what law he mastered in whom (King Buddha controlling the world) as for the father in what kind of people (sutras Buddhist priest) about A Mi Tuo Buddha in previous existence or can glance all through all scenes before the 1000th thoroughly in many eras at the time when I did not enter Nirvana in what kind of people in the former life.

If you want to see some type of borders, I go to one another layer and, for example, know his birth and life scene every world and process for the way about the done process when the Goddess of Mercy is 成道.

I can see birth and ascetic practices process every world in this "sinter storehouse exhibit building" about people such as Buddha ムニ 佛, 薬師佛, Samantabhadra-bodhisattva, 文殊師利菩薩.

All Buddha of the whole world, scene of all Bodhisattvas are 如 しです of writing it again, too.

八、 上品蓮華 ー 花開見佛 ー




 「 上品上生に生まれてきた衆生は、娑婆世界に居た頃、精進し、修行に勤め、戒律を明珠の如く清らかに守り、佛典を精密に研究し、十悪を断ち、十善を行い、自分が修めている法門の指示に、一つ一つ着実に実践を加えて、身を持って実行し、勇猛に精進し、十年を一日の如く、肉体の寿命が終わるまでずっと努力した人です。


8, refined lotus flower ー flower bloom and meet with Buddha ー

I chanted an incantation like the past and, on a lotus flower, flew up towards the sky.

One's body gradually grew big and turned into a state when I saw A Mi Tuo Fo for the first time.

The Goddess of Mercy was told by me. When

"I was in this world, the all creatures who have been produced in of superior grade by life are devoted and it is clean and protects a work, religious precepts like a light ball and studies Buddhist scriptures precisely and cuts off the ten evils and performs great virtue and adds practice to instructions of the Buddhism that oneself masters steadily one by one and carries it out with the body and I am bold and am devoted to ascetic practices and am the person who made an effort all the time until physical life ends ten years like a day.

In addition, when I was in success, this world outside a lot of, I perform good and accomplish the great act of charity including the offering to a priest,It is the people who have been given birth to here of the refined lotus flower in a little time for end. "






It may be said that the delusion approximately completely already disappeared as for the all creatures who have been produced in of superior grade by life.

The six kinds of sense organs is clean, and a certain person already leads to the border of the Bodhisattva among them again and can change freely and can play using supernatural power.

For example, if the whole changes to a flower if Bodhisattvas gather together and want to change to a certain flower and wants to change on the tower, the whole changes on the tower, and the whole changes to a stone if I want to change to a stone,If I want to turn into a tree, the whole turns into a tree.

In the refined lotus flower pond, there is size so as to have put three ministries together in the smallest lotus flower pond.

It is that there is size of the rank for three Malaysia to express the distinction.


 「 私は今あなたを蓮華池に連れていってお見せしましょう。」





The Goddess of Mercy was told.

"I take you to the lotus flower pond with me now, and let's show it",

and we arrive at the lotus flower pond, and, in the of superior grade lotus flower pond, the neighborhood of the side of the pond is surely solemner than average, vulgarity unlike others,I am surrounded by one fold of one fold railing and emit various light and release various clean fragrances to appear from a lotus flower.

There was a treasure tower in the pond, and the form was like the high mountain and, by a polygon, released the light of 10 million kinds.

Not only there is a beautiful bridge in the pond, and, as for the area of the pond, there is the whole so as invisible, and a lotus flower is in full glory in the pond, but also the scenery of various forms is located, and treasure lid ball flower in the heavens emits light brightly, and, as for the lotus flower, it is in innumerable layers; in the layer all a treasure tower, the bower level,There are lofty buildings and recalls an impression in the heart of the person beautifully.

As for the person living on the lotus flower, a whole body is gold tinged with the transparence, and the clothes are very splendid; of various colors emit light.


 「 ここの中には、印光法師( 近代中国三大高僧の中の一人)という名のお方が居られます。 あなたはご存知ですか? 」


 「 どこに居られるのですか? 彼の名は以前から伺っておりました。ですが、御本人には会った事はありません。」





The Goddess of mercy was accused of me in this way suddenly.

I answered it immediately it "was, and does a gentleman named the Yin Guang priest ( one of the three major learned and virtuous priests in modern China ) know you in here?".

"His name always called where it was.But I have not met the person. "

While I talked, a man of the rank that the number of one 30 was how many in the lotus flower changed suddenly and it was and appeared in the original aspect of the Rev. seal Kobo.

After our being able to meet each other, and being pleased very much, and having bowed, I began seawife seawife chattering.

We talked for a long time, but have left a certain thing.

But, I still remember the story that he said to me persistently badly.


 「 私はあなたが、人間界に戻った後、諸々の修行仲間に伝えて知らせて下さい。戒律を師とし、精一杯守りなさい。一心に念仏を唱え、願行を信じなさい。 そうすれば必ず極楽世界に生まれる事ができます。疑いはありません。

 修行者達に言っておいて下さい。 絶対に自分で自分を賢いなどと己惚れてはなりません。 仏陀が定めた戒律、及び祖制、壇自を改めてはなりません。

The Buddhist priest was told in this way.

"I you,After having come back to the terrestrial world, I tell a various ascetic practices companion, and please tell me.

You assume religious precepts a teacher, and protect it as hard as possible.

Sing a prayer to Buddha earnestly, and believe a vow and practice.

I can be born in the world of western paradise by all means if I do so it.

There is no doubt about this.
Please say to exercisers.

And I am smart oneself must never love me by oneself by oneself.

You must not change religious precepts that Buddha established and 祖制, estrade own を. ... that it lets a heart really ache I sing a revolution on a large scale, and to violate grace religious precepts"





We got off a litter together and took me to the large lofty building.

I sang a song on golden branchs wonderful leaves, and sky comfort called in total, and the sound of the impressive prayer to Buddha was exalted leisurely, and, on the way on the way, it heard various strange birds in various elegance.

It was fascinating in the place to lead to, and beautiful fresh flowers was in full glory, and a clean fragrance was the rank who could not see it without there being it, and a flower of various orbicularity emitting faint light, and various light glittering along with one line of one line, and various rare treasure lights, an agate light, a glass light giving you a nose in time to fascinate it, and to keep eyes away.

I entered the lofty building and the truth boundary was more admirable and made me come near.

The lofty building of the money beam, and the floor emits various light again, too, and everything in the very front beams.



 「 この鏡は各人の原形を写し出す事ができます。 本性が清浄かどうか、妄想があるかないか、見るだけで写し出す事が出来ます。」

Yin Guang priest took us to the top tower with him. There were various crystal mirrors in the top of a tall building, and there was biggest 照身鏡 midway, and the Goddess of mercy introduced to me.

"I only see it and can project it whether this mirror can project the original form of each person, and there is a delusion whether the true character is the cleanliness."




Prepared chairs form a line on both sides of the top of a tall building and they are formed all in Shippo and can emit light.

A strange thing is put on the table.

I did not know what it was.

 観世音菩薩は私がお腹を空かせている事に気が付き、「 お腹は空いていませんか? 」と尋ねられました。

 私は実際にお腹が少し空いていたので「 ここに何か食べられるモノは有るのですか? 」


The Goddess of mercy noticed that I was hungry and was asked "are you not hungry?".

Because I really had free some stomachs;

"is there the thing for eat here?"

The Goddess of mercy was told.

 「 ここの飲食は下品下生の情景と同じで、あなたが食べたいモノがあれば、来ますよ。」


 「 それはいいですね。 私は白いご飯と、白菜スープを食べたいのです。他のモノは要りません。」


 私は皆に「 あなた方は食べないのですか? 」と聞いてみると彼等は「 私達は普段は食事をしません。 どうぞ食べて下さい! 」



If "eating and drinking here were the same as a scene of the vulgarity underbrush, and there was the thing which you wanted to eat, it will come."

I said. "It is good, and I want to eat white rice and Chinese cabbage soup and do not need other things."

When I said so, white rice and Chinese cabbage soup were put on the table which there was in front of me.

When I hear from everybody "do you not eat?",

"we do not usually eat, and they, please eat! "

The place that I knew

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 「 どうしてこうなるのですか? 」 観世音菩薩はおっしゃられました。

 「 それはあなたがお腹が減ったと妄想したから、ご飯を食べたくなったのです。




I felt very ashamed in comparison with them.

While I ate, I became full and put chopsticks and porcelain bowl on the table.

Chopsticks and a porcelain bowl have disappeared in a few minutes.

I asked the Goddess of Mercy.

"Why did it happen?". The Goddess of Mercy answered.

" Because you imagined that you felt hungry so you wanted to eat rice.

It is just same as a dream in the terrestrial world.

You saw everything when you have a dream, but you see nothing when you wake up.

When you nurse delusions when you want to eat it, food comes, and the delusion wanting to eat disappears if I become full. The food disappears at the same time! "



 「 自性が清浄であると、食べたいとも思わず、何も欲しいとは思わないでしょう。虚空と同じで何も無いのです。妄想がすこしでも起こると、虚空の中に雲や霧がかかった様になるのです。

 この道理はあなたも徐々にわかっていき、その中の本当の意味を理解するでしょう。 」



I nodded.

The Goddess of mercy supplemented it and told.
When "nothing would think that I wanted it unintentionally even if I wanted to eat it and it was the same as the thin air, and there was nothing and few had a delusion when the own nature was clean, a cloud and fog came to suffer in the thin air.

You gradually understand this reason and will understand a true meaning of the inside. "

A person born in the higher lotus flower have fewest absurd thoughts in absolute true characteristics and everybody will not fall into the rank of the Bodhisattva .

I borrow the power of A Mi Tuo Buddha in no time and let innumerable beautiful fresh flowers, fruits and votive offerings appear and gave a service for various Buddhas of 10 directions.



 「 地球上からはきっと沢山の人が極楽世界へと生まれたでありましょうが、何故彼等の親戚は見る事ができないのですか? 」


 「 地球上では、妄業によって多くは覆われていて、沢山のモノは見る事ができません。もし、一心に念仏を唱え、妄想が無くなり、心が虚空の如くなれば地球の人でも極楽世界を見る事ができます。」

When it is time for sermon, all the Bodhisattvas of hundred million sit down on the lotus flower properly or sit down on the seven huge woods on a tower for treasure tower on a lofty building, and hear A Mi Tuo Buddha's preaching voice directry.

I asked A Mi Tuo Buddha.

Even if "many people were surely born to the world of western paradise from the face of the Earth, why can their relative not see it?"

The Goddess of mercy was told. On "the earth, it is covered a lot by absurd karma, and I cannot look at many things, and sing a prayer to Buddha earnestly, and a delusion disappears, and even a person of the earth can see the world of western paradise if a heart becomes like the thin air."


 「 では、どの様に念仏を唱えるのが最もいいですか? どの様に唱えれば最も速く修行を修める事ができるのですか?」


「  禅浄双修をする事が必要です。


I ask about a plane and ask the Goddess of mercy for teaching,I asked for disclosure.
"I could master ascetic practices fastest and if I advocated it how how it was the best to advocate a prayer to Buddha" or was said to the Goddess of mercy.

I who "it was necessary to do Zen meditations which are practiced with each other, and sang a prayer to Buddha earnestly, and chant Buddhist scriptures and practice Zen meditations.

This is called Clear land Zen."


 「 浄土禅とは、どの様にして修めるべきものなのか指示して頂けませんか?」


「  まず、二つの班に分かれて念仏を唱えます。

 ( これは西方浄土の衆生の修行方法です。)甲班が阿弥陀佛を両句唱えている時には、乙班は黙って聞いている。







I asked the Goddess of mercy for disclosure immediately.

"Would you tell how the Clear land Zen is the thing which you should master?"

The Goddess of mercy nods,You disclosed it in this way.

"At first it is not painful, and the prayer to Buddha will not break off when the second group hears it in silence, and both phrases advocate A Mi Tuo Buddha successively a second group when I am divided into two groups and advocate a prayer to Buddha, and both phrases advocate A Mi Tuo Buddha a former group if the former group hears it in silence and trains myself in this way.

 The ear becomes the mystery most, and a prayer to Buddha will not break off in the ear naturally. I become able to sing even a heart at the same time,A heart and a mouth become one.

 Buddhist nature appears naturally.

It is decided if I become quiet and will bring about wisdom if decided. "

( 浄土禅の具体的な修行方法と、阿弥陀佛聖号を唱える時の抑揚とリズムは人間界における唱法(発音)とは違います。興味があるのなら、シンガポールの南海普陀山にお問い合わせ下さい。 寛浄大法師が直々に師範なされたカセットテープがあります。)

( Those concrete method of practice Clear land Zen and intonation and the rhythm are different from chanting method [pronunciation] in the terrestrial world.

Please ask the south seas Putuo mountain in Singapole about details.

They have the cassette tape that Kuan Jing Great Buddhist Priest instructed by himself.)


 「 時間が余りありません。 あなたを阿弥陀佛大塔『蓮華塔』へと連れて行きましょう。」


( 見た所、少なくとも数万層はありました。)

 The Goddess of mercy was told successively.

"We have not enough time. Let's take you to the A Mi Tuo Buddha grand tower "lotus flower tower".

A spire passed by a body when I passed some lofty buildings

"again, and extremely grand huge tower appeared in front in a few minutes.

I did not know it on earth how many layers there were by the height that was about the same as Chinese Mt. Kun Lun .

(there were place that I looked at, at least tens of thousands of levels.)

「 蓮華塔 」は何角形あるのか分かりません。塔の全体は透明状で、一万もの金の光を放ち、中では南無阿弥陀佛を唱える声がかすかに伝わってきました。


 の「 蓮華塔 」は上品中生に生まれた何千何万の人々がそこで遊ぶ為にわざわざ造られたものです。



"The lotus flower tower" does not know what square shape there is. The whole of the tower emits light of the money of 10,000 with a transparence form,A voice to advocate Na Mo ( prostrate ) to the A Mi Tuo Buddha came subtly inside.

I heard the second phrase that the first haiku seemed to call for help for the sorrow as for two phrases in front clearly for a kind feeling.

Because people of several thousand tens of thousands of born raw in the of superior grade played there, this "lotus flower tower" was made expressly.

This tower is very big and has no way of describing it.

It is not the human thing which I can imagine.

It is quite size like the earth of several thousand tens of thousands of.

Therefore as for the height again,It is not the human thing which I can imagine.





In the tower, there are various palaces, and there are various colors and transparence takes all and emits light.

When raw all creatures in the of superior grade come here, I go through the wall freely and can go in and out, and there is no obstruction.

I only change the will of the heart to go to the top to go below and can go to the place where I want to go to in no time.





 我々は「 華蔵展覧館 」に入り、身体はエレベーターに乗った様で、一層一層と、層を越えて上がって行きました。

It may be said that the necessary thing keeps in anything in the tower.

I can look at all all creatures of all sinter storehouse world and all scenes and Jodo of tens of billions of various incarnations of the Buddha in this.

The admirable scene of the inside cannot describe a one-10,000th with a writing brush and the sumi.

As for the raw all creatures in the of superior grade, this is instant again if I want to go to these Buddhist Heaven.

We entered "the sinter storehouse exhibit building", and the body seemed to get on the elevator and went up it still still more across a layer.




I saw that it was all transparent, and many people in each layer advocated a prayer to Buddha.

In men about 30 years old, I make all up with different clothes every layer and am the color of approximately 20 several kinds,The woman saw nobody.

The overall man sat down on a lotus flower stand and advocated a prayer to Buddha.


 「 ここにおいては修行は6時間で、修行は2時間ごとに分けられています。念仏2時間、静止2時間、休憩2時間、今は念仏の時間です。」







The Goddess of mercy told.

In "six hours, the ascetic practices are distributed every two hours, and the ascetic practices are time of the prayers to Buddha now in here for break two hours for standstill two hours for prayer to Buddha two hours."

We entered one central layer by the end of going.

They are divided into row, both sides every one line and, by stability, the left group and the right group, leave with an aspect and hear a pound with a bell and a wooden fish, but a bell and the wooden fish are not seen.

The cushion which they sat down on was very beautiful.

It was, and God of War was instructed in the center.

A certain person advocated prayers to Buddha well and beamed on the head.

It was, and innumerable Buddha was states same as A Mi Tuo Buddha in the light.




 塔の中には各種の珠燈、ガラス燈などが皆、光を発していました。 ある円球燈は自動的に様々な色を発する事もできました。



It was in the light hundreds of millions of Buddha. It was in light on the head of the central God of Buddha.

A bird of the having many kinds flew and flew on on a spire or a large bower, and sang a prayer to Buddha together, and confusion was not seen at all.

Everybody beamed various ball lights, a glass light in the tower.

A certain sphere light was able to give off various colors automatically.

I cannot tell all about this border and am the thing as there is no help for it of the description after all.

Everybody gathers here to hold a service for various Buddhas of 10 directions and can see all of the sinter storehouse world, and both all all creatures and all Buddha and saints project tens of billions of and the Buddhist Heaven that there is in front one by one.

 九、 阿弥陀佛のご開示



9, The disclosure of A Mi Tuo Buddha

After having finished visiting nine articles of lotus flowers, we go again in front of A Mi Tuo Buddha,I kneeled in front of A Mi Tuo Buddha and saw three and asked to show disclosure with true heart carefully.

One haiku was modest and gave me disclosure from a mouth of the money of A Mi Tuo Buddha in a few minutes.

 「 衆生の佛性は、皆平等である。 意識がさかさまになり、幻を真実とみなすと、因果の報いにより、六道において生死を繰り返し、輪廻が絶える事なく、苦しみは万千にもなります。


 十念を下し、極楽世界に生まれ変わる事を決意しなさい。 」

"It is, and suffering puts up 48 wish to ten thousand 1,000 without Buddhist nature of all creatures repeating life and death by a reward of cause and effect in six kinds of the worlds to come for the people when everybody is equal, and it is upside down, and consciousness considers an illusion to be the truth, and samsara dying out and I promise that I save any people regardless of age or sex and perform all creatures with sincerity wish,Thing, this to become absorbedly are things called Clear land Zen.

You give chanting ten times, and make up your mind to be reborn in the Land of Happiness world. "



 「 あなたは娑婆世界と縁があります。 何世代にも亘る父母、兄弟、姉妹、親友を救う必要があります。 戒律を師とし、浄土禅と禅浄双修を教える必要があるのです。 」

I performed worship again and hoped that I gave you disclosure following A Mi Tuo Buddha.

A Mi Tuo Buddha gave you disclosure.

" It is necessary for you to save parents, brothers, sisters, the close friend who there are this world and relationship, and last for several generations, and do religious precepts with a teacher, and is that it is necessary to tell Clean land Zen and Zen meditations which are practiced with each other."

 「 各宗教界、儒教、道教、仏教(十宗釈迦佛法をも含む) 、キリスト教、イスラム教などは団結する必要があります。

 各宗教はお互いに助け合い、励まし合い、お互いに非難しあってはなりません。 私が正しくてあなたは邪であるだとか、私が道理であってあなたは悪魔であるだとか、私は高くあなたは低いであるとか、私が尊くあなたは卑しい、など片面の欠点をあげつらい、非難が止まず、お互いの道門を滅ぼす、全く断じてあってはならない事です!

 佛門は広く大きく、八万四千法門それぞれが真理なのです。 修行を修めば、邪も正に帰す事ができ、魔も正道に変る事ができ、小さきものも大きなものに向っていく事ができるのです。

 必ずお互いに助けあい、愛し合わなければならず、邪を糾し、正を助ける。 それでこそ仏陀の慧命正宗( 智慧と命を正しく受け継ぐ)というものなのです。」

"Each religions, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism (I include 10 Buddhist dharma) and Islam need to unite.

 Each religions must helps each other and encourage each other and should not criticize each other.

 I am right or you are evil I are reason, and you destroy each other's way gates without your being low, or my being holy, and your being vulgar, and devil であるだとか, my finding fault with a fault of one side highly, and criticism stopping; is that must not be concluded at all!

 The gate of Buddhism is big widely, and each 84,000 Buddhism is truth.

 I can put the blame of ascetic practices on 修 めば, wicked も plus, and the devil can turn into the right track, and the small thing can go to the big thing.

 I help each other by all means and must love and ask about wicked を and help plus. It is what's called 慧命正宗 (I inherit wisdom and a life definitely) of Buddha indeed. "

 しばらく停止して阿弥陀佛は一言発されました。 「 よろしい。あなたは帰りなさい。 」


 道の途中では、あるきながら足元の2台の蓮華が以前の如く飛び、「 南天門 」を見ずして、すぐに「 中天羅漢楼閣 」に戻り着き、私が呪文を唱えるのを止めると足元の蓮華は消え、再び子供が清水を一杯持ってきてくれて、私はそれを飲み干しました。

 知客僧は私を部屋の中で休ませ、私は自分がすぐにこんこんと深く眠りに落ちていくのを感じました。( 憶えているのみです。)

 I stopped for a while and, in A Mi Tuo Buddha , was issued a word. "It is all right, and you return. "

 I worshiped it and thanked you and I worshiped it and thanked you and I worshiped it again and thanked you!

 Without the lotus flower of two of the step flying like the past while walking in the middle of the way, and seeing "the nandin gate"; came back to "the middle of the sky Luo Han lofty building" immediately, and arrived, and the lotus flower of the step disappeared when stopped that I advocated an incantation, and a child brought one cup of spring water again, and I drank it up.

 The intellect itinerant monk let me take a rest in a room, and I felt what fell so that oneself slept deeply thick and fast immediately. (I remember it.)

 十、 人間界に帰る ー 九仙山弥勒洞 -


 思い起こしてみると、極楽世界にはおよそ一昼一夜( およそ二十時間程度 ) 旅をしていた様に感じられました。





 10, Going back to the terrestrial world ー Mi Luo Cave of Mt. Jiu Xian -

When I was waking up, the temple, the mausoleum and the palace where a bodhisattva, a celestial being and grand and great money beam were missing already.

I felt that I had traveled approximately only a day and night ( approximately twenty hours) in the heavenly world when I recollect them.

All the travel of the heavenly worlds was branding in my memory as if in front of my eyes.

That time and around me were to the extent a finger wasn't seen even if it seemed utterly dark and a hand was increased.

I noticed myself meditating on one stone in the cave and sitting down.

It was done for a while, and alpenglow came out in heaven, and my spirit was being recovered in the ordinary state gradually.










《 完 》

I did 2-3 day worship in the cave.

Even if I jumped even if I cried, even if I cried, there was also one of no news.

I climbed down a mountain one step, walked about twenty ri and arrived at Akamizu district one step.

People came and went merrily and asked the person who takes the way there.

I have been astounded instinctively.

Time was April 8, 1974 already, and when I got the number eminently, surprisingly, 6 years and about 5 months had passed since I left the human world!

It's a living thing that a Buddha wavers in a bodhisattva.

There is in in buppou and I'm making an effort in order to rescue the living thing who just inherited a will of the late teacher empty cloud old chief bonze, spread a law and had a relation.

They make everything spread with this act of charity, and we and a living thing are wishing that dead Narumichi isn't made everyone all.

<< Concluded >>