七、 中品蓮華 ( 凡聖共居処所 )
7, Middle lotus flower ( ordinary Saint codwelling place )
When we left the vulgarity lotus flower pond, it chanted an incantation like the past, and the body flew up as having boarded an airplane, and it was seen that the innumerable lofty buildings, spires which shined passed in front of us.
I felt that one's body gradually grew big suddenly then.
It is said why is; in the average when is a raw lotus flower pond, which size is as big as one of Chinese state, approximately 700-800 distance in the big thing of the lotus flower, and there are only 180 villages from our Singapore to be just to Kuala Lumpur.
In other words, I quite lead to it by the central part of Thailand when it is approximately seven or eight a hundred miles.
A lotus flower is a so huge thing, and size of the bodies of the people born here is reasonable size.
I am directly proportional with the increase of the lotus flower.
I n addition, needless to say, this palace house grows big accordingly, too, and all creatures here are accepted.
The Goddess of Mercy said to me.
「 中品中生においては、多数は凡聖が同居していて、様々な人々がいます。
"The life in the average a lot ordinary Saint が and I live together there are various people.priest monk and nun,Farmhouse man and woman deceased man's Buddhist names.
The people born here win more in comparison with the all creatures of the vulgarity lotus flower.
When I was in this world, they trained themselves with a feeling to leave the all parts of the world by nature carefully and, in addition, were engaged in Buddhism business positively.
When I performed mercy, charity to print large-scale engineering works business, temple architecture or a sutra in large quantities, and to advertise French jurisprudence widely, and to protect a good deed offering to a priest, religious precepts closely again and finished a life, I received the guidance of the west Three Great Calligraphers and have been laid in average in the raw lotus flower pond.
But, there is the distinction that is light if deep in their ascetic practices and is divided into the third prize below in the top. "
あ! 中品蓮華池は、下品の蓮華池に比べて、どれ程荘厳で殊勝な事かわかりません。
The Goddess of Mercy took me with him/her immediately in a few minutes after our arriving at the mansion for the nobility, and going and worshiping for various Bodhisattvas, and having worshiped to let you visit a lotus flower pond.
Oh! It is a solemn, admirable thing how long in comparison with a lotus flower pond of the vulgarity or does not know the average lotus flower pond.
All the people sharpen seven treasures and are in love, and the flower pattern of the lotus flower in the pond gives off the light of, besides, various colors in an extremity of elegance and,I can become more attractive each other and it is totally fascinating and fascinates it beautifully, and there are no specifications of the description.
「 何故、ここの全てのものは光を発しているのですか? 何の色なのですか? 何の光を放っているのですか? 私の身体も変化が起こり、彼らと同じになりました。」
As for the lotus flower in the pond, a petal is laudable, and many layers know particularly strange one, and there are the bower level and a lofty building or a treasure tower every layer and gives off the-colored light of ten many kinds and it is minute and extremely impresses a person beautifully.
The body presents gold crimson tinged with the transparence, and the person living on the lotus flower hits light.
The child and the old man did not find all their clothes at around 20 years old in the same year.
Then,When I had a look at oneself, I did not notice a strange thing when you changed, but he/she agreed with them, and only the Goddess of mercy kept the aspect of the cause cause.
I asked the Goddess of mercy.
"My body had a change what light you gave off why everything here beamed what color it was and agreed with them."
「 これら全ては、阿弥陀佛の佛力のなせる所なのです。
As for the Goddess of mercy, it was answered.
"All these are the places that dharmatic power of A Mi Tuo Buddha can make.
So I reflect anything and can beam.
Because A Mi Tuo Buddha releases the immeasurable light and I am reflected and come to here, I turn into such a state.
Change on your body is the change that dharmatic power of A Mi Tuo Buddha caused in the same thing again, too.
All borders in the lotus flower pond, all the clothes are the same.
All is unified unless there is power of Toru God by oneself and can turn into various aspects. "
又、観世音菩薩は私にこうおっしゃられました。 「 中品蓮華池 」にも、暗淡とした色調の光を発さない楼閣があります。
In addition, the Goddess of Mercy was told in this way by me.
There is the lofty building which does not emit 暗淡 and the light of the color that I did in "the middle lotus flower pond".
However, this is a border of the dreams and phantasms mutability of the delusion of the born person. "
When I talked so, I saw the lofty building which did not emit light in front.
There was a large flower garden in every direction and was in full glory all at once, and I competed, and a bird danced elegance, beauty on one of a tree, and I sang a song, and such scene was a state same as the luxurious residence which was rich and noble in the terrestrial world.
In this one room, three treasures are presented to a large bower,Parents, child and wife, brothers, the pro-genus including sisters gathered in the cathedral and did prayer to Buddha ascetic practices.
「 この一家の人々は、御布施を楽しみ、善を好み、慈悲と喜捨をし、ある者は中品中生の中に生まれましたが、相変わらず恩愛が断ち難く、人間界での事柄を常に思っています。
「 九品蓮華において、一品ごとに下から上へと上がっていきます。下品でよく修行すれば、中品蓮華池の中に移植されます。この情景は、参禅と同じです。初禅の後二禅に、二禅の後三禅に、三禅の後四禅に進むというのと同じ事なのです。」
More than 20 any people regardless of age or sex was the Buddhism believers that everybody was pious.
The Goddess of Mercy was told then by me.
"I enjoyed an offering to a priest, and the people of this home donated good with preference, mercy, and a certain person was born in life in average, but it was hard to cut off benevolence as ever, and I always thought matters in the terrestrial world to be it, and all the living conditions of they family have been reflected here there. "
The Goddess of Mercy was told.
"I go from the bottom on the top every one article and am vulgar and, in nine articles of lotus flowers, am well a thing same as what is transplanted in an average lotus flower pond, and this scene is the same as practice Zen meditations, and advance to four Zen after three Zen in three Zen after two Zen in two Zen after the first Zen if I train myself.
「 今日は、大勢至菩薩と常精進菩薩が、法華経について講和をなされます。 あなたは聞いていきますか?」
I heard that a bell sounded in the thin air suddenly, and this lofty building became non-existent.
Everybody has turned into a young man of around 20 years old. With a copper-colored body tinged with the transparence, the clothes are all the completely same,The number of people increased steadily and could not count it and has become one enormous meeting places.
The Goddess of mercy was told.
"You make peace with, and, large Bodhisattva of wisdom and the diligence Bodhisattva that it is usual, do you hear a Lotus Sutra today?"
「 私は妙法蓮華経を最も好んで読んでいます。一緒に聞きにいってもらえませんか?」
I answered.
While "will it be said that I read a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law most willingly and hear it together?"
and talks, we leave for the scheme level of the meeting place, and every direction is covered with a net on the scheme level,Like a red ball, the light of 1,100 kinds emitted it to every direction, and seven lines of big tree was put on both underarms and rose in the sky, and there was a bower level lofty building in the tree and the Bodhisattva that there was many it concentrated on the top surface and heard a sutra.
It was solemn at all without the scheme stand being comprised of Shippo gold and silver, and knowing how high it was.
After the Goddess of mercy lets a stand go up with me, and I worshiped the Bodhisattva of two ways, they let me sit down on an outside seat, and Bodhisattva of wisdom is sponsorship in the president level very much; was done.
Then,Smoke of the incense rose in a spiral and smelled very clean, and wavering and beautiful sky comfort began to be played on the sky and while innumerable beautiful birds called in music in total, they danced and flew.
After having worshiped, large Bodhisattva of wisdom stood up, and everybody declared a start of the lecture society.
After the diligence Bodhisattva that it was the way it goes going on the Buddhist priest seat successively, and having worshiped towards everybody, it was said successively.
「 妙法蓮華経は、華蔵世界の諸仏の根源であって、成仏の根本であり、成仏を望む者は、必ずこの経典を学ばねばなりません。
妙法蓮華経とは無量の宝であるというテーマでした。 今日は第二節で妙法蓮華経の作用とは・・・」
"The person who the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law is the root of various incarnations of the Buddha of the sinter storehouse world and is the origin of the entering Nirvana, and expects entering Nirvana,You must learn this sacred book by all means.
What is a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law in Section 1 in the last time?
The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law was a theme to be immeasurable treasure.
It was talked with the action of the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law today in Section 2 for ... around one hour.
After having heard a text of a sutra, I had one question in a heart.
It is that it is different from a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law and the phrase of a Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law and the text of a sutra read in the terrestrial world spoken in here.
Therefore I asked the Goddess of mercy for teaching for this question.
「 人間界において読まれている妙法蓮華経は、経文は比較的浅く、ここで話されていうる経文は比較的奥が深いものです。
この様に言う事ができます。 羅漢には菩薩の境界が理解できず、菩薩には佛の境界が理解できないものです。
The Goddess of mercy commented.
As for "the Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law read in the terrestrial world, the text of a sutra is relatively slight, and the text of a sutra which can be talked about here is relatively profound, and but there is difference in the deepness and lightness, but the significance is the same, and it may be said in this way. Luo Han cannot understand the border of the Bodhisattva, and a Bodhisattva cannot understand a border of Buddha.
As for you, a Bodhisattva hears one talked about of the sutra, but I only utter one kind of sound and become the language of 1,100 kinds and,I can hear it as a language of the person asking.
This is the splendid place of the Tuo Luo Ni of languages. "
When the diligence Bodhisattva that it was the way it goes finished a talk, a mysterious strangeness boundary appeared in front.
Many celestial flower treasures were scattered from the best and fell.
With a spherical thing, a triangular thing, various colors, various states.
As well as it, as for 10,000, golden lights poured.
The audience under the stand stretched out a hand, and receipt, I wrapped it in clothes.
Sky comfort begins to sound all at once then,saintly musics did not know where wavering and the sound rose from, but was solemn at all.
Then when the man young man in the innumerable red clothes under the stand shook the body suddenly, they changed completely, and all the members changed to the woman who wore green apparel.
Put on a golden band on the pink skirt, and dance aimlessly all at once; of the match for was pleasure so that there was not it.
They turned into a spherical lotus flower again, and each gave off different beautiful colors and gave off-colored light of each in every direction, and the alone shadow of a person lost the eyesight in a few minutes.
On a lotus flower, the figure which a Bodhisattva sat down on properly again appeared suddenly followed by changed on the innumerable Jinta silver towers and gave off light in every direction, and a description was elegant so that it was difficult, and scenery of every direction changed solemnly.
あたかも空気を突き抜けるのと同じ様でした。 少しも妨げが見られません。
私はとても驚き、観世音菩薩にこれはどの様な現象なのですか? と尋ねました。
When I was able to see God world, the girls who wore hundreds of green clothes in the thin air suddenly fell at speed fast at all all at once from the air and went through a father of the nobility and a wall and a wall.
It was a state same as going through air.
Obstruction is not seen at all.
I am very surprising,What kind of phenomenon is this for the Goddess of mercy?
I asked と.
「 極楽世界は阿弥陀佛の願力によって形成されていて、その性質は物質ではないのです。
信じられないのなら、一度試してご覧なさい! 」
As for the Goddess of mercy, it was answered.
"The world of western paradise is formed by the power of the Original vow of A Mi Tuo Buddha, and the property is not a material, and that is why everybody is transparent, and there is not materialness, and therefore even the hills and rivers can go through even the flower grass tree without obstruction in the bower level freely at all in the treasure tower in the palace at the lofty building. Try it if you can not believe! "
I go according to words of the Goddess of mercy besides the wall around the father of the nobility and,In addition, I went on a large pillar, railing and clashed with each other for trial.
Entered proceed, out, it does not have a completely obstructed again.
But when I touched by hand, but there is the feeling that is similar to the presence of the real thing, I thing that disturbed is not.
These phenomena are, a little similar to the idea to explore the water.
We can sense that there is certainly things and try to put your hands, but you can pass through at will.
Then,Goddes of mercy was kindly allowed to visit and took me to two of the odd boundary.
It is 8 big mountains and Hua Zang World Exhibition Center.
Who was born in the lower class of middle lotus flower are generally obsession is relatively small, also will be home who no obsession.
Their appearance is all, between the sixteenth twenty years old, clothes there is no distinction between men and women the same.
Their actions also in the collective action, and memorial service the hundreds of thousands of Buddha every day.
Bottom of the lotus the layer is relatively large, a variety of color is not emit everyone light, it was a further admirable than vulgarity of lotus.
ここには「 八大景山 」がありまして、八大景とは、我々の八識つまり、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意、那末識、阿頼耶識それらを合わせて八識心田といいます。
阿弥陀佛がこの情景を設立したのは、ここに生まれてきた人に、自分の八識心田を全て「 空 」にするまで修めさせる事が目的だったのです。
第一景山は「 光明景山 」といい、我々の「 眼識 」を代表し、この山の中では、十方世界全てが全て眼によって見る事ができます。
Here is if there are "Eight big mountains",
The Eight big Jing is our eight consciousnesses in other words, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind, Na Mo consciousness and A Rai Ya consciousness mental field of eight consciousnesses to suit them you.
The A Mi Tuo Buddha, which was established this scene is, the person who was born here, I can to let cultivate up to all his mental field of eight consciousnesses "empty" was the purpose.
First mountain is referred to as the "Sight mountain", you of the representative of the "insight", in this mountain, you can all 10 directions world is seen by all eye.
For example, what are sentient beings with a corrupt world the world is such that any and his previous life the past world of the scene.
第二景山は「 声聞景山 」といい、我々の「 耳識 」を代表し、この山に到れば、耳は十方世界の全ての音を全て聞き取る事ができます。
In a previous life of sentient beings pig, the previous raw is a slave, in the house of the previous raw wealth, etc. Raw before that time was emperor and generals, everyone can see one by one , and even I know and even obvious scene of other Buddha soil.
The second mountain referred to as the "Mt.hear the sound", we of the representative of the "Ear consciousness ", if you arrived at this mountain, ear you can hear all of the all of the sound of 10 directions world.
If impassable ear any sound will be like can be distinguished.
B e Buddha is chanting any scriptures, you can hear.
第三景山は「 味芳景山 」といい、我々の「 鼻識 」を代表し、この山の中では十方世界のあらゆる匂いをかぐ事ができます。
匂いが鼻を通ると、その中の「 内容 」を判別する事ができるのです。
第四景山は「 音声景山 」といい、我々の「 舌識 」を代表し、十方世界の口から発せられたどんな音でも、上は佛界から下は地獄の音でも、全て聞き取れる事ができます。
The third mountain referred to as the "smell mountain", we of the representative of the "nose consciousness ", in this mountain you can smell any smell of 10 directions of the world.
When the smell through the nose, you can determine the "content" in it.
If shade the smell of the pregnant woman, the fetus is found to whether a girl or a boy, if shade the smell of metal, whether it is that of whether the iron in the whether is is for or silver gold you can see.
Fourth mountain is referred to as the "voice mountain", we of the representative of the "tongue consciousness", any sound emitted from the mouth of the Jippo world, above even under from Foshan world hell of sound, be audible all I can do it.
第五景山は「 金身景山 」といい、我々の「 身識 」を代表し、この山の中では触覚がとりつき、一切の事物を識別できます。
第六景山は「 意識景山 」といい、我々の「 意識 」を代表し、この山の中では無数の諸佛を見る事ができます。
Fifth mountain is referred to as the "body mountain", you of the representative of the "touching consciousness", tactile in this mountain trims, you can identify any of the things.
All of gold only Jippo countries corrupt world world, Sanjuniso, you can also see how only phase.
Sixth mountain is referred to as the "consciousness mountain", you of the representative of the "consciousness", in this mountain you can see a myriad of various buddhas.
They can be represented in all meaning the practice in all previous life.
Hundreds of his birth and the world, you can project a thousands of the scene in front of the eye.