遭難外国人は米国人作家か/口永良部島新岳 : 南日本新聞エリアニュース屋久島町口永良部島の新岳で4月末、遭難したとみられている外国人男性は、米国・ソルトレークシティーの作家、クレイグ・アントニー・アーノルドさん(41)の可能性が高いことが1日、屋久島署の調べで分かった。県警機動隊員や消防など計40人体制で捜索している。
国際文化会館(東京都港区)によると、アーノルドさんは日米芸術家交換プログラムで3月に来日。活火山をテーマに散文詩を執筆するため、浅間山や桜島、口永良部島を訪問した。 |
Craig Anthony Arnold で検索して出てきました。
BillingsGazette.com :: UW English Department anxious about missing poetArnold has been writing a book about volcanoes and has been traveling to volcanoes around the world. He went missing Sunday while hiking on the volcano on the island of Kuchinoerabu-jima.
Several days of searching involving more than 50 people, dogs and a helicopter still have turned up no sign of Arnold on the small island, according to university spokeswoman Jessica Lowell.
Earlier this week, Arnold's friends and family said they had persuaded Japanese officials not to suspend their search efforts after a few days of looking for him.
Arnold has published two award-winning collections of poetry: "Shells" in 1999, and "Made Flesh," which came out last year.
"We're all terribly worried," said Peter Parolin, head of the English Department. "It's hard to know how to process a situation like this. It's fully unexpected and I think we're all just trying to be as optimistic as possible."
The uncertainty about Arnold comes amid final exams at the university.
"You've got all these daily things that you have to do in your life and in your job to help get students finished - get their theses defended, get ready for graduation," Parolin said.
Arnold's fiancee, Rebecca Lindenberg, set up a Facebook page dedicated to the missing poet. Dozens were sharing their thoughts and information about him on the page, Find Craig Arnold. |
財団法人 国際文化会館 プログラム活動
>クレイグ・アントニー・アーノルド Craig Anthony Arnold (作家)
>クレイグの今回の来日目的は3作目の散文詩「An Exchange of Fire」の取材と執筆にあります。活火山地帯に焦点をあてたこの作品の序章は、ギリシャやシシリアを舞台としていますが、これまでにメキシコやラテンアメリカの国々で集めた素材もまとめて一つの作品にしようと考えています。手法としては、活火山地域に住む人々の個人的な経験に取材し、何度も繰り返される文化的テーマやモチーフを検証していきます。日本では、田舎をめぐり歩き、富士山をはじめとする火山地帯をおとずれ、長崎の雲仙岳も訪ねる予定です。「
jetwit.com - Poet Craig Arnold missing in Japan
Find Craig Arnold
Facebook | Find Craig Arnold
>Anyone who has any questions or thinks they can help should email me directly at the email address below. Thank you so much, all of you.