

今日のトランプツイッターと ホワイトハウスからのメルマガ

2019-11-01 02:05:45 | 政治

“Now is the time for Republicans to stand together and defend the leader of their party against these smears. It would be one thing if there were any indication of an underlying crime, but there is not-not in the transcripts, and not in the secret witness testimony that.....
.....the Dems have selectively leaked. Nor was there any corrupt intent on the part of the President. Remember, the President knew that that call was being heard and documented by many people. Anyone with intent would be a tad more discreet, don’t you think? This farce should....
...never be allowed to roll into a winter showtrial. Indeed, allowing a long, drawn out trial in the Senate would merely validate and perpetuate the fraud begun in the House. The crisis is of the Democrats own making, and it’s up to Republicans to make sure this never happens....
.....to any President, of either party, again. Laura @IngrahamAngle


History Will Not Be Kind to Nancy Pelosi

“One way or another, Nancy Pelosi will go down in history. Let’s hope she doesn’t take America with her,” Michael Goodwin writes in the New York Post.

Speaker Pelosi’s decision to go all in on impeachment “is a historic mistake, one that could tear America apart. Based on the evidence the House has made public, impeaching Trump is a meritless, reckless assault on democracy.”

Goodwin explains that “[Pelosi’s] real problem is that she doesn’t have the goods to justify impeachment under any process. And she won’t, no matter how many witnesses emerge from the bureaucracy to say they were unhappy with the Ukraine call or didn’t agree with Trump’s choices. Policy disagreements and murky arguments won’t lead to a public consensus for removing an elected president.”

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