

Lets switch off computer and take a walk!

2007-11-06 11:42:09 | Weblog

昨日も歩いてきました。ビデオ屋に行ってきました。秋の気配を感じます。坂を下りていきます。花見月の木でしょうか?葉っぱが赤くなっています。 葉っぱも寒くて悲鳴をあげて、赤くなるのでしょうか?(笑)


I took a walk yesterday. I went to Video rental shop on foot I really felt taste of autumn. It might be Hanamizuki. The leaves are getting red. Are leaves crying due to coldness and becoming red ?




I took photo of Hanamizuki in near distance.



I reached intersection. Here are also lots of red leaves. This is my favorite points. There is tree of autum tint. 



There is gingko tree along the main road. However today, I will not take nuts of gingko tree today. When I wash nuts of gingko tree, there is very bad smell. At night, my wife made deep flyed nuts of gingko tree and it was so delicious.(Masarap!)





Needles yo say, it is scenerary of autumn and really splendid! To take a walk like this, is really good for health. Further more best thing is that I need not to spend any money. For pensioner like me, It is strictly prohibited to study english or go to sport jim with paying money.




It was abount one and half hour by round trip. After arrival home, I took afternoon tea with cake with wife. Although all my walking was offset by eating of sweets, it will be OK.


