今日はボスと買い物に出掛けました。そうなんです。月曜の特価日で魚や果物が安いのです。買い物を終えてから、今日は天気もいいので遠回りをして帰りました。昔”月とっても青いからが遠回りして帰りましょ~♯”なんて歌がありましたね。(笑) 秋の終わりで紅葉や落葉が目立ってますね。
Today I went shopping with my boss. Yes! Today is monday special sales day. We can but fish and fruits with discounted price. After shopping we returned home with roundabout way sice it is very good weater today. In the parst, there was a romantic song " Since the moon is blue, lets return to home with roundabout way....". Due to end of autumn red leaves and fallen leaves are getting more remarkable.
I do not feel to explain particularly. Pls have a look following photograph. Pls feel autumn feeling of Japan. I love the autumn of Japan best. I sincerely wish that this secenerary will be kept forever.
所で今朝のテレビで50歳以上の離婚に対し、男性は4%に対し女性は19%が離婚を望んでいるらしい。寂しいことですが、これが現実の様です。(苦笑)。By the way, today's TV program was forcusing the devorce ratio of over 50 years couples. It is said that men wish to devorce at 4% ratio but ladies are 19%. Although it is quite sad for men, this is true.