Yesterday was goo weather and I took a walk in the afternonn. These day, I am walking everyday. It is very nice becasue no need to spend money and goo for health. Autumn tint is getting more remarkable. Maple palnted here is really beautiful
I approached bronze statue, titled " the poetry of gathering", homeless cat was sleeping. It seemed that there might be someone who feed homeless cat. It is old aged lady! If she loves cat so much, she shoul bring cat and feed it in her house.
I walked out its road straightly. Every tree's leaves turned yellow color and I found lots of fallen leaves on the road. It is quite comfortable to walk, stepping on the leaves. It is more pleasant if these leavs are 10,000 money sheet.
I took the photo of the surronding of station from pedestrian overpass. Autumn tint here are also in progress. It is already end of November. It is just in front of December. Cristmas and new year are following. Surronding od station here is quite crowded but if we talk a walk for few minutes, we arrive at hill/forest. Winter is comming just in front of us. I wish to enjoy walking of end of autumn , from now on too.
今日の言葉: 継続は力なりと言いますが、英語でブロウ書くのはちと