one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


台風一過真夏日二日目 chaude

2005-07-29 05:27:40 | sky/weather/season

The heat of the Sun is murderous. The middle-aged woman uses her umbrella.
I have a slight headache in the mornig owing to the heat of yesterday.
A weekly magazine forecasts the highest temperature of the day would be over 40 degrees in Tokyo area. It also tells that high temprature would continue 7 days in this August. If it gets so, I would experience the heat of the Hell.
(@ 西浦和駅 Nishi-urawa station, Saitama prefecture)
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台風一過真夏日初日 ciel blue et chaude

2005-07-29 05:26:41 | sky/weather/season

The typhonn might be running around the northern area of Japan.
We have the first clear sky in this July.
Too hot! Too much! The temperature is over 37 degrees.
(@ 東中野 Higashi-nakano, Nakano ward)
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台風襲来 typhon

2005-07-29 05:25:24 | sky/weather/season

Ordinary people use an umbrella or stand at the place where the rain water would not be reached. A strang young big man keep the position inspite of heavy rain. At this time the typhoon is about to land on the Boso peninsula.
(@ 西浦和駅 Nishi-urawa station, Saitama prefecture)
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冷しサラダラーメン Lahmen froid

2005-07-29 05:24:16 | Foods(食)

Yesterday I was asked what I would have as the lunch.
I replried, wiht having a slight headache, I might have a dish of cold Lahmen.
My friend laughed and said, "Oh, you should be in the begginig of breking down fromthe summer heat."
Sure, the day befor yesterday, I worked as a train-watching gurd under the hard Sun all day long. When I came back home, I could do nothing but to go to bed.
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自転車の陰 chat et velos

2005-07-29 05:22:32 | cats(猫)

Cats like lying among bicycles. Early in the morning people are still in bed, a cat would not be disturbed for a while.
(@ 高円寺南、Koenji-minami, Suginami ward)
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揚羽蝶 machaon

2005-07-29 05:19:04 | birds, fish and others(生物)

When I am in the midst of forcusing, a swallowtail comes to the clematis in a moment. It looks the taste of clematis wouldn't be so good.
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船溜り quai

2005-07-29 05:18:12 | LA

While The King's Harbour is for leisure boats and yachts, this Redond Beach port is for boats with which the owners could earn money.
As for this boat, I never saw it in sailing.
One day a cat took a nap among the plant pots on its foredeck.
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