one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ミニーマウスの味噌汁 miso soupe de Minymouse

2006-03-28 08:33:32 | Foods(食)

Every morning I never fail to have a bowl of miso soupe.
This day, I make a Miny kamaboko miso soupe.
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カツカレー cotelette de porc panee et riz au curry

2006-03-28 08:32:23 | Foods(食)

(I love any dish of pork cutlet and rice with curry sauce.)
I don't recomend the other dish of Sumiyoshi-ken but this one.
If you had a heart truble, you had better not to order this.
The taste of full butter and salt is not for health but great, I say.
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住吉軒 restaurant Sumiyoshi

2006-03-28 08:31:01 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It's a very small chinese restaurant near the Higashinakano station in which more than dozen people can not have a seat. The prices are all cheap and taste not so bad.

(東中野 Higasinakano, Nakano ward)
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新地名の誕生の痕跡 une toponyme

2006-03-28 08:29:51 | what?why?(ん?)

Why the subway station is "Higasinakano" and the railway staton is "Higashi nakano"?

There may be a history. (I believe)
In the Meiji era, there is no word or name of place, "Higasinakano."
When they constructed a railway and stations, a station at the westward from here was named "Nakano" which is a old name of land and had been used for more than a century.
The urbanization of Tokyo progressed and many people became dwelling around here which would be new passengers for the train. So the railway company made a new station named Higashi Nakano( East of Nakano).
And it passed a time long enough to forget the old land name and of the dwellers to think their address is Higasinakano.
After then, people have used Higasinakano and not "Higasi nakano".
Only the Japan Railway company keep to use the old words.

(東中野 Higasinakano, Nakano ward)
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