one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


桃の木 fleur de pecher

2006-03-29 07:20:33 | Plants(植物)

Among the flower trees in Spring, there are three princesses of flowers.
The first princess is of course a cherry flower.
The second princess is a Ume flower.
And this peach is the third princess of Spring flowers.

(@阿佐ヶ谷北、 Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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クリスマスローズ noel de mars

2006-03-29 07:19:23 | Plants(植物)

Though the name is Chirstmas rose, I always take the pricture of this flower in March.

(@ 北青山, Kitaaoyama, Minato ward)
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何故ふくろう? chouette

2006-03-29 07:17:39 | what?why?(ん?)
In and around the Ikebukuro station, you can easily find lot's of symbols of oul. I can't count up the number of figures of oul or pictures of it.
Ikebukuro is "Ike+fukuro". "Fukuro" could be exagerated to "Fukurouf(= oul)."
So they start to use an oul as a symbol of Ikebukuro.

(@池袋駅  Ikebukuro station, Ikebukuro ward)
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逃げ水1 mirage

2006-03-29 07:16:22 | LA

Near a power plant beside the Redondo beach, I always watch a mirage on the road.
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