one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Samedi 5 septembre 2009;la poste d'incendie

2009-09-06 20:08:37 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I take a half-day course of advance life saving at the Kojimachi fire station.
The limit of the qualification is three years. The two important techniques are CPR( cardio pulmonary resuscitation) and using AED. As for CPR, the number of pushing breast bone massage is changed from sixty times a minutes to one hundred times a minutes. So the process of CPR is this: firstly two times artificial respiration and then thirty times of pushing breast bone. And repeating this two times should be finished in two minutes. This two minutes procedure must be at least repeated five times until the ambulance arrives.
I manage to get a new certification. I have a hard afternoon.

(麹町消防署、麹町一丁目、Kojimachi, Chiyoda ward)
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隅田川岸辺 digue

2009-09-06 20:07:08 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On the surface of the river protecting embankment, they draw pictures. Above those, a route of free way are along the river.

(蔵前橋両国橋間、隅田川、Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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山王の猫二匹目 Il fait sombre

2009-09-06 20:06:26 | cats(猫)

Though the sky is very light, the light of ground makes it difficut to take pictures of small creatures. I hope the cat would not move there. The speed of their moving head is so fast as to be unable to take them still in the picture.
Thus I have hundreds of pictures of blur head cats.

(山王二丁目、Sanno, Oota ward)
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電車ドア開きません signal d'arreter

2009-09-06 20:05:28 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

When I arrive at the platform of the Oomori station, the train stops with the doors closed. They says ; when this train was about to start, the stop signal occurred. It was five minutes ago. The restarting time is unknown.

So many take out their mobile phones to call on their people to talk with happiness that they can't ride on the train which stops in front of them.

(大森駅、Oomori station, Oota ward)
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ソースをどうぞ tros grande

2009-09-06 20:01:47 | what?why?(ん?)

Madame, the source is too much, isn't it?

(光陽軒、阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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ショウウインドウ magasin de vetement

2009-09-06 20:00:43 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Asagaya is not a Ginza or a Harajuku. Asagaya is Asagaya.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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