one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Samedi 19 Septembre 2009: poisson d'automn

2009-09-19 21:59:04 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

A fish of September is this Pacific saury. This fish is written in Chinese letter 秋刀魚 pronounced Sa-n-Ma. 秋(= fall)刀(= sward) 魚(= fish). This summer we have had large catches and the price of a fish is down one hundred yen.

(とん太、阿佐谷南三丁目、Asagayaminami, Sugiami ward)
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遊歩道 promenade

2009-09-19 21:58:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

There are few walkers on the promenade of the bank of Sumida during the day time of week day.

(水上バス、隅田川、Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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車体の下 sous le train

2009-09-19 21:57:15 | site(現場スナップ)

Grasshoppers fly through beyond the train sometimes. Cats know the dangerous passing under the train well. If it stops for a few hours, cats never walk into under the train. I also keep a distance of 1000mm at least from the train to take this picture.

(蒲田電車区、新蒲田一丁目、 Shinkamata, Oota ward)
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珈琲ゼリー gelee du cafe

2009-09-19 21:56:34 | cake(ケーキ)

A glass of coffee jelly is not a desert, but also a lunch as I have lots of things to do this lunch time.

(珈琲館、西蒲田八丁目、Nishikamata, Oota ward)
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ピアの上の愛車 mon velo

2009-09-19 21:55:46 | LA

I can see sea water through the spaces of boards of the pier.
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