one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


春菊天そば les nouilleux avec tempura

2015-05-10 15:57:20 | Foods(食)
The noodle with garland chrysanthemum leaves is one of my favorite foods. But I've rarely found the dish in the menus of many soba-noodle stands. I don't know the reason why they've erased the name in their menu. I've missed it.
But I've just found it in a noodle stand in Takadanobaba. Happy thing is it that it's very good!

(I wouldn't tell to anyone the name of the noodle stand. Lolol)
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One can see this menu (Cakeater)
2015-06-13 10:14:05
at all stands restaurants all through the year. The prices are now between 390 yen and 450 yen.
My favorite menu in noodle stand are the noodle with korokke(=japanese style croquette), with tikuwa(tube-shaped fish cake)tenpura and with this chrysanthemum leaves tenpura.
Unknown (Lucian)
2015-05-21 21:00:26
Is it season limitation menu and the price 480 yen?

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