one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#148 Dictionaires (英語とフランス語の辞書)

2004-11-06 19:32:50 | book(本)

At the Maruzen bookstore I bought a Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus and Le Robert Micro.

When I write comments of this blog, I want new dictionaries.
Since my early days of the language learning I have been using English-English dictionaries or French-French dicitonaries. As long as I read mysteries, there is no need of English-Japanese dictionary or French-Japanese dictionary. 15 years ago, I started working in a fittings and hardwares company, I had to find japanese words for business documents.
Since then I have been using English-Japanese dicitionraies and even for writing I have started checking the usages of English words with English-Japanese dictionaries.
I had to find japanese words which my collegues and clients could understand.

This August I started this blog and I decided to write titles in french and to make comments in English.
When I make English comments with only English-Japanese dictionaries, I feel my sentences have something strange. I can not explain this strangeness well.
I pulled English-English dictionaries from my bookshelf and begin to reference them.
The strangeness is vanished.
But then I felt these old dctionaries' definitions a sort of "out-of-date".
I want to get new one.
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