one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#149 Embouteillage(渋滞甲州街道)

2004-11-06 19:37:01 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Imagine you should go from Hatsudai(初台) to Asagaya (阿佐ヶ谷).
What transportation sytem would you choose?
There are two ways.
The one is this: You would take a Keio Line (京王線)train for Shinjuku(新宿)and change JR Chuoh line (中央線)train for Asagaya. It would take about 40 minutes. The ticket prices is 280 yens.
The other is : You would take a bus for Asagaya station(阿佐ヶ谷駅).
It would take more than 40 minutes. The fare is 200 yens.
I think you should surely take a bus. This evening I did so.
The bus runs along the Koshu boulvard (甲州街道)and turns right into the Kannana street(環七通り)and turn left to the Oume boulvard(青梅街道).
This evening the Koshu boulvard was deadly jammed. The Kannana was the same.
When the bus reached near to the Oume boulvard, 50 minutes had already passed.
When I got off the bus at Asagya, one hour and 15 minutes had passed.
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2004-11-07 15:26:45



Harrison Ford is the first love of my life.I was knocked out by Han-Solo when I was 5!
Discover line (cakeater)
2004-11-07 21:34:48
Taking Asagaya-Shibuya bus system is plenty of discovery.

But always it comes too late.

The system scarecely runs on time.

When I wait the bus at bus stop on Yamate street(山手通り), I have to see off busses

for Nakano. The three of four bus is for Nakano. I often get bored to wait bus and

start to walk to near station.

There is few male who could be compared with Harrison Ford in film. I couldn't say, "You were lucky" or " You were unlucky".

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