This sweet pancakes with curry sauce is not so bad. I think the Japanese pickles is very good with this one. The curry sauce is genuine curry sauce.
(竹隆庵岡埜神田店、神田須田町,Kandasudacho, Chiyoda ward)
This sweet pancakes with curry sauce is not so bad. I think the Japanese pickles is very good with this one. The curry sauce is genuine curry sauce.
(竹隆庵岡埜神田店、神田須田町,Kandasudacho, Chiyoda ward)
This hukujinzuke pickles is the same condition as those in the pot on the table or counter of the curry shop. So I stopped to warm it again with microwave.
susutena san,
I recommend this to you. It is very good for the breakfast with a bawl or cup of miso soupe.