one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


I may be able to return here.

2014-11-01 05:15:44 | Aujoud'hui(日録)
Please give me more days.
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Good Sunday morning, Irma. (Cakeater)
2014-11-30 12:18:59
In June I removed to Amanuma (the next town of Asagaya, and I can walk to the Ogikubo railroad station with 7minutes. )
So I am now a visitor to Asagaya , too, like you. lol.
Each two months I go to Asagaya to visit the Kawakita hospital owing to my high heart pressure. I miss it, but in the Ogikubo area there are lots of fun and interesting things.
Unknown (irma)
2014-11-21 04:51:15
i'm so glad you're back! it's only november but it already feels like deep winter in chicago. i wish we could have been in asagaya for the festival again this year. happy belated birthday!
The hard and exhausted days (Cakeater)
2014-11-01 21:29:44
I've annoyed with a trouble of login to the Goo blog for these two months. When I tried to login, it requested me to enter the ID and the password. If I did the right ID and password, it asked me for the ID and password again and again.
The trouble has been caused by the old Opera web browser. I tried it with the Chrome to find no trouble. Then I tried the new Opera without any trouble.
All of troubles look so easy and trifling after the solution. But these trouble days were so so exhausted .

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