one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#155 gateau fraise (苺ケーキLA風)

2004-11-07 21:47:58 | LA

When my boss opened the box for me, I started laughing.
I could say only "Oh, here I am, in U.S.A!"

There are lots of strawberry fields in Los Angels.
Before the second world war, many Japanese Americans owned the strawberry
farm. Almost of the farms were confiscated by U.S. gouvernment in the war.
(At those days Japanese American have no right to vote.)
Japanese American strawberry farmers had to find new job after the war.
So on the face of old people of Japanese American you would find a kind of sorrow when they watch strawberry field on the road which they drive.
But in front of the strawberry cake, they smile happily.
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