one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#199 chrysantheme (菊)

2004-11-26 21:53:45 | Plants(植物)

My mother loved this flower and in the garden she could succeed to make wonderful chrysanthemums in every autumn. But in her time there was no flower like this color. She loved the new thing or matter. So if she saw this, she would grow this one with a great fun and joy.
Chrysatemum always remind me in my ears a french song sang with Juliette Greco with the memory of my mother.
Un chrysanteme...deux chrysanteme...
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#200 le monde vert(緑の世界)

2004-11-26 21:52:30 | LA

I have dreamt this view in so many nights and awoken with missing it.
My ever green memory of L.A. is in this picture.
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#187 Noel 2004-03 arbre(資生堂のツリー)

2004-11-23 21:02:02 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I was looking for a cake shop in vain.
I found a christmas tree in front of the Shiseido.

The two men is discussing about the tree with checking the photography of polaroid. Probably they are the men of ad departement of Shiseido.
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#188 cordes (ロープ)

2004-11-23 21:00:57 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

These are the ropes of window cleaners.
The ropes are dancing with the working movement of four men.

(@ 西新宿 Shinjuku)
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#189 desseur de olivier(白玉金木犀)

2004-11-23 20:59:45 | cake(ケーキ)

In this desert I can smell a night when I was walking and stopped because of the good scent of olive flower. In the bowl, in a sweet water the tiny flowers are sinking and floating.
With a bite of the dumpling, delicious taste crys on my tongue, "Open, Sesame!"

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#190 locomotive de vapeur(蒸気機関車)

2004-11-23 20:58:42 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the westside square of the Shinbasi station(新橋駅)there is a steam locomotive. They call this square The SL Square and use a landmark for meeting.
Shinbashi is the place where the first steam engine started in Japan.
At that time Shinbashi is the first station in Tokyo. The train runs for the Shingawa(品川).
But this engine C11 292 never ran on the rails around Tokyo. This engine ran through all his life in the Chugoku district(中国地方).
There are no explanation why this train is lain here.
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#191 popee de Rika(巨大リカちゃん)

2004-11-23 20:57:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the entrance of the Hakuhinkan(博品館)in Ginza(銀座), there is a big Rika doll.
I am standing in the Shinbashi station of the subway Ginza line these days,
I am often asked the way to the Hakuhinkan with parents with their small daughters.
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#192 Dengaku (生麩の田楽)

2004-11-23 20:54:53 | Foods(食)

I found a small restaurant in Ginza.
I found this dish.
But I can't explain this dish well.
Dengaku is an old Japanese cooking since nineth centuries.
Japanese bakes food on skewer with sauce like miso etc.
The foof is vegitables or cake of sereals. This simple cooking is called Dengaku.(田楽)
The explanation of NamaFu(生麩)is more difficult, alomst immpossible.
It is made of wheat. It consists of grutein(a sort of protein of wheat).
NamaFu is raw wheat grutein.
Can you imagine this cooking, a Dengaku of Namafu?
A baked wheat grutein on skewer.
Frankly saying, I couldn't imagine what it would be.
So I show you the picture of this one.
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#193 Arbres grandes(高木)

2004-11-23 20:53:52 | LA

Roads are wide and trees are high and sky is blue.
This is the first impression of L.A.
In Tokyo there is no room of big trees like this along the roadside.
According with the Japanes Road Traffic Law, a road is only for the use of cars.
Pedestrian is allowed to walk on a road by this law. There are no right of big trees and walkers along the road in Japan.
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#181 Noel 2004-02(サンタクロース)

2004-11-21 19:09:10 | nocategory(雑)

With setting against the red cone and the guard it is easy to understand the bigness of this Santa Claus. I wonder whether he is heavier than Cakeater or not.
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