Dr. 讃井の集中治療のススメ



2011-08-25 16:47:11 | 腹部・栄養
SCCM(Society of Critical Care Medicine: 普通、米国集中治療医学会と私は訳しているのですが、みなさんどうされてますか?)からのアナウンスメント・メールが来ていました。


リスクの小さい予定手術前は2時間前まで、というプラクティスが日本でもようやく広まりつつありますが、さてICUでは? と考えるとみなさんどうされているのでしょうか。以前メーリングリストでも話題になりましたが、盛り上がらなかった記憶があります。





Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a national survey of providers who care for critically ill patients in an ICU setting. We wish to better understand views and practices regarding the current enteric feeding within our nation.

Nil per os (NPO) practice in the United States is based on the 1998 American Society of Anesthesiology practice guidelines for outpatient surgery. These guidelines may not apply to critically ill patients. The purpose of this questionnaire is to interrogate our policies, so as to grasp the many complexities present in practice today better.

Please note that your responses are submitted, collected, and analyzed in a completely anonymous fashion. It will not be possible at any time to link individual responses to a specific person, group, computer, institution, or geographic area. You are under no obligation to take the survey; however, if you do, please answer all the questions. Your completion of this questionnaire will serve as your consent to be in this research study.

For each question, please select one answer that you feel is most accurate. If you close your browser before answering all the questions, your responses may be lost, so we recommend you complete the survey in one sitting. In pilot testing, we determined this will take five to 10 minutes to complete. If you have already responded to this questionnaire, please do not submit your responses a second time.

Click here for the survey or copy and past this link into your browser: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WDNR8S9.



