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多宗教セミナー Q&A

2011-03-06 16:23:31 | KIF EVENT SHOT
 2月5日、国際交流会館で開催されました多宗教セミナー、大変多くのご質問をいただきましたが、時間の関係ですべてに回答ができませんでした。 各宗教のパネリストの方にご回答を下記のとおりいただきました。

1. イスラム教

What are the essential problems that the people in Middle Eastern countries face?

Generally, people in the Middle East and all Muslim start to feel problems when they are away from Islam. More specifically the existence of strange body (Israel) creates many problems because (Israel) is occupying the land of Palestine where Muslim are the majority and Palestine is a very important land for all Muslim, Christian and Jewish.

What is the reason why some Muslims become terrorists and kill people under
the Jihad?

The word terror and Jihad should not come in the same track; they have completely opposite definitions. However, there are no any reason for people to be terrorist either they are Muslim or not. If we really understand the concept of Jihad peace occurs.

Why does Islam make external issue more important?
Also why Muslim pushes the others to believe the Islam thinking and to convert into it?

The priority in Islam is to keep a healthy society either external or internal issues are more important.
That is not true. As I mentioned in my presentation and according to many verses in our holy book (Quran), everyone is free to choose his religion and will be responsible about his choice in the day after. We as Muslim are responsible about guiding people, advising them and praying for them.

Why are Muslim women restricted in their movement and are veiled?

This issue has been discussed a lot. Muslim women are very satisfied with that veil which recognize their identity as Muslim and protect them. More than 90 % of the Muslim women love the veil and love the Islamic rules which give them all their rights. (Please ask the Muslim women) and please always distinguish between the Islamic instructions and the behavior of Muslim. Islamic instructions are great and unique. Muslim behavior could be affected by desires like every human.

Why does Muslim hate Judaism and the Jewish? Although Muslim are considered
as the people to believe the old Testament of Judaism…

We truly believe in the true Judaism and Christianity and all divine religions where same one God has been always worshiped. Muslim people hate the disbelieving as an action against humanity and against normal primitiveness. We naturally hate every action against humanity. Would you please read what Jewish are doing against humanity in Palestine and even in USA. That’s what Muslim hate.

Why do Muslims hate the U.S.A?


Again I would like to say, Muslim people do not hate humans but they hate every action against humanity. Actually they hate the bad action not the people. For example, we do not hate USA but we hate what happened in Hiroshima and Nagazaki. (Don’t you agree?)

What kinds of people live in Mecca?

Mecca is a very old and beautiful city. Prophet Abraham and his ancestors lived in that area since thousands of years. Our prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was born there and received the message of Islam there. Only Muslim people of different nationalities are living there now. According to my visit last year, I found a very kind and generous people in a very spiritual and holy place.

Under globalization, what do you think about the relationship with other customs? For example, Ramadan, praying, etc.

Ramadan, praying, Hajj and all these wonderful actions are very suitable for every time and every place. Believe me; they are very useful under globalization.

Please explain a little about Jihad. (Is there any connection to the religious issue.)
(Can we understand if the Jihad would be made with mental movements of Muslim people?)

Jihad means the struggle. Struggle against desires, against enemies and against mistakes. Many details and explanations are following every term. Similar to any concept in Islam, things should be done following certain rules and restrictions. One should educate himself very well before committing any action. Even if you want to pray you have to educate yourself very well about how to pray. Same for Jihad and so on....

How well do you understand Buddhism?

I can understand Buddhism as a philosophy but many sources are explaining about Buddhism, still it is not so clear for me. I think it is not clear for many Japanese as well.

Does forgiveness have the same meaning in Islam and Christianity?

I think so. With some details.

Is Jihad teachings written in the Qur’an?

Yes it is with many details. We have to understand the real meaning very well.

Do religions develop similarly to civilizations?

I am quite certain that Islam has a very big civilization and able to develop every society. The history is full of examples.

Islam is monotheism. Christianity is divided into many, Catholic Protestant etc. While, Buddhism believe many Gods… So is it too difficult for Muslim to understand Shinto and Buddhism?

It is difficult to understand but the idea of believe in more than one God is against our nature.

What does Muslim think about freedom of religions?

Everyone is free to choose his religion and will be responsible about his choice in the day after. We as Muslim are responsible about guiding people, advising them and praying for them.

I get the impression that when Muslims are martyred, other people are involved in their deed. Why do they choose this solution? What do you think about the violent act of small groups?
Sometimes it is the only solution to pay your life for the sake of a great target for example to protect some kids

(Suppose you are a fire fighter or a police officer). Of course other solutions are very important but who can pay the most expensive thing in this life has the higher rank. Protecting the mankind is the noblest target in this life. Muslim like other people, they are participating in saving the humanity and stopping the enemies even they pay their lives. I wish if the concept of martyr is clearer now.

What is the exact meaning of Jihad?

Jihad means the struggle. Struggle against desires, against enemies and against mistakes. Many details and explanations are following every term. Similar to any concept in Islam, things should be done following certain rules and restrictions. One should educate himself very well before committing any action. Even if you want to pray you have to educate yourself very well about how to pray. Same for Jihad and so on....

Can Muslims be converted to other religions?


If you find the truth can you change it??? Muslim cannot change their religion.
