今日の晩ごはんは台湾料理です。 大好きな台湾へはまだまだ行けそうにありません。せめて台湾の魯肉飯と魯蛋と麺線を作りました。麺線は大椀と小椀です。魯肉飯は魯蛋と一緒に食べなければいけないらしいです。ナスの糠漬けも付けましたがこれは純日本食品です。
今天的晚餐是台灣菜。 我似乎不能去我最喜歡的臺灣。 我至少做了臺灣的肉飯、雞蛋和麵條。 麵條是大碗和小碗。 肉飯應該和魯米一起吃。 我醃制了茄子,這是純日本食品。
Today's supper is Taiwanese food. I don't still seem able to go to Taiwan I like very much. Taiwanese meat rice, boiling egg and rice flour noodles were made at least. Lines of noodles are a big bowl and a small bowl. I seem to boil a meat feed and have to eat with egg. Eggplant vegetables pickled in rice-bran paste were also put with that, but this is pure Japanese food items.