聽說今年黃瓜大豐收。 所以今天早飯的主菜是醃黃瓜。 配角是煎蛋。 將捲心菜、韭菜、蘑菇、油炸豆腐、臺灣豆腐乳等炒後用雞蛋捲起來。
那麼主角黃瓜是鄰居送的,竟然一共32根3kg。 而且還吃了桃子和葡萄。 請看這個醃黃瓜的工序。
It seems that this year there is a great harvest of cucumbers. So the main dish for breakfast today is pickled cucumbers. The side role is an omelette. Cabbage, rhymes, mushrooms, fried chicken, Taiwanese tofu milk, etc. were stir-fried and rolled with eggs. Well, the main character of the cucumber was a gift from a neighbor, and there were 32 and 3 kg in total. We also had peaches and grapes. Please see the process of making this walnut into a pickle.