今天的午餐是山菜蘑菇。 山菜是附近採摘的瓦拉比。 蘑菇是納梅科和伊林吉。 此外,戈博包括胡蘿蔔和雞肉。 還有煎蛋捲、菠菜芝麻和南瓜燉菜。我期待著在中午在家吃這個便當。
Today's box lunch is mushroom steamed rice of wild vegetable. Wild vegetable are the bracken gathered in the neighborhood. Mushrooms are nameko mushroom and eringi mushroom. Additionally burdock There is 、 carrot and chicken. There are also an omelet, spinach vegetables with sesame paste dressing and pumpkin cooked vegetables. It's pleasant to eat this box lunch at a house for lunch.