回答許多追隨者(約一個人)的問題,併發佈高度機密的蔬菜填充技術。 讓我解釋一下我是如何放在這麼小的袋子裡的。 因為它是好的,如果一塊蔬菜可以放在袋子裡,你可以迅速插入袋子,如照片所示。 現在,您可以有尊嚴地通過收銀機。
Vegetables packing will answer a question from everyone of a lot of followers (about one person), and exhibits extraordinary top secret technique. I explain how it was put in such small bag. Because even a part of vegetables should be included in a bag, it should be put in one after another on the bag like a picture. It can pass a register openly and squarely with this.