


2021-04-19 15:22:45 | 日記


我今天在散步時遇到的花和蝴蝶。 這是一個像今天的天空一樣蔚藍的圖裡加內斯·伊森。 我第一次意識到,雖然這是一條幾乎每天都在走的路,但這種美麗的花是盛開的。
下一張照片是蒲公英和阿格天鵝。 天氣越來越暖和了,我幾乎每天都能見面,但今天我停下來吃蒲公英,所以拍了一張好照片。

The flower and the butterfly I met on today's alameda. It's deep blue TSURIGANESUISEN like today's sky. Though it was the way I'm walking most every day, I noticed such beautiful flower being in bloom for the first time. The next picture is a swallowtail in a dandelion. It became warm, so you can come like every day mostly, but today stops at a dandelion, it drew in, so a good picture could be taken.


2021-04-18 19:34:45 | 日記

今日の晩ごはんは台湾料理です。 大好きな台湾へはまだまだ行けそうにありません。せめて台湾の魯肉飯と魯蛋と麺線を作りました。麺線は大椀と小椀です。魯肉飯は魯蛋と一緒に食べなければいけないらしいです。ナスの糠漬けも付けましたがこれは純日本食品です。

今天的晚餐是台灣菜。 我似乎不能去我最喜歡的臺灣。 我至少做了臺灣的肉飯、雞蛋和麵條。 麵條是大碗和小碗。 肉飯應該和魯米一起吃。 我醃制了茄子,這是純日本食品。

Today's supper is Taiwanese food. I don't still seem able to go to Taiwan I like very much. Taiwanese meat rice, boiling egg and rice flour noodles were made at least. Lines of noodles are a big bowl and a small bowl. I seem to boil a meat feed and have to eat with egg. Eggplant vegetables pickled in rice-bran paste were also put with that, but this is pure Japanese food items.


2021-04-18 13:31:55 | 日記


我烤了蓬麵包。 我煮了在附近的步行道上採摘的筷子,用冰凍的筷子。 它包括自製的紅豆餡。

YOMOGIPAN was baked. The mugwort picked on the alameda around here was boiled and the one which could be frozen was used. Homemade bean jam a child has been put in.


2021-04-16 09:26:02 | 日記


是我伽羅蕗了一個生在我花園裡的肉,然後浸泡在水中過夜,然後煮沸。 之後,用醬油、糖和味精煮沸。 如果你把這個放在新鮮煮的白米飯上,你可以在茶杯里吃三杯白米飯。

It's KIYARABUKI. I put it in a night water and removed the bitterness after the butterbur growing naturally in a garden of my home was boiled. This was boiled down with soy sauce, sugar and sweet rice cooking wine after that. This has been just cooked, if I load rice down and eat, it's possible to have three cups of meal in a bowl only with this.


2021-04-15 09:09:06 | 日記


今天的便當是自製的紅薯和鮭魚乾。 煎蛋。 這是春天的捲心菜,蘑菇,胡蘿蔔和牡蠣的炒菜。

Today's box lunches are homemade red salmon and Spanish mackerel dried fish. It's an omelet. Spring cabbage, mushroom, carrot and dried bonito stir-fry.