Now let me pick up the points which express me in this book.
The part of this book talk about ‘Busyness has become equated with productivity, but the opposite is true.
1)It is like a bad relation—you know it is not right but the alternative seems worse.That is fear - fear of unknown.So we come up with lots of seemingly logical reasons why we have no option but to keep doing the things we would not choose to in our ‘ideal’life.
2)The only way we can begin to see more clearly,and see another way,is to give ourselves space.It might only be five minutes before beginning our work day...and yes,every one of us can find five minutes if we want to.
3)Sometimes we use our ‘responsibilites’ as the excuse for sticking with things as they are,when the reality is that it is our fear of failure that holds us back from taking a chance.