Following a story that Monkeypox has arrived in the United States, the criminal Biden regime last week placed an order for millions of doses of a quasi-vaccine that allegedly protects against the virus. Monkeypox, however, has no clinically effective vaccine, and governments in East Africa, where cases occasionally arise, inject family members of confirmed victims with a genetically modified smallpox vaccination.
Four days ahead of the purchase, Deep State dark lord Barack “Hussein” Obama made a clandestine trip to the World Health Organization’s Geneva Headquarters, where he held private discussions with globalist and WHO kingpin Tedros Adhanom, according to military sources who shadowed Obama from his Massachusetts mansion to Boston-Logan International airport. There, Obama and an entourage of 7-10 unknown persons boarded a chartered 777-300 bound for Switzerland.
“We know he touched down in Geneva and we know he arrived at the WHO. I can’t disclose how we know this because it would compromise our ability to gather intelligence. We don’t factually know what Obama and Adhanom talked about, but the White Hats don’t believe it’s a coincidence that his visit predated the Monkeypox vaccine order by a few days at a time when the WHO is once again inciting panic in the population. Obama’s presence there paved the way for Biden’s visit, which is happening right now. It’s our belief that since their Covid scheme failed, they’re in the middle of manufacturing another fake pandemic,” our source said.
Moreover, the military believes Biden is ceding U.S. sovereignty in matters involving pandemic authority to the WHO, a move that would theoretically allow it to dictate pandemic restrictions like lockdowns and mask and vaccination mandates on U.S. soil.
“A few days before leaving for Geneva, Biden sent the WHO extensive amendments without an official statement or a single press conference. The amendments grant the WHO unilateral authority over U.S. health care. Technically, this is an illegal and unenforceable, since Biden himself has no authority. The sheeple of the country would likely abide in the WHO’s decisions, but God-fearing patriots along with the White Hats would not. The Biden cabal and the WHO seem to be of the opinion that pandemics, real or not, can be avoided if the WHO has greater global authority. As Biden now tries to gift the U.S. to the WHO, his boss, Obama, is back home taking trips to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta,” our source said.
A CDC informant privy to talks between Obama and Rochelle Walensky, he added, confirmed the military’s worst suspicions—Obama is still the shot caller. The despicable duo spoke 12 hours on topics that included how to persuade Americans to happily accept new vaccinations for a new disease. Their turpitude soared to new heights, with Walensky opining that preventing the spread of Monkeypox would necessitate PPE beyond masks and latex gloves. She suggested, absurdly, that family members living in the same household of a Monkeypox victim must self-quarantine for 21 days and wander their own home caparisoned in 4 mil plastic sheeting to avoid Monkey Pox spores.
“The Deep State isn’t forging this obliquely; they’re plodding straight ahead, it seems,” our source said.
In closing, we asked our source why the military tail had not arrested Obama while following his caravan to the airport.
“For one, the numbers weren’t on our side. Two, the people who make arrest decisions are above my paygrade.”
オバマとロシェル・ワレンスキーの会談に内通していたCDCの情報提供者は、軍の最悪の疑惑、すなわちオバマが依然として指示者であることを確認したと、彼は付け加えた。 この卑劣な二人は、新しい病気に対する新しい予防接種を喜んで受け入れるようアメリカ人を説得する方法などのテーマで12時間話し合った。ワレンスキーは、サル痘の蔓延を防ぐにはマスクやラテックス手袋以上のPPEが必要だと主張し、彼らの卑劣さは新たな高みに達した。彼女は、猿痘の被害者と同じ世帯に住む家族は、猿痘の胞子を避けるために21日間自己隔離し、4ミルのビニールシートで覆われた自分の家を歩き回らなければならないと、ばかげたことを言い出したのだ。
The White House on Friday launched an extraordinary attack on Voice of America, the U.S.-funded but independent international news outlet, accusing the broadcaster of using taxpayer dollars “to speak for authoritarian regimes.”
The broadside came in the “1600 Daily”newsletter, which one White House official said gets blasted out to approximately 2.5 million subscribers. Friday’s edition of the newsletter laid into the outlet, created in 1942 to deliver news to people abroad — particularly those living under authoritarian rule — asserting that as of late, “VOA too often speaks for America’s adversaries—not its citizens.”
The newsletter, which has no listed author, went on to accuse VOA of amplifying Chinese propaganda related to coronavirus.
Among the White House’s complaints raised Friday: VOA’s comparison of China’s death toll to that of the U.S., where more than 16,000 people have now died of Covid-19.
The Trump administration has cast doubt on the Covid-19 numbers coming out of China, pointing to the lack of transparency and cooperation from Beijing from the earliest days of the outbreak, as well as the Chinese government's history of fudging official statistics.
The White House newsletter also singled out one VOA correspondent in particular for helping to “highlight” the Twitter feed of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif by tagging Zarif’s handle in a tweet -- implying that the reporter, who was then retweeted by VOA’s official account, was unnecessarily drawing its audience to Zarif’s timeline filled with anti-American threats and propaganda.
1/19 人から人への感染リスクは少ない
1/22 緊急事態には当たらない
1/28 WHOは中国政府が迅速で効果的な措置を取ったことに敬意を表する、ここまでの一週間何してた
1/29 中国から外国人を避難させることは勧めない
1/31 渡航や貿易を不必要に妨げる措置をすべきではない
—- 人の行き来を維持し国境を開放し続けるべきだ
—- 中国の尽力がなければ中国国外の死者は更に増えていただろう
—- 中国の対応は感染症対策の新しい基準を作ったともいえる
—- 中国国外の感染者数が少ないことについて中国に感謝しなければいけない
2/01 大流行をコントロールする中国の能力に信任を置いている
2/04 武漢は英雄だ
—- 中国以外の国々は感染者のより良いデータを提供しろ
2/05 740億円の資金をWHOに投資しろ
2/08 致死率は2%ほどだから、必要以上に怖がることはない
2/10 イギリスとフランスはもっと危機感を持て
2/12 特定の地域を連想させる名前を肺炎の名称とするのは良くない
2/13 中国のたぐいまれな努力を賞賛する
2/18 新型ウイルスは致命的ではない
2/24 パンデミックには至っていない
2/27 中国の積極果敢な初期対応が感染拡大を防いだ↓
2/28 「パンデミックの可能性がある」
—- 「すべての国は備えに集中しろ」
—- 「封じ込めらられる可能性は狭まっている」
3/25 「われわれは最初の機会を無駄にした」
3/26 「1か月前か2か月前に対応していなければならなかった」
3/27 「すべての国で積極的な行動がなければ、数百万人が死亡する可能性がある」
4/3 「マスクを使うべきかの指針に変更を加えるべきかどうかを見極める」
4/5 「中国は毎日科学的なデータを発表、提供している」
4/7 「マスクは特効薬でない。パンデミックを止めることはできない」
4/9 「我々は天使ではなく人間。間違うこともある」
—- 「私に対する中傷はすべて台湾から行われてきた。断固として抗議する」
4/10 「致死率はインフルエンザの10倍と推定されこのウイルスの危険だ 」 ←New!
米ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学の集計によると 、日本時間11日午前11時現在で世界全体の死者は10万2000人を超えた。確認された感染者は170万人近く。そのうち37万人以上が回復したと報告されている。
The White House on Friday launched an unusual attack on the congressionally funded Voice of America, the U.S. broadcaster that for decades has provided independent news reporting around the world.
In a broadside directed against VOA's coverage of the pandemic and China on Friday, an official White House publication accused it of using taxpayer money "to speak for authoritarian regimes" because it covered the lifting of the lockdown in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the new coronavirus first emerged. VOA promptly fired back, defending its coverage.
"Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritarian regimes," the White House said in its "1600 Daily" email summary of news and events. It said VOA's roughly $200 million annual budget should be spent on its mission to "tell America's story" and "present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively" to global audiences.
But, citing a VOA report from earlier this week on the lifting of travel restrictions and easing of the lockdown in Wuhan, the White House said that "VOA too often speaks for America's adversaries — not its citizens." It noted that VOA had also recently pointed out comments by Iran's foreign minister critical of the U.S.
Friday's attack followed another barb directed at VOA on Thursday by White House social media director Dan Scavino, who branded VOA a "disgrace" in a tweet.
VOA fired back at both attacks, responding to Scavino on Twitter and defending its coverage as unbiased. It noted that it is required by law to present all sides of an issue.
金曜日のパンデミックと中国のVOAの報道に対して指示されたbroadsideでは、公式のホワイトハウスの出版物は、それが新しいコロナウイルスが最初に現れた武漢の中国の都市のロックダウンの解除をカバーしたので、「権威主義体制のために話すために」納税者のお金を使用することのそれを非難した。 VOAは速やかにその報道を擁護して反撃した。
"アメリカの声は権威主義的な体制のために話すためにあなたのお金を使う" ホワイトハウスはニュースおよびでき事の "1600 の毎日" の電子メールの概要で言った。 それはVOAの約2億ドルの年間予算が「アメリカの物語を伝える」と「世界的な聴衆に米国の政策を明確かつ効果的に提示する」という使命に費やされるべきであると述べた。
しかし、旅行制限の解除と武漢のロックダウンの緩和で今週初めからVOAのレポートを引用して、ホワイトハウスは言った "VOAはあまりにも頻繁にアメリカの敵のために話す - その市民ではない"。 また、VOAは最近、イランの外相が米国に批判的な発言をしたことを指摘している。
金曜日の攻撃は、ホワイトハウスのソーシャルメディアディレクターダンScavinoによって木曜日にVOAに向けられた別のバーブに続いて, VOAをブランド化した "不名誉" ツイートで.
VOAは両方の攻撃に反撃し, ツイッターでScavinoに応答し、偏りのない報道を擁護した. それはそれが問題のすべての側面を提示するために法律によって要求されることを指摘した。