公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


the N-word two times during a hearing 1985年

2022-02-07 08:07:58 | カウンター・グレートリセット





There is a video making the rounds online that shows President Joe Biden, who was then a senator, using the N-word two times during a hearing.

It has been gaining traction online because of a similar compilation video of podcaster Joe Rogan using the N-Word several times on his podcast. But in both cases, the clips lack context, which is important.

The same as the video against Rogan, which carefully cuts any context from what he was saying, so does the video of Biden, Mediaite reported.




1981年12月17日、第20法が採択された直後、ルイジアナ州は、投票権法第5条(42 U.S.C. § 1973c)で要求される事前承認のために、この計画を米国司法長官に提出しました。1982年6月18日、司法長官は公民権部門の責任者であるウィリアム・ブラッドフォード・レイノルズ氏を通じて、この計画に異議を唱えない旨を州に伝えた。



On December 17, 1981, shortly after the adoption of Act 20, the State of Louisiana submitted the plan to the Attorney General of the United States for preclearance as required by § 5 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973c. On June 18, 1982, the Attorney General, through his head of the Civil Rights Section, William Bradford Reynolds, informed the State that he would not object to the plan.

During that hearing on June 5, 1985, Biden pressed the nominee about the case and, in doing so, he quoted a memo in which the word was used.

“As to the Governor, the Court concluded, quote: ‘The Governor’s opposition to the Nunez plan was predicated in significant part on his delineation of a majority black district centered in Orleans Parish,’” he said.


“And in confidential portions of your staff memo, they brought to your attention the allegation that an important legislator in defeating the Nunez plan in the basement said, quote: ‘We already have a n****r mayor; we don’t need another n****r big-shot,’” he said.

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Unknown (yoshikazu0416)
2022-02-07 08:36:29

