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Fake @NBCNews Town Hall Forum

2020-10-16 05:43:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット
I will be doing a major Fake @NBCNews Town Hall Forum, live tonight from Miami, at 8:00 P.M. They asked me to do it in place of the Rigged Steve Scully (he is now suspended from @cspan for lying) Debate. I wonder if they’ll treat me as well as Sleepy Joe? They should! 私は今夜8時からマイアミから生中継で@NBCNewsタウンホールフォーラムの大規模なフェイクを行う予定です。 スリーピージョーと同じように扱ってくれるかな? だろうな。

ニューヨーク(CNNビジネス) NBCがトランプ大統領とのテレビタウンホールを予定していたとき、最優先事項は安全性とトランプ大統領の挑戦者ジョー・バイデンとの対等性だった。10月5日にフロリダ州マイアミで開催されたバイデン氏のタウンホールは無事に終了した。 NBCのトランプ氏に対する計画は、マイアミでの同じ屋外会場、同じ午後8時の時間帯、同じ60分の時間配分という、ほぼ同じものだ。しかし、一つだけ大きな違いがある。 ABCはすでに、同じ夜の同時刻にバイデン氏とのタウンホールを開催することを発表している。だから今NBCは "彼が望んでいるものを正確にトランプを与えている "とある苛立っている上級スタッフの言葉である:大統領とバイデンの間に作られたテレビのライバル。NBCは、そのスケジューリングの決定に対する批判の大合唱を聞いている - リベラル活動家、労働ジャーナリスト、教授、元NBCの幹部、さらにはいくつかの現在のNBCエンターテインメントのスターから。NBCニュースとMSNBC内部の一部のスタッフはまた、いくつかはトランプ陣営とネットワークとの間の共謀にそれを例えて、決定によって動揺している、と情報筋は述べている。 報道部門からは誰もこの動きを公に批判していない。決闘のタウンホールは木曜日の午後8時に東部時間で放送されます, 大統領討論会委員会がもともとトランプとバイデンの間でタウンホール形式の討論会を開催する予定だったのと同じ夜に.今, 代わりに, 二人の男性は、競合するネットワーク上でお互いに過去に話をします.決闘するタウンホールを持つことは、民主主義のために悪いです "元NBC "トゥデイ "ショースターケイティ-コートは水曜日につぶやいた。 "有権者は両方を見ることができるはずで、私は多くがそうなるとは思わない。 人々は彼の予測不可能性を見るのが好きなので、これはトランプ氏にとって良いことでしょう。 これは悪い決断だ。この対立がどのようにして噴出したのか、一歩引いて見てみましょう。タウンホールのビジネステレビ局が競争して、大統領候補者と個別にタウンホールを開催するのは、予備選期間中と総選挙期間中の両方である。 このコンセプトはトランプ氏よりも前からあった。ネットワークはタウンホールの中や周辺でコマーシャルを流しているが、幹部によると、これらのイベントは主に利益や視聴率を重視したものではなく、むしろキャンペーンを取材するというニュース部門の使命の一部であるという。 このサイクルでは、あまり知られていない候補者を招いてのCNNのタウンホールが視聴率を落としたことが何度かあったが、これは好材料ではなく、視聴率を落とした。トランプ氏は常に視聴率のホルンを鳴らしているが、彼も自動的に視聴者を惹きつける存在ではない。 9月中旬に行われたABCのトランプ氏とのタウンホールの平均視聴者数は380万人という控えめなものだった。 (2016年9月にNBCがトランプ氏とヒラリー・クリントン氏とのバック・トゥ・バックイベントを開催した際には、1000万人以上が視聴した)。大統領はまた、5月にフォックスニュースでタウンホールを開催したが、ABCのイベントは、これまでのところ、この秋に彼の唯一のテレビ放映されたタウンホールだった。ABCは、バイデンは同様の招待状を延長されていたと述べたが、まだそれを受け入れていなかった。バイデン, 代わりに, その同じ週の後半にCNNのタウンホールに参加した. その後、バイデンはNBCで10月5日のイベントに参加しました。 両ネットワークは、トランプ氏が同様の招待状を受け入れることを歓迎すると述べた。もちろん、トランプ氏は数年前からCNNとNBCの両方を荒らしてきた--一部のジャーナリストが危険にさらされるほどに--そして両報道機関の親会社を攻撃してきた。それにもかかわらず、ジャーナリスティック・フェアネスの原則からすると、大統領がタウンホールに参加することは、たとえ多くの視聴者を落胆させることになっても、大歓迎である。 もちろん、通常、候補者のタウンホールは直接競合するものではありません。木曜日の夜の競演バイデンへのABCのオファーとトランプへのNBCのオファーの両方は、超党派の討論委員会が--コビド19の安全基準を施行するための圧力の下で--10月8日に、10月15日に予定されていたタウンホール形式の討論会をバーチャルで開催することを発表したときに、大きな意味を持っていました。 当時、大統領はコロナウイルスから回復していた。候補者と質問者は別々の場所にいて、テレビのニュース番組のようにコントロールルームを介して接続されているだろうと、キャンペーンに相談することなく、委員会は言った。それにしても、このようなことをしているとは......。 バイデン陣営は、バイデンはまだ討論会に参加する意思があると述べたが、側近たちはバックアップのオプションを並べた:ABCのタウンホール。討論会の上に討論会が続いた, と翌日討論会委員会は、ABCのタウンホールが前進することを意味し、完全にイベントをスクラップした.ABCとNBCニュースの両方の幹部の目には、中止された討論会は2人の候補者のスケジュールに穴を作り、彼らはそれを埋めることを望んでいました。9日(金)の夜、トランプ陣営のジェイソン・ミラー上級顧問は、トランプ氏が独自のタウンホールを準備していると語った。 "私たちは実際にはバイデンと同じ時間に複数のネットワークに出るつもりだ」とミラーは述べ、「私たちはジョーよりもはるかに大きな視聴者を持つことになるだろう」と付け加えた。NBC の情報源は、マイアミのタウンホールが作品の中にあったことを確認したが、イベントは、彼はもはやウイルスに伝染していないことを証明する大統領に条件付けされました。 New York(CNN Business)When NBC set out to schedule a television town hall with President Trump, the top priorities were safety and parity with Trump's challenger Joe Biden.

The network's Biden town hall went off without a hitch in Miami, Florida on October 5. NBC's plans for Trump are almost identical: The same outdoor venue in Miami, the same 8 p.m. time slot, the same 60-minute allotment of time.

But there is one big difference: ABC already announced it will be holding a town hall with Biden at the same time on the same night.

So now NBC is "giving Trump exactly what he wants," in the words of one exasperated senior staffer: a made-by-TV rivalry between the president and Biden.

NBC is hearing a chorus of criticism for its scheduling decision -- from liberal activistsworking journalistsprofessorsformer NBC executives, and even some current NBC Entertainment stars.

Some staffers inside NBC News and MSNBC are also perturbed by the decision, with some likening it to collusion between the Trump campaign and the network, sources said. No one from the news division has publicly criticized the move.

The dueling town halls will air Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern time, on the same night that the Commission on Presidential Debates was originally scheduled to hold a town hall-style debate between Trump and Biden.

Now, instead, the two men will talk past each other on competing networks.

"Having dueling town halls is bad for democracy," former NBC "Today" show star Katie Couric tweetedWednesday. "Voters should be able to watch both and I don't think many will. This will be good for Trump because people like to watch his unpredictability. This is a bad decision."

Let's take a step way back and see how this conflict erupted.

The town hall business

Television networks compete to hold individual town halls with presidential candidates, both during the primaries and during the general election. This concept pre-dates Trump.

The networks run commercials in and around the town halls, but executives say these events are not primarily profit- or ratings-driven -- rather, they are part of a news division's mission to cover the campaigns. There were several occasions during the primaries this cycle when CNN town halls with lesser-known candidates were ratings drags, not boons.

Trump toots his ratings horn all the time, but he is not an automatic audience magnet either. ABC's town hall with Trump in mid-September averaged a modest 3.8 million viewers. (When NBC held back-to-back events with Trump and Hillary Clinton in September 2016, more than 10 million tuned in.)

The president also held a town hall on Fox News in May, but the ABC event was his only televised town hall so far this fall.

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ABC said Biden had been extended a similar invitation, but had not accepted it yet.

Biden, instead, participated in a town hall on CNN later that same week. Then Biden participated in the October 5 event on NBC. Both networks said Trump was welcome to accept a similar invitation.

Trump, of course, has trashed both CNN and NBC for several years -- to the point that some journalists have been placed in danger -- and has attacked the parent companies of both news organizations.

Nevertheless, tenets of journalistic fairness mean that the president is more than welcome to participate in a town hall, even if that is to the dismay of many viewers. Of course, usually candidate town halls aren't directly competing with one another.

Thursday night competition

ABC's offer to Biden and NBC's offer to Trump both loomed large when the bipartisan debate commission -- under pressure to enforce Covid-19 safety standards -- announced on October 8 that its planned town hall-style debate on October 15 would be held virtually. At the time, the president was recovering from coronavirus.

Without consulting with the campaigns, the commission said that candidates and questioners would be in different locations, and would be connected via a control room, the way television newscasts are.

Trump immediately bristled at the virtual format and said he would not attend the debate. The Biden campaign said Biden was still willing to debate, but aides lined up a backup option: a town hall on ABC.

A debate-over-the-debate ensued, and the next day the debate commission scrapped the event altogether, which meant the ABC town hall would move forward.

In the eyes of both ABC and NBC News executives, the canceled debate created a hole in the schedules of the two candidates, and they wanted to fill it.

On the evening of Friday the 9th, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said Trump had his own town hall in the works: "We're actually going to be on multiple networks at the same time" as Biden, Miller said, adding, "We're gonna have a much bigger audience than Joe."

Sources at NBC confirmed that a Miami town hall was in the works, but the event was conditioned on the president proving that he was no longer contagious with the virus.

Although Miller said Trump's town hall would take place "at the same time," ABC had not yet announced its Biden town hall time slot.

Executives at NBC expected that ABC would schedule Biden at 9 p.m., since ABC's Trump town hall had started at 9, and it seemed logical. NBC's planners were eyeing the 8 p.m. time slot since that's when their Biden event took place.

But ABC announced on Sunday morning that Biden would be on from 8 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday. ABC's reasoning: It was planning on an hour of pre-debate coverage at 8 p.m. that night. So the news division already had blocked off the time.

ABC is also going to run a half hour of analysis after the Biden event from 9:30 until 10 p.m.

NBC News could have decided to move the Trump town hall to 9, 9:30 or 10 p.m., but went with parity to the Biden event instead, which meant an 8 p.m. start time.

One source at the network put some of the blame for the overlap on its rival, ABC, asking why it wouldn't won't move their Biden event from 8 to 9, in line with ABC's previous town hall. 

An ABC News spokeswoman declined to comment. ABC, for what it's worth, did announce its plans several days before NBC did.

When NBC announced its Trump forum on Wednesday, the press release said the "one-hour town hall will follow the same format and will air in the time slot" as Biden's did.

Moving one of the town halls to a different day is not seen as a viable option, given the crowded schedules of the candidates.

Both town halls will also be available on-demand, of course, so voters can watch whenever they want.

That hasn't stopped any of the criticism. 

Aspen Digital executive director Vivian Schiller, formerly the chief digital officer at NBC News, called NBC's decision "shameful" in a The point of a news organization is to serve the public. This is the opposite. @NBCNews could literally run this any other day, or any other time. Shameful. This is a bad result for American voters, who should not be forced to choose which to watch, Mark Lukasiewicz, dean of Hofstra University's communications school, and previously the senior vice president of specials at NBC News. "So much is still going wrong with how TV journalism copes, or still fails to cope, with @realDonaldTrump."The moderator of the NBC town hall will be "Today" show co-host Savannah Guthrie. Along with facilitating audience member questions, Guthrie will have ample time to question Trump, who has mostly steered clear of the national press corps and only appeared on pro-Trump shows since coming down with Covid-19. Kyle Pope, the editor of the Columbia Journalism Review, tweeted that "this is a craven ratings stunt, caving to the Trumpian impulses the network helped hone."Trump's history with NBC, as the star of "The Apprentice," was invoked by many commenters on social media on Wednesday. Some concluded that Trump specifically wanted a head to head ratings matchup with Biden. Now, that's exactly what he is getting.The NBC event will be simulcast on two cable channels, MSNBC and CNBC, and streamed on the internet as well, all but guaranteeing a bigger audience for Trump than for Biden on ABC.

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