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アダム・シフ議員 アダム・キンジンガー共和党議員 

2022-11-11 04:23:00 | 選挙不正

Quid pro quo. The means by which the government controls corporations and corporations control the government.


January 6 committee members claim they have enough evidence for the DOJ to begin investigating a criminal indictment for Trump



January 6 committee members claim they have enough evidence for the DOJ to begin investigating a criminal indictment for Trump

Members of the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot appeared on various Sunday news programs ahead of their second hearing 
'I would like to see the Justice Department investigate any credible allegation of criminal activity on the part of Donald Trump,' Rep. Adam Schiff said
Rep. Jamie Raskin said he doesn't want to 'browbeat' Attorney General Merrick Garland but pointed out the panel has already laid out potential crimes
A third Democrat on the panel, Rep. Elaine Luria, told NBC that the remaining hearings would include a focus on Trump's 'dereliction of duty'
There are 187 minutes between when rioters broke into the Capitol and when Trump called on them to go home
GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the panel, said Trump is 'not mentally capable to be president' if he believes he won 2020 
The committee held its first in a series of six public hearings Thursday night 

Goldberg announced her decision on Monday’s episode of “The View”, saying:

“So has been a little over a week since Elon Musk took over Twitter and the place — it is a mess. ” Whoopi said, before citing a few problems Twitter currently faces. Musk’s Twitter is a work in progress. Indeed, Musk been at the helm for roughly a week. Musk has merited our patience — he is a genius and the world’s richest man after all. He will surely captain Twitter to heights it has never before seen. We are ready to see where he leads the social media giant.

Then Whoopi cited the suspension of Kathy Griffin as part of this alleged “mess.” In actuality, the suspension of the hyper-leftist Griffin was a perfectly justified action. As the DC Enquirer reports, Griffin was impersonating Musk and associating his name with Democrat get-out-to-vote efforts. She violated a clearly defined Twitter policy, one that had been in place for some time



そしてウーピーは、キャシー・グリフィンの活動停止をこの "ゴタゴタ "の一部として挙げた。実際、超左翼のグリフィンの停職処分は完全に正当化される行為であった。DC Enquirerが報じたように、グリフィンはマスクになりすまし、彼の名前を民主党の投票率向上活動に結びつけていたのです。彼女は、明確に定義されたTwitterのポリシーに違反し、それは以前から実施されていたものだった。

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