俗悪の極みから聖に向かう極点の年2021年が 終わろうとしている。俗悪の極みはまだ世界に露見していない。
John Glover Roberts Jr. (born January 27, 1955) is an American lawyer and jurist serving as the 17th chief justice of the United States since 2005. Roberts has authored the majority opinion in several landmark cases, including Shelby County v. Holder, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, King v. Burwell, Department of Commerce v. New York, and Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California. He has been described as having a conservative judicial philosophy but has shown a willingness to work with the Supreme Court's liberal bloc, and since the retirement of Anthony Kennedy in 2018 has come to be regarded as a key swing vote on the Court.[3][4][5] Roberts presided over the first impeachment trial of Donald Trump in early 2020; however, he declined to preside over the second impeachment trial of Trump, who was impeached as president, but whose term had expired by the time of the trial.[6]
Roberts grew up in northwestern Indiana and was educated in Catholic schools. He studied history at Harvard Universityand then attended Harvard Law School, where he was managing editor of the Harvard Law Review. He served as a law clerk for Circuit Judge Henry Friendly and then-associate justice William Rehnquist before taking a position in the attorney general's office during the Reagan administration. He went on to serve the Reagan administration and the George H. W. Bush administration in the Department of Justice and the Office of the White House Counsel, during which he was nominated by George H. W. Bush to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, but no vote on his nomination was held.[7] Roberts then spent 14 years in private law practice. During this time, he argued 39 cases before the Supreme Court.[8] Notably, he represented 19 states in United States v. Microsoft Corp.[9]
Roberts became a federal judge in 2003, when President George W. Bush appointed him to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. During his two-year tenure on the D.C. Circuit, Roberts authored 49 opinions, eliciting two dissents from other judges, and authoring three dissents of his own.[10] In 2005, Bush nominated Roberts to the Supreme Court, initially to be an associate justice to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Chief Justice William Rehnquist died shortly afterward, however, before Roberts's Senate confirmation hearings had begun. Bush then withdrew Roberts's nomination and instead nominated him to become Chief Justice, choosing Samuel Alito to replace O'Connor.
ジョン・グローバー・ロバーツ・ジュニア(1955年1月27日生まれ)は、アメリカの弁護士・法学者であり、2005年より第17代米国最高裁長官を務めている。ロバーツ氏は、シェルビー郡対ホルダー、全米独立事業連盟対セベリウス、キング対バーウェル、商務省対ニューヨーク、国土安全保障省対カリフォルニア大学摂政など、いくつかの画期的な裁判で多数意見を執筆しています。ロバーツ氏は、保守的な司法哲学を持っていると言われていますが、最高裁のリベラル派と協力する姿勢を見せており、2018年にアンソニー・ケネディ氏が引退してからは、裁判所の重要な揺り戻し票とみなされるようになりました[3][4][5]。 ロバーツ氏は、2020年初頭に行われたドナルド・トランプ氏の最初の弾劾裁判の裁判長を務めましたが、大統領として弾劾されたものの、裁判の時点では任期が満了していたトランプ氏の2回目の弾劾裁判の裁判長は辞退しました[6]。
ロバーツは、インディアナ州北西部で育ち、カトリック系の学校で教育を受けました。ハーバード大学で歴史を学んだ後、ハーバード・ロー・スクールに入学し、ハーバード・ロー・レビューのマネージング・エディターを務めました。ヘンリー・フレンドリー巡回判事とウィリアム・レーンキスト判事(当時)のロー・クラークを務めた後、レーガン政権下で司法長官室に勤務した。その後、レーガン政権とジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ政権で司法省とホワイトハウス・カウンセル室に勤務し、その間にジョージ・H・W・ブッシュから連邦巡回控訴裁判所の候補に指名されましたが、投票は行われませんでした[7]。 その後、ロバーツは14年間、個人で弁護士として活動しました。その間、最高裁で39件の訴訟を担当した[8]。 特に、United States v. Microsoft Corp.事件では、19州を代表して訴訟を担当した[9]。
Release Trump’s financial records to House, in accord with Jan. 6 ruling, congressional lawyers urge appeals court
この議論は、コロンビア特別区巡回控訴裁判所の3人の裁判官によるパネルの前で行われ、同裁判所は、トランプ氏の会計事務所であるMazars USAに対する下院監視委員会の召喚状を支持するかどうかを再び検討している。
Another day has ended and it is time for rest.
It was a day for me. One victory with more to come. I am also certain the enemy will attacking me as long as I am doing my best to speak TRUTH and do God’s will. The God-less do not realize that the more they try to take me down, the higher God will life me up.
What is true for me is true for you if you are blessed to be a child of God.
We live in extraordinary times.
How does one approach the challenges of each day in the midst of such turmoil and uncertainty?
Grow your faith stronger.
We must remember that we do not battle flesh and blood. Our world, our nation, and each of us are constantly in THE battle between good and evil - God v. devil. We know the outcome as we know God has already won. God has ALL the power. The enemy has none.
So do your best each say to stand on the rock of ages - God. He knows THE plan because He created it. Trust Him.
Speak TRUTH.
Be Fearless.
Keep Fighting.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸