The events of the past few days will reignite the heated debate about the U.S. banking system that led to the growth of bitcoin in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis. After three banks were shut down due to a combination of management failures and deteriorating market conditions, depositors at two of them got something close to a bailout.
(Not exactly a bailout like in 2008, since (at least directly) no taxpayer money is being used. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which the banks are funded by, chose to classify Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank as "systemic risk."
This controversial classification recalls another key phrase often used in past crises. Too big to fail.
The systemic risk classification means that instead of limited FDIC protection of up to $250,000 per account, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury will protect all deposits. Meanwhile, shareholders of the failed bank would see the value of their holdings reduced to zero. The Treasury Department has stated this as another reason why this measure does not constitute a "bailout".
「大きすぎて潰せない(Too big to fail)」はゲームをリセットするが、出回っている市場のマネーは消せない。この度のよくわからない状況に乗じて