公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


残念な人 大前研一氏

2021-01-27 13:10:00 | 知識を消費するということ
久しぶりに大前研一の文章を読んだが、尊敬する大前研一は活きの下がった魚専門の魚屋に成り果てていた。もはや彼はダボス人でも地球人でもない。ふわふわと古い話題を今更啓蒙するガリレオの亡霊のような正しさ時を射ない虚しさが同居する。今頃一帯一路が独裁者の夢だと言ってる評論家は政治系Youtuber未満の情報家。つい最近自分で「中国を敵視して過度に制裁・排除することは避けるべきだ」と書いたことを後悔しているのだろうか? 20年前はいくらか尊敬していた人物だけに残念。
One Belt, One Road" is the Idea of a Dictator


 The "One Belt, One Road" concept of a wide-area economic zone is also in line with Hitler's imperialist policy of territorial expansion and aggression. President Xi is planning to turn Beijing into the "World Capital" of the 21st century through the "One Belt, One Road" project, while Hitler was also planning to transform Berlin into the "World Capital of Germania. In the past, Napoleon built the Arc de Triomphe and other structures to turn Paris into a city worthy of being the capital of Europe (the world capital at that time), but dictators always dream of becoming the "world capital," and in this sense, I think Xi Jinping and Hitler's ideas overlap greatly. In this sense, I believe that Xi and Hitler's ideology overlap very much. If we look at history "in light of history," as Xi often says, this is the "road we have come down.


 What is instructive here is the Munich Conference of 1938. British Prime Minister Chamberlain met with Hitler, who was about to invade Czechoslovakia, and in order to avoid war, he fully accepted Hitler's demands and ceded the Zdeten region of the Czech Republic to Germany on the condition that no further territorial demands would be made. However, Hitler invaded Poland the following year, and World War II broke out.


 Prime Minister Chamberlain's decision to compromise with Hitler by adopting a policy of appeasement was a mistake, but Japan's response to the Tiananmen Square protests followed in his footsteps. According to diplomatic documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of last year, Prime Minister Muneyuke Uno, who attended the Arush Summit in July 1990, adopted a policy of appeasement by including the phrase "avoid isolation of China" in his condemnation of China in order to avoid a deterioration in relations with China. It is said that he was an advisor to Taiwan's China Airlines at the time.


 At the time, I was rebuilding the management of China Airlines in Taiwan as an advisor, and I urged the company's management team (all of whom were former Air Force generals) to "attack China now and unify" and "if we do that, the whole world will support us," but they did not budge. In the end, the Chinese Communist Party survived the suppression of the democracy movement, leading to the current extremely powerful Xi Jinping regime.


 So how should Japan deal with the haughty Xi Jinping dictatorship from now on?  In this series of articles (New Year's Special), I wrote that "Japan should avoid looking at China as an enemy and excessively sanctioning or eliminating it," but on the other hand, I also think that a policy of appeasement may lead to an invasion of Taiwan. The U.S. and the U.K. have already deployed an aircraft carrier strike group based on the premise of a "Taiwan contingency," and if there is a contingency, the U.S. military will undoubtedly use Okinawa as a base. It is important to learn from the historical analogy of the failure to stop Hitler's invasion on the premise that Japan would have to be directly involved in a Taiwanese contingency.

Kenichi Ohmae was born in 1943. Kenichi Omae was born in 1943. After working as the head of McKinsey & Company's Japan office and as a director at the company's headquarters, he left the company in 1994. Currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Business Breakthrough and President of Business Breakthrough University. His latest book is "Japan's Talking Points 2021-22" (President Inc.). He is also the author of many books, including Shogakukan Shinsho (New Work Power: How to Work Differently in the "Telework Era").


作詞家松井五郎氏(63)のプロデュースで全7曲収録。<1>92年11月発売「風の姿」<2>91年10月発売のデビュー曲「花をください」<3>「プレゼント」は玉置浩二のシングルのカバーで昨年12月にリリース<4>新曲「まわり道」<5>新曲「Yellow data-reader-unique-id="27"><1>「風の姿」は中島みゆき(68)の作詞・作曲。4枚目のシングルのセルフカバーだ。92年の日本テレビ系主演ドラマ「綺麗になりたい」の挿入歌とNTTコードレスルームテレホンのCMソングに起用された。




中島とは92年の初主演映画「奇跡の山 data-reader-unique-id="32">「私の世界を、こういう風に書いてくれたんだと不思議な感じがしました。(中島の)歌の世界をずっと知っていて、お会いしたらすごく気さくな人だった。よくお笑いになる方でした」

<2>「花をください」は飛鳥涼(現ASKA=62)の作詞・作曲。プロデュースの松井氏は81年にCHAGE data-reader-unique-id="34">「まさにデビュー曲。私がCHAGE data-reader-unique-id="35"><3>「プレゼント」は玉置浩二(62)の05年のシングルをカバー。松井氏が作詞で、玉置が作曲。“日本で一番歌がうまい歌手”と言われる玉置の歌のカバーを松井氏が提案、昨年12月に配信シングルとして発売した。



<歌詞>まわり道が一番近い data-reader-unique-id="39">「森さんが初めて他人に提供してくれた曲。私にとって、すごく等身大の曲。私も結構、まわり道ですから(笑い)。なにしろ28年ぶりですから」

<5>「Yellow data-reader-unique-id="41">「マシコさんは私のことを学生時代から応援してくれていて、松井さんに『実は中江さんのファンで』って伝わって、松井さんが依頼しました。詞先でジャズっぽい曲です」









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