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California Fires

2018-11-13 03:49:14 | カウンター・グレートリセット

"I am thinking so deeply for everyone who is suffering today from these abominable fires & grieving the loss of their homes or loved ones," she wrote. "I'm sitting here with many of you wondering if my home will burst into flames. All we can do is pray together & for each other. God Bless You."

Lady Gaga documents being evacuated amid Los Angeles fires

“.@realDonaldTrump I knew this before, but you continue to make it clear you care for no one other than yourself. Mr. President show some compassion for the people of California and set an example of kindness for this country. #BeKind #Kindness #CaliforniaFire,”

"There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor," Trump tweeted early Saturday, threatening to cut off federal funding. He renewed the attacks early Sunday.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio was among those who criticized the president’s tweet.


Hillary Clinton

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the fires in California. People have lost loved ones, pets, and homes, and the fires are still going. If you'd like to help, here are a few organizations that are working locally to support survivors:

Washington (CNN) — Sheeeeeeeee's back!
In an interview with Recode's Kara Swisher released over the weekend, former secretary of state and two-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton left the door wide open to a run for president in 2020.



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